Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1039-W678



Release Date: August 20, 2017



Topic: At the 56th anniversary of the Building the Berlin Wall, Overseas Scholars Have Hope for the Chinese People (NTDtv)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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[Forbidden News] At the 56th anniversary of the Building the Berlin Wall, Overseas Scholars Have Hope for the Chinese People

-- NTDtv


New York time: 2017-08-14 04:48 PM


On the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Berlin Wall, some high level German government officials offered wreathes to the Berlin Wall Central Memorial and said that history should not be forgotten.  Some overseas Chinese scholars also took this opportunity to express their expectations for the Chinese people and hopes that all sectors can work together to turn off the "Berlin Wall" in China that confine the Chinese people.


According to RFI via German media, Minister of Culture and Media Monika Grütters, Cultural Secretary of the Berlin State Klaus Lederer, and chairman of the Berlin State Council Ralf Wieland, went to the Berlin Wall Central Memorial to lay wreathes on Sunday.  Monica Grütters said that everything related to the Berlin Wall was German history and should not be forgotten.


Berlin Mayor Michael Muller said that the Berlin Wall was a symbol of lack of freedom, dictatorship and contempt for human rights.


Construction on the Berlin Wall began on August 13, 1961 under the leadership of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, and split Berlin for 28 years.


It is estimated that at least five thousand people tried to climb the Wall in an attempt to enter West Berlin.  But from 1960 onwards, the East German border guards began to shoot those who tried to go across the boundary, so many people who tried to climb over the wall were shot.  The official figures claimed that more than a hundred people were shot and killed, but the outside world believes that the real number was much higher.


Of these, the "to raise the gun a centimeter" story is widely circulated.  An East German soldier Ingo Heinrich shot and killed the young Chris Gueffroy who tried to cross the Berlin Wall.  What he did not expect is that he was tried for murder after the Berlin Wall was torn down.  His lawyers argued that the soldiers were only following the command without a choice to choose.  But the judge still pointed out that as a guard, he would be guilty if did not execute what the superior ordered, but he would not be guilty if he did not aim correctly.  The guards had the choice to raise the guns for one centimeter, which was their obligation of conscience that they should have taken the initiative to bear.


Ciping HUANG, the executive director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation based in the USA, said that this story would help the Chinese military officers and soldiers to realize that the military belongs to the nation but not the Communist Party.  It is also the biggest revelation to China at this 56th anniversary of building Berlin Wall.


Ciping HUANG: "The nationalization of the military has even been suggested by some senior officers in the Chinese military.  In 1990 when I went to the former Soviet Union, I asked their military commanders, if the government asked you to slaughter the people, what would you do?  They said that certainly we would not, because we have our brains.  If you ask the current Chinese army, although many people do not dare to speak, but if you quietly ask them or ask the retired soldiers, you realize that they do have a rather strong concept of democracy and freedom.  So if the Communist regime asked them again to kill, I think a lot of people would reflect on, or even turn around their aim against the dictators."


Kang WANG, a Chinese folk scholar, thinks that the history of the Berlin Wall has a strong significance of learning in China.  Now the whole border of China is the Berlin Wall.  It was built in 1949.


Kang WANG: "The most fundamental issue about the value of the Chinese people's life is that the Chinese people have no freedom of speech regarding the choice, the road and the fate of China, not at all.  If there is freedom, then the price for that freedom is the prison."


On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down.  People in East Germany went to the West like a flood.  The East Germany of the socialist camp officially disintegrated.  The people of East Germany walked out of the high wall and greeted their freedom.


Today, high-level officials in the German government continuously remind its citizens not to forget about the injustice in East Germany and the history of the Berlin Wall,.


Ciping HUANG: "We should look at how the Berlin Wall collapsed.  It collapsed after the June 4 suppression in China in 1989.  At that time, the Communist leaders of Eastern Europe went to Beijing and their consciences were awakened.  Thus it brought out a series of very dramatic changes in November.  Out of an accidental event, there were inevitabilities.  One of the inevitabilities is that these people in East Germany still had the most basic conscience and humanity.  A second inevitability is that people yearn for freedom - the people of Eastern Europe yearn for freedom, and the people in China also yearn for freedom."


Ciping HUANG thinks that today's China is the same; the collapse of the Communist Party is inevitable, but the issue is to see which fuse will light this barrel of explosives.  She expressed that the Chinese people are the masters of the creation of a good history, and everyone has the responsibility to overthrow the "Berlin Wall" that prevents democracy and freedom in China.  When everyone takes the initiative to do a little bit, this wall will be overturned.


And Kang WANG said that he has found a new world in the WeChat since the second half of last year.


Kang WANG: "The younger generation has their era of globalization through information and the Internet.  They learn more truth in this world through various channels, which greatly contributes to the self-enlightenment and self-liberation of the Chinese.


Kang WANG said that to get the real information is the premise to judge, to pursue, and to choose the truth.  When the real information replaced the Communist lies, and enter the hearts of more and more Chinese people, then China has hope.



Interviewed by: Yi Ru; Edited by: Wang Ziqi; Compiled by: Zhou Tian



Link of the original report:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1039-W678



Release Date: August 20, 2017



Topic: At the 56th anniversary of the Building the Berlin Wall, Overseas Scholars Have Hope for the Chinese People (NTDtv)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)










纽约时间: 2017-08-14 04:48 PM 


【新唐人2017年08月14日讯】柏林墙(Berliner Mauer)建墙56周年之际,德国一些政府高层前往柏林墙中央纪念地献了花圈,并表示历史不能被遗忘。一些旅居海外的华人学者也藉此机会,对中国民众表达了他们的期望,希望各界能共同努力,早日推翻禁锢国人的〝柏林墙〞。


法广引述德国媒体报导,德国文化国务部长莫妮卡(Monika Grütters)、柏林州文化部长克劳斯(Klaus Lederer)和柏林州议会主席拉夫(Ralf Wieland),周日前往柏林墙中央纪念地献花圈。莫妮卡说,柏林墙的一切都是德国历史,不能被遗忘。


















1989年11月9号 ,柏林墙被推倒。东德公民如潮水般涌入西德。社会主义阵营的东德正式瓦解,走出高墙的东德人民迎来自由。














采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/周天












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