Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1186-W814



Release Date: February 6, 2019



Topic: Huang Ciping's Dedication to Wei Xiaotao, at His Funeral in Paris, France



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Dedication by Huang Ciping at the Funeral of Mr. Wei Xiaotao


On the evening of January 28, 2019, Mr. Wei Xiaotao died in Paris, France.  At the time of his death, Huang Ciping, his brother Wei Jingsheng's envoy, was at his bedside.  During his illness, Huang Ciping made 3 special trips to Paris on behalf of Wei Jingsheng to help Wei Xiaotao and express Wei Jingsheng's regards.  After his death, Huang Ciping handled and presided over the funeral on behalf of Wei Jingsheng.  On February 2, 2019, Mr. Wei Xiaotao's memorial service was held in Paris.  On February 4, 2019, a funeral ceremony was held as relatives and friends said farewell to his body before it was cremated.  The cinerary casket burial ceremony was held on February 5, 2019.  After the death of Mr. Wei Xiaotao, his family, including Mr. Wei Jingsheng, received more than one hundred messages of condolence.  We are grateful for this.  The following is the dedication by Huang Ciping at the funeral ceremony of Mr. Wei Xiaotao.

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Dedication at the Funeral of Mr. Wei Xiaotao

-- HUANG, Ciping

4 pm, February 4, 2019 (Chinese New Year's Eve)



Thank you for coming here to say farewell to Mr. Wei Xiaotao and to attend this funeral.  A memorial service of Mr. Wei Xiaotao was held in Paris the day before yesterday.  This is a great comfort to the relatives and friends of Mr. Wei Xiaotao, especially to his widow, his brother, and his sisters.  It can also comfort his own spirit in heaven.


At the end of Xiaotao's life, even as he was tortured by illness, he still firmly expressed his desire for life and his attachment to love.  He often called the name of his beloved wife, A Qing, and he spent a lot of time listening to his brother Wei Jingsheng's speeches and interviews.  Even as he drifted away and found it difficult to express, he tried hard to listen to the last voice of the world. . .


At this time, while we are facing his body in this world for the last time, we can tell him directly that our love and memory for him is not only yesterday and today, but also tomorrow and eternal.  The happiness and warmth that he once brought us will be permanent remembrance and engraved in our hearts.


As Annie Dillard said: "We are here to abet creation and to witness it, to notice each thing so each thing gets noticed. Together we notice not only each mountain shadow and each stone on the beach but we notice each other's beautiful face and complex nature so that creation need not play to an empty house."  The intelligence and sentiment that Xiaotao left to us is beautiful.


Xiaotao was handsome and smart when he was alive.  However, even as a graduate of Fudan University and the youngest senior engineer in China, his days during exile were hard and difficult, and sometimes desperate.  Indeed, he was implicated due to the democracy and freedom movement led by his brother and became a victim of the autocracy of the Communist regime.  However, he was always firm in his belief in freedom and democracy, and firmly believed his elder brother and fellows.  He was looking forward to return to his home country China eventually.  Regrettably, at this time when China is at the turning point of change, the illness still took away his life.  But his death can only strengthen our own beliefs.  We can feel it in the past few days in particular as the mourning and words showered us from hundreds of people.  Here, I want to share a few pairs of poetic verses from friends in different countries as they expressing their sorrow.  (Sorry I can only translate partial meaning.)


Mr. Wan Runnan (France):

Why in rushing, as dawn's sunrays are entering China?

Your far trip enables you to hear the storm in the Capital from heaven.


Dr. Wang Ce (Spain):

Morning moon shall not fall, shining on your homeland every month;

The sound of the waves as is; shaking China with the call of democracy.


Zeng Hui, Wu Yongyuan, Dayong, Wu Yulun, Kang Jian, Jiang Hao (France):

Twenty years in France, you waited for the dawn with dreams of your homeland.

Once returned to the pure land, your soul rides on the waves in the ocean to go back.


Jiang Hao (France):

Inviting the moon to drink, the wine of sacrifice shall be used;

Borrowing the wind to fly, the returning smoke is still waiting.


Dr. Zhang Yu (Sweden):

I remember our first time meeting in Geneva,

We talked all night until the broken dawn;

I recall our last farewell at Versailles,

I have not heard the waves from the Capital for ten years.


Huang Yuanzhang (Hong Kong):

Clear moon and wind, urge us to ask the sky as when will be the dawn;

Remaining mountains and water, made the waves today that shake the world with sorrow.


Wang Guoxing (The Netherlands):

Departing from the jail of flesh yet the soul is free,

Wei Xiaotao is gone that he will not return.


Finally, I want to end my mourning with the conclusion paragraph of the eulogy by Wei Jingsheng, the most endeared brother of Xiaotao:

"Many friends have sacrificed for democracy and freedom. It is not only that they are making sacrifices, but their relatives are also paying a huge price for the rights and interests of the Chinese people.  At the same time, they have to endure the filth and dirty water from the Communist regime. This is a pain that most people cannot imagine.  Therefore, we understand that the good things in the world are striven for by many people at a price.  Every nation must remember and respect these victims. Because of their sacrifice, the people in the West enjoy a happy life today.  Because of their sacrifice, the Chinese people will also gain the liberation of humanity and the happiness of life."


Rest in peace, Wei Xiaotao!

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Related photos:

1. Mr. Wan Runnan spoke at the memorial service of Wei Xiaotao on February 2, 2019:



2. Participants made toast to Wei Xiaotao at his memorial service on Feb. 2, 2019:



3. Ms. Marie Holzman spoke at Wei Xiaotao's funeral before cremation on Feb. 4, 2019:



4. Wei Xiaotao's family and relatives with his cinerary casket on Tuesday, February 5, 2019:



5. Wei Xiaotao's tomb is covered with flowers after he was buried on February 5, 2019:




This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1186-W814



Release Date: February 6, 2019



Topic: Huang Ciping's Dedication to Wei Xiaotao, at His Funeral in Paris, France



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












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-- 黄慈萍














何去匆匆 神州正破晓

此行悠悠 天国听惊涛



晓月不沉 月月自由照故里

涛声依旧 声声民主撼神州



廿载寄高卢 梦牵父老盼天晓

一朝归净土 魂赴家山随海涛











明月清风 何日拂晓催天问

残山剩水 今朝涌涛动地哀










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1. 201922日魏晓涛追思会上,万润南先生讲话:


2. 201922日魏晓涛追思会上,大家向魏晓涛敬酒,寄托哀思:


3. 201924日,侯芷明女士在魏晓涛火化前的葬礼上讲话:


4. 201925日,魏晓涛骨灰盒旁部分亲友合影:


5. 201925日,魏晓涛的墓地盖满了鲜花:








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魏京生基金会电话: 1-202-270-6980

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