Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1274-W890



Release Date: Jan. 4, 2020



Topic: Announcement Today: A True Patriot Worrying His Country More Than His Love to the Country -- Welcome Mr. Wei Jingsheng to Visit Atlanta and Gives a Lecture

标题:今日广告:爱国莫若忧国 -- 欢迎魏京生先生访问亚特兰大并演讲

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Announcement: A True Patriot Is the One Who Worries for the Country

-- Welcome Mr. Wei Jingsheng to Visit Atlanta and Give a Lecture Today



Time: Saturday, January 4, 2pm-4pm; lecture for one hour, followed by a Q&A session, then a dinner with Mr. Wei that audience may choose to join freely

Place: Meeting Room, Embry Hills Branch Library, 3733 Chamblee Tucker Road, Chamblee, GA 37341


A True Patriot Worrying His Country More Than His Love to the Country -- Welcome Mr. Wei Jingsheng to Visit Atlanta and Gives a Lecture

-- by Old Tubi, December 30, 2019


Scholars and philosophers of all Chinese dynasties had a patriotism exhibited by worrying about the country and the Chinese people.  Regardless whether in the ancient Qu Yuan, Sima Qian, the more recent Yue Fei, Yuan Chonghuan, and even the seven gentlemen whose lives were sacrificed in their effort to bring justice during the Hundred Days' Wuxu Reform, Xu Fanting and Zhu Ziqing during the Republic of China, or later Lin Zhao from Peking University and Zhang Zhixin from Renmin University of China, etc, were all heroes of patriotism and love for our country.


However, without exception, these scholars and patriots were all devotees with their hearts, who sacrificed their lives and blood for the country and the Chinese people.  However, the past rulers in China included many villains without morals, who treated good intentions as malicious and treated these scholars and patriots as floods and beasts, that must be gotten rid of quickly.  Looking back at the Chinese people who worried about the country and the people, except Qu Yuan who died of self-assumed suicide in the Chu River, they all were killed by the rulers, with their corpses exposed and not allowed to be buried.  Their ends were tragic and unspeakable.  In short, those who worried about the country were not tolerated by the rulers in China.


Mr. Wei Jingsheng, who is visiting Atlanta this weekend, is such a dedicated man with a heart for China and the Chinese people!


I clearly remember that in the several years around the death of Mao Zedong, the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party put forward the slogan "The Four Modernizations" as they realized that China had fallen far behind the world by the iron hand of Tyrant Mao.  These "Four Modernizations" included: technology, industry, agriculture, and national defense.  For a while, the slogan of "Four Modernizations" was overwhelming, flooding the media controlled by the Communist regime, with people across the country chanting to "achieve the Four Modernizations".  At that time, all the Chinese naively thought that China's backwardness was due to science and technology, and they simply did not expect that it was the brutal rule of the Chinese Communist Party that caused China's backwardness in the previous 30 years.


At that time, there was only one person who was awake, and he was Mr. Wei Jingsheng.  He pointed out that China needs a Fifth Modernization, which is the modernization of thought!  Here, thought includes innovations of superstructure such as ideology, mode of thinking, culture, history, and abandoning old thinking and ideology.  At that time, due to the underdeveloped media, Wei Jingsheng's promotion could not be spread across China.  Only a few people in Beijing learned in the form of a poster on the world-renowned Democracy Wall in Xidan.  The energetic young people in many universities in Beijing often went to the Xidan Democracy Wall to learn new ideas!  Even in the environment of being extremely underdeveloped and information blocked by the Communist regime at that time, many students at Beijing universities knew the name of Wei Jingsheng and his idea of ??modernizing of thought!


However, the old bandits of the Chinese Communist Party are also sober and quickly became aware of the danger of Mr. Wei Jingsheng's formation of the Fifth Modernization.  Deng Xiaoping had mentioned the need to control the Democracy Wall before the Vietnam War in 1979.  Deng specifically named Mr. Wei Jingsheng as the enemy of the Communist Party.  The smell of this old bandit is extremely agile.  Of course, several other Communist bandits such as Chen Yun, also realized the danger of Wei Jingsheng's formulation to the Communist ideology.  Deng Xiaoping gave the decree to secretly arrest Mr. Wei Jingsheng, charging him with a crime of leaking military secrets, accusing him of telling the foreigners the name of the Chinese commander who fought in Vietnam.  At that time, Mr. Wei was just an electrician and had long left the army.  How could he know any military secrets?  Besides, when military secrets were known to the grassroots, were they still military secrets?  When the Chinese Communist regime wants to charge someone, it is not concerned about what accusation it might use!  When it wants to get someone in jail, it will just accuse some crime on you.  However, there is no doubt that Mr. Wei Jingsheng was the first major political prisoner and the first major ideological prisoner arrested by the Communist regime after the death of Tyrant Mao.  He is also one of countless people who worries about the country and the Chinese people. 


