Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1167-W796



Release Date: December 20, 2018



Topic: Human Rights Day, 10 December, US Congress speech -- By Antoine Ripoll, Director of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Washington DC

标题:人权日在美国国会发表的讲话 -- 欧洲议会驻华盛顿办公室主任安托恩·瑞珀利


Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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Human Rights Day, 10 December, US Congress speech

-- By Antoine Ripoll, Director, European Parliament Liaison Office in Washington DC



Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear Wei Jingsheng Foundation,

Dear representatives of the National Endowment for democracy,

Dear Uighur American Association, dear Tibetan Youth Congress,

Dear International committee to support the non-violent movement for human rights in Vietnam,


Thank you for your invitation today. It honors me to be able to speak before you as a representative of the European Parliament Liaison Office here in Washington DC.


For the European Union, values and human rights are at the forefront of our work. They are not simply words and ideals, they are actually a very important legal obligation set out not only in our Charter for fundamental rights, but also in the Treaties that govern our functioning. In the EU, we take human rights as essential legal rights. They are to be applied to all people, not only to citizens.


This year has been a challenging year in terms of the respect of human rights around the globe. This should have been a festive year celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But all across the globe, we have seen that this has not been the case.


It suffices to read this year's Annual report of Human Rights Watch. The focus of this year's report on authoritarian governments and populism is warranted. Why? Because with an increasing inward look in order to defend societies from the surge of populist politicians, a global leadership vacuum has often resulted.


With it, grave human rights abuses have resulted in countries like Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Russia, China, Yemen and Burma (those are the ones mentioned in the HR Watch report). Saudi Arabia has also come to the front with the gruesome case of Mr Khashoggi, an item on which the European Parliament drafted a political resolution whose strong terms leave no space for interpretation.


The same goes for the European Parliament's annual report on human rights (rapporteur MEP Petras Austrevicius) that condemns from its first paragraph the pushback against democracy, human rights and the rule of law worldwide in 2017.


In this vacuum, particular European governments, but also the EU as a whole, have tried to act, but so have many of your private and non-governmental organizations.


I would like to report that on the side of the European Parliament, the human rights vigilance has never wavered.


This year, the European Parliament awarded its Sakharov Prize to the Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, arrested illegally on trumped up charges and kept in a Russian jail. On 12 December, in two days, his prize will be awarded in Strasbourg probably to another grieved family member.


Last month, between the 19 and 21 November we held in Brussels the important Human rights week, in which we looked not only at important cases, such as the one faced by Saudi Arabia, but we also celebrated human rights defenders around the world. These days, we are looking at the important intersection between human rights and advancing technology.


The EU, without having per se a constitution, considers human rights a constitutional matter. Thus, it has gone against international abuses, but even more importantly, it has not closed an eye to internal abuses. The EU and the Parliament that I represent, have not allowed any infliction brought to Article 2 of the Union.


This is as important a phrase to Europeans, as the Bill of rights is important to the Americans:


"The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail."


The Union did not hesitate to trigger Article 7 when Members States were found to be in contradiction with the values exposed in Article 2. This is a matter of political courage, but also a realization that we cannot be a champion abroad without maintaining our values at home.


Ladies and gentlemen, 22 years ago, the EP Sakharov prize was awarded to our host of today, Mr Wei Jingsheng, because exactly 40 years ago he did an act of courage unparalleled in China of 1978, when he published his essay on "The Fifth Modernization" that spoke of democracy on a wall in Beijing.


This is the kind of courage that we must always fight for. By rewarding acts of courage and of principle, we light the power of example for millions of others, without the participation of which, change is impossible.


I conclude by saying that the Western world, both Europe and the United States must continue to practice what they preach. Only by doing so, by maintaining human rights and liberties intact at home, will they continue to exert moral leadership around the world.


Thank you once more for being here today, when we are reminded together that there are no rights more important and more universal than human rights.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1167-W796



Release Date: December 20, 2018



Topic: Human Rights Day, 10 December, US Congress speech -- By Antoine Ripoll, Director of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Washington DC

标题:人权日在美国国会发表的讲话 -- 欧洲议会驻华盛顿办公室主任安托恩·瑞珀利


Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)









-- 欧洲议会驻华盛顿办公室主任安托恩·瑞珀利(Antoine Ripoll)




















欧洲议会(特别报告员 Petras Austrevicius议员)所做的有关人权的年度报告也是如此。该报告的第一段就谴责了2017年全球对民主、人权和法治的袭击。






今年,欧洲议会将其萨哈罗夫奖授予乌克兰电影制片人奥列格·桑佐夫(Oleg Sentsov),他因捏造的罪名而被非法逮捕并被关押在俄罗斯的监狱。 两天之内的12月12日,他所获得的奖将在斯特拉斯堡颁发给又一位悲伤的家庭成员。
























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