Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1060-W697



Release Date: November 11, 2017



Topic: What is the October Revolution? -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:什么是十月革命? -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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What is the October Revolution?

-- Wei Jingsheng



This year marks the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.  However, both of the countries most affected by the October Revolution, China and Russia, are very low-key, with no official commemorative activities as in the past.  The social reaction is also very cold.  But I think it is still necessary to commemorate this revolution.  This is to remember the disaster and the lessons it brings to the world.


What was the October Revolution?  Many Chinese friends have a misconception that was told by the Communist Party's newspapers and magazines: the October Revolution overthrew the feudal rule of the Tsar.  In fact, Tsarist Russia was overthrown in March 1917, which is February in the (old style) Russian calendar.  It was overthrown in the February Revolution launched by various democratic forces headed by the Socialist Revolutionary Party.  The Bolsheviks of Vladimir Lenin did not play an important role in the process.


The principle of Lenin's Bolsheviks was to establish the so-called proletarian dictatorship and communist society, not democratic politics.  Therefore, they held a hostile attitude toward the newly formed Kerensky democratic government (the Russian Provisional Government).  This was an opportunity for Germany at the time.  Because Germany was at a disadvantage in World War I, it hoped Russia would withdraw from the war.  Thus Germany gave Lenin a huge sum equivalent to billions of dollars nowadays, to help him to overthrow the newly established but fragile Kerensky government and sign the treaty (of Brest-Litovsk) with Germany (the Central Power).  This is the largest and most successful espionage case in world history.


The original idea of Germany was that this unrealistic revolution inevitably would cause chaos and retrogression in Russia so that its national power would be weak.  So they thought to wait until Germany won the World War I, then there will be enough time to clean up Russia.  The first half of the plan succeeded.  Russia after the October Revolution did plunge into a serious civil war because the goal of the revolution did not meet the needs of the people and the need to develop an economy.  It was a retrogressive move.  For many years Russia fell into poverty.


Unfortunately, the second half of the plan was not realized.  The reason was simple: Germany was defeated in World War I and it was impossible for it to clean up the weak Bolshevik regime.  The victorious countries were also not interested in cleaning up the devil of the Bolsheviks.  They did not even think it as a demon.  To the most, they thought it as the devil for the Russian people, and had little to do with themselves.


Thus the new variant of communism, Bolshevism, had the opportunity to consolidate its rule by cruel repression and to gradually perfect its authoritarian political system and its accompanying economic system.  It also actively participated in the social changes in the other countries of the world and sought opportunities for the establishment of a new tyranny.  It was then the other big communist power, China, gradually fell into the trap of the Bolsheviks.


The Communism serfdom obviously does not suit the overall development of a society yet it does not exclude industrial production either.  This feature has long been proven in ancient China.  The ancient China was a typical system with dictatorship dominating the industry.  Once its official business and commerce were extremely developed and ahead of the world.  This greatly inspired the Russians who were deeply influenced by the Eastern system and thus the Russians created a new variant of communism that Westerners did not quite understand.


This system was very successful in the Soviet Union.  The rapid development of the industry made the Soviet Union powerful quickly, thus it survived the World War II that almost flooded and drowned everyone.  And then the Soviet Union helped the Chinese Bolsheviks seize power.  At the same time the West's appeasement policy had extended to the Eastern European countries.  This resulted in the world entering the so-called Cold War.


However, lame industrial development lost to the Western democracies during the Cold War; the presumption of exploiting human rights by the authoritarianism of the Bolsheviks was not accepted by the Chinese society, which had long accustomed themselves to the status of free men.  The resistance of the Chinese society against the communist system of low human rights and the lag in economic development caused a series of political protests in China.  These protests also affected the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe thus led to the collapse of the Bolshevik system.


However, due to the appeasement policy of the West, post-communist China survived the time when it was the best opportunity for the collapse of communism as a whole.  Thereby China maintained a new variant of Deng Xiaoping's model and has entered the current Xi Jinping model which gives Xi the idea that he thinks that he knows what to do.  This model wants to create an even newer variant of the Bolshevik system.  But its opportunity has been run out by its predecessors.  When will it collapse?  We shall all wait and see.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on November 7, 2017.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1060-W697



Release Date: November 11, 2017



Topic: What is the October Revolution? -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:什么是十月革命? -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生


































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