In the eyes of the Chinese Communist Party, only those who follow this sinful regime, oppressing people and touting the Tyrant Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party, are "patriots."  In fact, those who obey the Chinese Communist regime indiscriminately, serve the Chinese Communist regime, and tout the Chinese Communist Party are really the "thieves" who either lack hearts and minds, or lack correct value of conscience and justice.  This may sound awful but accurate.


Those who worry about the country and the people, who dare to face the rulers and give up their lives are true "patriots."  That is because, regardless of the threat of the rulers and threats to their lives, they want to share the concerns for the country and the people.  Who would come forward and speak frankly in braveness, if the person only cares about his personal interests (such as the shameless writer Guo Moruo) and is without broad mind?  Unfortunately, true patriots often offend the rulers and go beyond the tolerance of the tyrants, they are often stabbed and killed in public in an effort to intimidate the people.  This is what it means to kill chickens to show the monkeys.


As a result, Mr. Wei was imprisoned by the Chinese fascist regime for unacceptable charges.  He was jailed for 18 years and was able to survive after being exiled to the United States by the Chinese Communist regime.  In the past two decades, he has been calling for democracy in China everywhere, and he has been a beacon for the Chinese Democracy Movement.  Although the light is limited, but the fire of democracy is not extinguished.  He still causes headaches to the Communist regime in China!


Now, the economy in Mainland China is highly developed, with the degree of modernization in all aspects that is close to that of the United States and Europe.  In short, the four modernizations are basically realized.  This is a huge achievement that can not be denied!


However, looking back at China, Emperor Xi Jinping continued the Communist one-party dictatorship.  The dictatorship uses the resources it controls at its disposal to block the freedom of expression and prevent the people from criticizing the political system and any mistakes in China.  To prevent the leaking of information from the people is used in the way to prevent the leaking of the water from a dam.  China is returning to the age of Tyrant Mao!


At this time, let us think of the Fifth Modernization slogan, which was proposed by Mr. Wei Jingsheng 40 years ago.  Yes, China is still not modernized in thoughts but has only placed restraint on thought in an effort to fool people!  A group of happy minions who have enough food and drink would rather be quiet than to be the masters of the country.  The regime could still find any excuses to arrest anyone into jail.  The people have nowhere to make a reason!  The Communist regime controls everything from police to the court!  The unlucky ones are the grassroots Chinese.


At this moment when the four modernizations have been basically reached in China, with the Fifth Modernization retrogressing in China, we invite Mr. Wei Jingsheng to give a lecture and remind the world again that, only when you can think freely, and no longer fear the regime, then China will be a country with the rule of law in a modern sense instead of red fascist regime!



Original link of this announcement:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1274-W890



Release Date: Jan. 4, 2020



Topic: Announcement Today: A True Patriot Worrying His Country More Than His Love to the Country -- Welcome Mr. Wei Jingsheng to Visit Atlanta and Gives a Lecture

标题:今日广告:爱国莫若忧国 -- 欢迎魏京生先生访问亚特兰大并演讲


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












演讲地点 Meeting Room, Embry Hills Branch Library, 3733  Chamblee Tucker Road,  Chamblee, GA  37341 



来源: 老秃笔 于 2019-12-30










在这个时候,唯有一人清醒着,他就是魏京生先生。 他一针见血地指出,中国需要第五个现代化,也就是思想的现代化!这里,思想包含着意识形态,思维方式,文化,历史等上层建筑的革新,抛弃旧的思维,意识形态。当时,由于传播媒介不发达,魏京生的提法无法传播到全国各地。只有北京的少数人在西单那堵闻名于世的民主墙那里才有大字报形式的报道。北京许多高校有活力的年轻人都去西单民主墙那里吸取新的思想!即便在当时极不发达且被中共封锁的环境下,许多北京高校的学生们都知道魏京生这个名字和他的思想现代化的提法!  


但是,中共的老土匪们也有清醒的且迅速体察到魏京生先生第五个现代化提法的危险性!邓小平在79年对越战前已经提到要管制西单民主墙,他特意点名魏京生先生作为中共的敌人!这个老土匪的嗅觉,可谓敏捷到极点。当然,中共其他几个老土匪,比如陈云,也意识到魏京生提法对于中共意识形态的危险性。于是,邓小平授意秘密逮捕魏京生先生,给他安了一个罪名,泄露军事机密。栽赃魏先生把对越作战的司令名字告诉外国人。当时,魏先生不过是一介电工,早已退伍。不在军队圈子里了,他能知道什么军事机密么?再说,军事机密被一介草民知道,那还是军事机密么?中共一贯是欲加之罪何患无辞!想抓你入狱,那就随便草拟一个罪名即可。 但是,毫无疑问,魏京生先生是毛暴君死后,中共抓的第一个重大政治犯,第一个重大思想犯!也是无数的忧国忧民之士群体之一。


























欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱: HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG


魏京生基金会电话: 1-202-270-6980

通讯地址:Wei Jingsheng Foundation, PO Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA






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