Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1009-W658



Release Date: May 7, 2017



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Protests Against Interpol in Lyon and Calls for Dialogue (Radio France Internationale report)



Original Language Version: Chinese (English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Protests Against Interpol in Lyon and Calls for Dialogue

-- Radio France Internationale


Published time 05-04-2017


Four months after the Chinese Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Hongwei became president of the International Criminal Police Organization (i.e. Interpol), the famous Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng was in Lyon, where the headquarters of the Interpol is.  He held a press conference and gave speeches to protest against some practices of this organization that are in violation of democratic countries, calling on the organization not to cooperate with the Chinese government in dealing with political dissidents.  Before the events started, Wei Jingsheng accepted a phone interview to introduce the purpose of the activities in Lyon:


Wei Jingsheng: "We are not protesting himself (Meng Hongwei), we have a lot of views on the Interpol, so our focus is on the close cooperation between the Interpol and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  We hope Interpol can have some new rules to ensure that they will not help the CCP to track down political dissidents.  We know that historically there were not very glorious activities of the Interpol, and it later adjusted and corrected some of these.  But in recent years its performance has not been very good.  Especially as recently as last year after they elected the Chinese Vice Minister of Public Security as its president we felt that many of their actions were very abnormal and had gone beyond the scope of what a non-governmental organization in a democratic country would do, in particular its cooperation with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party.  They have become a means of suppressing Chinese officials by creating new pressures over these officials and also dissidents suggesting that even if they fled abroad, they could be caught and sent back to China, which has created a terrorist psychology.  In this regard we always have been very concerned.  So, with the help of our French friends to organize these events, we came to Lyon where the headquarters of Interpol is to publicly protest it.  There will be a press conference in the afternoon, then a lecture to the students after class, at the School of Journalism. "


"We have publicly expressed the hope to have a relationship of dialogue with them.  Before the start of these activities, the Chinese Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Interpol have both made some actions which can be characterized as concessions: the Interpol took off most Chinese names on its wanted list, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection deleted its related WebPages called "Skynet Action" from their site.  We think this is a positive attitude, but not a fundamental solution of the problem.  So we hope that we can establish a dialogue mechanism with Interpol."



Original link of this report:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1009-W658



Release Date: May 7, 2017



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Protests Against Interpol in Lyon and Calls for Dialogue (Radio France Internationale report)



Original Language Version: Chinese (English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)









-- 法广

发表时间 05-04-2017 更改时间 05-04-2017 发表时间 16:21


















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