Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1138-W768



Release Date: September 8, 2018



Topic: Workers' Rights and Social Stability -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:工人权利和社会稳定 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Workers' Rights and Social Stability

-- Wei Jingsheng



The workers in Shenzhen went on strike, and the solidarity and support throughout the country continued, with both the left and right sides arriving the scene to express their support regardless of their indifference.  This shows that people of insight from all walks of life in China have had an essential leap in understanding workers' rights.  This is an important symbol of the continuing awakening of Chinese society.


In the last century, an important aspect of the ideology of Chinese society was that the attitude toward the workers' movement and various rights-defending activities was basically maintained at the level of the Soviet Communist Party and Western capitalists.  Although there are various differences between the Communist Party and the capitalists, the attitude toward the workers' movement is the same.  This attitude regards the workers' movement as a breach of social stability.


Some people say that it is wrong, the socialist movement started from the workers' movement.  That is true, but due to different understandings in Western Europe and Russia, they lead to different results.


European socialism believes that workers have the right to form groups to fight for their own interests.  Viewing from a human rights stand, this is a way for weak groups to effectively conduct collective bargaining related to the class of power and money.  Viewing from society, this is a means to balance social distribution and a supplement for what a market economy lacks.  So it is called socialism.  This translation name (into Chinese) is quite accurate.


The Soviet Bolsheviks only regarded the workers' movement as a tool to undermine social stability.  Of course, this was foremost the thoughts of Marx and Engels.  Because the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union successfully seized the political power in Russia, so the Bolsheviks of the world regarded it as the socialist Bible and the standard to follow.  Because the Chinese Communist Party succeeded in seizing political power, the Chinese also believe the workers' movement is a destructive force.  This force was used when the Communist Party was the underdog, but severely suppressed when it seized the political power in China.


I do not know if everyone has noticed that after World War II, developed countries were all open to the workers' movement.  As the trade unions were booming, the society and its economy also were developing rapidly, while the society remained relatively stable.  Not so in the so-called socialist countries; their economies are backward and social unrest continues.  Why so?


In addition to continuously developing the market economy for hundreds of years, the most important yet neglected reason for Western democracy is the implementation of the socialist systems.  The result is that it not only guarantees the rapid economic development of a market economy, but also restricts the shortcomings of uneven distribution caused by the market economy.  This restriction is the other side of the success of developed countries.  If there is only one side of the market economy, the result is that the gap between the rich and the poor would widen, and the society becomes more and more unstable, even to causing a world war.  This is the lesson of early capitalism.


Once there was an important senior US lawmaker who said to me: Don't go to Europe, there is socialism, there are the Communist Parties.  I said that I feel that there is more socialism in the United States than the Communist Party.  The United States is more like Europe, but not like the Communist regime in China.  He said yes, because both Europe and the USA have democracy.  I said that you also have a huge middle class.  He said yes, because we have unions, the boss must share profits with the workers.


I said, in addition to sharing profits, it has created a huge middle class and created a huge consumer market.  This is the basic driving force for your economic development.  He said; this is the place where modern countries are different from capitalism.  It is wrong to say that we are capitalist countries.  Our governments are not for making money for capitalists, but serve the whole society.


I think that the recent public opinion that criticizes the United States and the West as declining, is mostly about the widening gap between the rich and the poor while the middle class is shrinking; yet the voice of large multinational groups is increasing, which is eroding democracy.  Thus it can be seen that the wealth of a few people is not a blessing to the country.  The egalitarianism of Mao Zedong and Stalin is not a blessing to the country either.  As Confucius said, going too far is as bad as not going far enough.


For many years now, the Chinese Communist regime has used a low standard for human rights as an advantage to rapidly develop the economy.  However, many people did not see that this also eroded the US market and exported a low human rights standard to the United States.  No workers movement in China is an important reason.  This is the root cause of the inevitable trade war between the USA and China.


Without China developing its own market, its economic development is impossible to sustain.  Without workers' rights in China, it is impossible to create a large middle class nor a modern market economy in China.  Can a country with only slaves and rich people be called a modern state?



Original link of the RFA commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on September 4, 2018.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1138-W768



Release Date: September 8, 2018



Topic: Workers' Rights and Social Stability -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:工人权利和社会稳定 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生









































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