Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1283-W899



Release Date: February 29, 2020



Topic: Wei Jingsheng and Xia Yeliang Participate in Radio Free Asia's China Live Program: "Chinese Sickmen" Listening to the Communist Party's Commands?  "The Coronavirus Epidemic Does Not Necessarily Originate in China"?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng and Xia Yeliang Participate in Radio Free Asia's China Live Program:

"Chinese Sickmen" Listening to the Communist Party's Commands?  "The Coronavirus Epidemic Does Not Necessarily Originate in China"?



On February 28, 2019, Mr. WEI Jingsheng, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, participated in the "China Live" program hosted by Radio Free Asia's He Ping on the topics: "Chinese Sickmen" Listening to Communist Party's Commands?  "The Coronavirus Epidemic Does Not Necessarily Originate in China"?  A guest who also participated in the Interview was Mr. XIA Yeliang, a libertarian scholar.  The following is an introduction of the program by Radio Free Asia.


This week, China officially announced that the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have been postponed without a certain date, and Xi Jinping also rarely called in 170,000 county-level officials in a push to resume work despite the epidemic.  With the continued spread of the new type of coronavirus in China, the number of confirmed cases worldwide is rapidly increasing.  At a time when all parties are in danger, Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the High Commission of the National Health Commission of China, said that the epidemic "appeared in China first, but did not necessarily originate in China", causing heated public debate.  In addition, after more than 60 internationally renowned scholars signed a letter to Xi Jinping urging the authorities to grant Chinese citizens the right to freedom of speech, the deportation of Wall Street Journal reporters in China continued to heat up.  Hua Chunying, the director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, met with the head of the US Embassy this week to warn that US Secretary of State Pompeo's relevant remarks and possible retaliation measures against Chinese reporters will lead to further reactions from the Chinese side.  An ideological confrontation beyond the US-China trade dispute which is triggered by the epidemic also appears to be escalating.  This program is to explore these topics.



This video interview is from the Radio Free Asia website at:



Youtube video link:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1283-W899



Release Date: February 29, 2020



Topic: Wei Jingsheng and Xia Yeliang Participate in Radio Free Asia's China Live Program: "Chinese Sickmen" Listening to the Communist Party's Commands?  "The Coronavirus Epidemic Does Not Necessarily Originate in China"?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











2020年2月28日,中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生先生参加自由亚洲电台何平主持的"中国热评"节目:“病夫”听党指挥 “疫情不一定发源中国”?同时参加评论的嘉宾还有自由至上主义学者夏业良先生。以下为自由亚洲电台的片头介绍。
















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