Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1224-W844



Release Date: July 7, 2019



Topic: The Unusual Situation During the G20 Osaka Summit 2019 (part 2) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:再议日本峰会的诡异 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Unusual Situation During the G20 Osaka Summit 2019 (part 2)

-- Wei Jingsheng



The last time we discussed the dilemma of Xi Jinping.  This time we will talk about the dilemma faced by Donald Trump: is the support of the people's votes more important, or is the support of donations from big capital more important.  From the composition of Trump's entourage to Japan, it was clear that the pro-Chinese Communist officials in the White House are dominant.  In particular, his daughter and son-in-law who openly support the Communist regime to gain commercial interests in China were very eye-catching.


After his talks with Xi Jinping Trump was very happy, saying he would not impose new tariffs and even lift the ban on Chinese enterprises such as Huawei.  This immediately caused a stir in public opinion, with criticism coming like the mountains and the ocean that were all telling Trump: Your re-election and the Nobel Prize are ruined.  The big capital of the United States will give you more donations, but your failure is too impressive.  Voters are less likely to believe in a candidate without credit despite propaganda.


Trump may be smiling in private: "It is still too early and how do you know that I does not have a following action to turn things around?  I did not say things that firmly, so if Xi Jinping dares to backslide, there is more than one big move waiting there.  Anyway, this time Xi Jinping has softened up, so I will enjoy my good meal slowly, as the good drama of the cat playing the mouse is upcoming."


This time Xi Jinping made a correct choice, to choose the lesser of two evils, that is, he agreed to count and continue the negotiation results from April; he also agreed to buy a large number of agricultural products; and in addition he gave a big gift of North Korea to Trump, which led to Trump's satisfaction and a restart of the beautiful dream of a Nobel Peace Prize.  At least, these actions will help Xi Jinping avoid economic collapse, and allow the Communist regime to linger a little longer.


The premise for Xi Jinping to choose to surrender is that he increased the intensity of internal repression, as demonstrated with the ongoing rectification movement now.  But this trick worked well during the Mao Zedong era because Mao had high prestige.  It was not very useful during the Deng Xiaoping era, so Deng had to sacrifice his own people.  But Xi Jinping does not have that many people after all.  The customary technique of Wang Qishan is to pull his feathers first and then go straight to the object.  How many feathers does Xi have to be cut?


Moreover, this time Xi Jinping showing his sword internally will for sure intensify internal conflicts.  The surrender at the Sino-US trade war is only related to the interests of the bureaucratic capitalists, but showing the sword internally relates to the safety of many Communist leaders' families.  There are already precedents of the Deng Family, Chen Family, Wang Family and Bo Family, etc.  Will all the other families retreat like the turtles hiding their heads?  It is hard to believe that all these families are willing to be slaughtered without a struggle.


Even though surrendering to the United States resulted in a loss of some interest, it is still much better than waiting to be slaughtered.  What is more, there is also the nationalism stirred up by Xi Jinping himself that can be used.  So it would not be difficult to overthrow a weak ruler.  There are too many historical examples to enumerate.  Xi Jinping's prestige is not high, and he has done too many wrong and bad things, so he would not accept the arrangement like Hua Guofeng, but fight until his death.


There is also a lot of uncertainty on Trump's side.  In order to alleviate his own pressure, Xi Jinping will definitely take the approach of not taking actions that he promised, while taking other actions without warning in advance.  As a matter of fact, what he promised verbally could not be implemented because the nationalist craze he fanned up himself is against his back, making it difficult for him to retreat.  Surviving between these two difficulties, he can only use rogue means to deceive his enemy and meanwhile lie to his friends -- he has not only promised to Trump but also promised to people inside of China.  He cheated Trump and deceived those inside of China as well, and he sold out Iran and North Korea in exchange for a short time of fantasy for Trump just to delay time.


However, Trump also has his own difficulties, as he is being attacked by public opinion at home and abroad, which seriously threatens his prestige.  There are already many supporters who have stated that they will not choose him for another term anymore.  This cold water must have hit his back and he can no longer bear tricks of Xi Jinping.  If Xi Jinping can't quickly give Trump a very good agreement that he brags about, the inevitable result is that Trump will turn his back against Xi.


Will Trump's reputation be saved after he waits several months to turn his back against Xi?  This is hard to say.  In general, hope is getting less and less over time.  However, the result of Xi Jinping  delaying for a few more months will bring China's economy even closer to collapse.  The person who takes over later will be like the mouse in the bellows, being squeezed from both sides -- neither able to save the downturned economy nor satisfy Trump's successor.  Who would be willing to be this unlucky mouse then?



Original link of this commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on July 1, 2019.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1224-W844



Release Date: July 7, 2019



Topic: The Unusual Situation During the G20 Osaka Summit 2019 (part 2) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:再议日本峰会的诡异 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生





































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