Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1183-W811



Release Date: January 19, 2019



Topic: Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Qin Weiping Participated in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program:  Double Landslide of Human Rights and Economic and Trade in China; Ren Zhengfei Denies Huawei Stealing Secrets -- Do You Believe That?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Qin Weiping Participated in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program:  Double Landslide of Human Rights and Economic and Trade in China; Ren Zhengfei Denies Huawei Stealing Secrets -- Do You Believe That?



On January 18, 2019, Mr. Wei Jingsheng, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, participated in the "China Live" program hosted by Radio Free Asia's He Ping on the topics: Double landslide of human rights and economic and trade in China; Ren Zhengfei denies Huawei stealing secrets -- do you believe that?  Guests who also participated in the program were Heng He and Qin Weiping.  The following is an introduction of the program by Radio Free Asia.


This week, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch published its World Report 2018 for human rights.  In the part about China, it directly refers to the fact that after the revision of the Chinese constitution in an effort to centralize power by the Communist leader Xi Jinping, more than one million Muslims were forcibly detained; Wang Quanzhen, Qin Yongmin, Huang Qi and other rights-defending citizens were prosecuted and sentenced; there has been flagrant suppression of citizens' speech, increased political evaluation during university admissions, and suppression of Internet information freedom, which has led to a full violation of the basic human rights in China.  At the same time, with the Dalian city's court delivering the death penalty of a Canadian drug trafficker during his retrial, the diplomatic confrontation between China and Canada triggered by the incident of Meng Wanzhou of Huawei has also escalated.  So how creditable is the public statement by Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's founder, who denied the Chinese government's use of Huawei for espionage?  In December 2018, China's imports and exports have declined significantly.  Do these events signal the challenges of both internal and external difficulties during the Xi Jinping era?  This program is to explore these topics.



This video interview is from the Radio Free Asia website at:



Youtube video link:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1183-W811



Release Date: January 19, 2019



Topic: Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Qin Weiping Participated in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program:  Double Landslide of Human Rights and Economic and Trade in China; Ren Zhengfei Denies Huawei Stealing Secrets -- Do You Believe That?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



























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