Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1016-O288



Release Date: June 4, 2017



Topic: Washington Candlelight Memorial Service to Commemorate the Victims of June 4 Massacre (Voice of America report)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Washington Candlelight Memorial Service to Commemorate the Victims of June 4 Massacre

June 4, 2017 13:53

-- by Wei Zhi and Yu An, Voice of America



Washington -

This year marks the 28th anniversary of the June 4 Massacre.  There are a series of commemorative events carried out throughout the United States.  On the evening on June 3, a candlelight commemoration was carried out in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington DC by the IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars). In the sparkling candlelight, famous democracy activists and representatives from all walks of life delivered their speeches.


Wei Jingsheng, the chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, said it is significant to hold these commemorations: "We hold this commemorative event every year.  Many people often ask me, what is the significance of doing this?  I think it is very significant and must be continued.  Why?  We are doing this to show the people of the whole world and the people of the whole country.  We are showing that we have not forgotten that day.  So many young people gave up their lives and shed their blood for the progress of China, for freedom and democracy in China.  They were so heroic and so disciplined, which is rare in the whole world."


Xia Yeling, a former professor of Beijing University and Chinese economy scholar who is exiled in the USA, said that it is for more youths to learn about the truth: "Today, we are going to let 1.4 billion Chinese people know more about the truth.  That is because many of the children born after 1980 and 1990 only learned about the June 4 Massacre for the first time after they came to the Western world.  This is sad."


The IFCSS also awarded the "Freedom of Spirit Award" to Xie Wenfei, a Southern Street activist in Guangzhou who is still in jail.  All the speakers called on young people to join the ranks pursuing constitutional democracy and freedom in China.



Original link of this VOA report:



Related VOA photo:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1016-O288



Release Date: June 4, 2017



Topic: Washington Candlelight Memorial Service to Commemorate the Victims of June 4 Massacre (Voice of America report)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









2017年6月4日 13:53

-- 美国之音 魏之,郁安



华盛顿 - 





中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生说,纪念活动意义重大: "我们每年都在这举行这个纪念活动,很多人经常来问我,你们搞这个有什么意义呢?我觉得非常有意义。而且一定要坚持下去。为什么呢?我们做给全世界的老百姓和全国老百姓看。那个日子我们没有忘记。那个日子里那么多热血青年为了中国的进步,为了中国的自由民主,为了所有老百姓世世代代能过上好日子,不惜抛头颅洒热血,那个英勇,那个纪律性,全世界都罕见。"


















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