Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1257-W873



Release Date: November 8, 2019



Topic: It Is Time to Make the Right Choice -- Wei Jingsheng's Speech in Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall at the Triumph of Liberty Conference by the Victims of the Communism Memorial Foundation

标题:该做出正确的选择了 -- 魏京生在共产主义受难者纪念基金会举办的庆祝柏林墙倒塌30周年的《自由凯旋》会议上的讲演


Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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It Is Time to Make the Right Choice

-- Wei Jingsheng's Speech in Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall at the Triumph of Liberty Conference by the Victims of the Communism Memorial Foundation

November 8, 2019

Washington DC, USA



In the late 1980s and early 1990s, great changes took place in the group of the Communist states, thus also introducing tremendous changes in the global political landscape.  The occurrence of this change began in the Democracy Wall movement that took place in the late 1970s.  Shortly after the emergence of the Xidan Democracy Wall in Beijing, the Democracy Wall Movement appeared in many places including Moscow, Warsaw, and Taipei, etc.  This is the beginning of the wave of democratization that almost spread across the whole world in the 1980s.


The Tiananmen democracy movement that took place in 1989 was the beginning of the collapse of the group of the Communist states.  The dissatisfaction of the people of the Communist countries against tyranny and economic deprivation, under the guidance of different political leaders, include His Excellency Joachim Gauck, the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom Recipient we will honor today, shocked the system of one-party dictatorship, resulting in transformation of the autocratic regimes of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Taiwan into democratic governments.


Why wasn't there any success in China?  This is a puzzle that people have been thinking about for years.  Let us first look at the differences in various aspects.  The first element of every revolution is what people hope for.  The brainwashing work of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is obviously more successful than that of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and China's economic reform and opening up has improved the lives of a majority of people and slowed down the level of dissatisfaction.  Therefore, during the democracy movement in the Tiananmen Square in 1989, most Chinese only wanted to reform some specific issues, without wanting to overthrow the tyranny of the Communist Party.


In contrast, the people and leaders of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union were more aware of the fact that other issues cannot be resolved without overthrowing the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.  The difference in objectives leads to different outcomes.  The conditions for the successful suppression by the Chinese Communist regime were precisely because of the unclear goals of the people and leaders.  They were already rebellious, yet did not know why they were rebelling.  The result could only be that this movement would be suppressed successfully.


The second important factor is the awareness and determination of the government leadership.  The leadership in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in 1989 was no longer the first generation of revolutionaries, nor a group of people who believed in communism.  They were more concerned about the reality of society and the wishes of the people.  In other words, those who believed in one-party dictatorship and repression were already a minority in the leadership.  The cultural quality in the military was relatively high as well, which made driving them to massacre their own people to be more difficult.


Yet in 1989, China was precisely the first generation of revolutionaries, with the Communist regime dominated by the people who still believed in Communism and one-party dictatorship, a so-called "dictatorship of the elderly".  They were more likely to make decisions of suppression by force.  The middle and upper levels of the military did not know what the goal of the movement was, and it was impossible for them to defy the political leaders.  Many people in the lower classes of the military originated from extremely poor rural areas, with low quality.  They did not know how the movement had anything to do with themselves.  But killing people can make a difference in their own ranking.  The combination of these factors was the cause of the Tiananmen Massacre on June 4, 1989 in China.


The third important factor was the direction of the diplomatic efforts of the democratic countries.  At that time, in the entire communist camp, there was a movement of resistance and demand of democracy.  To support whom or not was in the range of choices of Western leaders.  President Reagan and President Bush apparently chose Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, thinking that as the main enemy of the Western democratic countries and the main force of the Cold War.  However, they gave up the Chinese Communist Party which was in a relatively friendly relationship, as it was practicing a "hiding the sword blades and waiting for the opportunity of attack" strategy.  This has caused the difficulty within the Western democratic camp today.


Although China was the first to launch a rebellion in the communist camp, although there were many unfavorable factors as mentioned above, the biggest concern of Deng Xiaoping before the June 4 massacre was the attitude of the Western democratic camp.  Although the Chinese army assembled nearby Beijing for a long time, Deng did not start the Massacre immediately as he was hesitant of the attitude of the United States.  President George H. W. Bush's speech of non-interference in China's internal affairs and a quick replacement of the ambassador to China who supported the democrats sent a very clear signal to Deng Xiaoping, which was equivalent to supporting his massacre.


At that time, within the Chinese leadership, the forces against repression and support for repression were evenly matched.  The non-intervention attitude of the United States is precisely the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.  The first factor and the second factor are constants.  The real variables that has changed the history in China, were the decisions of President George H. W. Bush and the US government, with the reasons that even now are not clear to us.


It is an excuse to argue afterwards that the Soviet Union was chosen instead of China.  If the Tiananmen democracy movement succeeded, would it be detrimental to the resistance of the Soviet Union and the people of Eastern Europe?  This is illogical.  On the contrary, if the Tiananmen democracy movement succeeded, the revolutions in the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries would be even smoother and less dangerous.


Today in Hong Kong, once again, people risk their lives to fight for democracy and freedom.  The determination of the people in Hong Kong and the stubbornness of the Communist regime in China are two constant numbers.  The most important variable that again see choices of Western politicians that will result in bloodshed?  The result of this bloodshed may not even be the success of Western choice, but the expansion of Communist tyranny on a global scale.


I oppose this inexplicable and stupid choice.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1257-W873



Release Date: November 8, 2019



Topic: It Is Time to Make the Right Choice -- Wei Jingsheng's Speech in Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall at the Triumph of Liberty Conference by the Victims of the Communism Memorial Foundation

标题:该做出正确的选择了 -- 魏京生在共产主义受难者纪念基金会举办的庆祝柏林墙倒塌30周年的《自由凯旋》会议上的讲演


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生在共产主义受难者纪念基金会举办的庆祝柏林墙倒塌30周年的《自由凯旋》国际会议上的讲演







































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