Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release: A1296-O320
Release Date:
June 4, 2020
Topic: IFCSS
Observed the 31st Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre and Award Its 2020 “Spirit
of Freedom Award” to Huang Qi in Front of the Chinese Embassy & on the
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IFCSS Observed
the 31st Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre and Award Its 2020 “Spirit of
Freedom Award” to Huang Qi in Front of the Chinese Embassy & on the
The council of
the IFCSS (Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars, USA)
had decided to host an event observing the 31st consecutive anniversary of the
June 4 Massacre in front of the Chinese Embassy (address: 3505 International Pl
NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA) in Washington, DC, on June 4, 2020 despite the
CCP pandemic. This was to
commemorate the people who sacrificed their lives during the 1989 Democratic
Movement in China, as well as to announce its 2020 "Spirit of Freedom
Award". The 2020 IFCSS “Spirit
of Freedom Award” was awarded to Mr. HUANG Qi today, with 3 of 7 IFCSS council
members on site, and Qin Weiping, the current IFCSS
council chair made a video speech for the commemoration.
The following
is the IFCSS award dedication to Huang Qi.
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IFCSS 2020
Spirit of Freedom Award Dedication
June 4, 2020
Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (IFCSS) Council has
decided to award the IFCSS 2020 Spirit of Freedom Award to Mr. Huang Qi, who is
currently serving a 12 year sentence in Sichuan prison. Huang Qi, 57, of Neijiang
City, Sichuan Province, with an online name “Nan Bo”, is the founder of the
"64 Skynet" website, and head of the China Skynet Human Rights Center, an honorary member of the
Independent Chinese PEN, a well-known rights defending citizen and human rights
defender, and a Political prisoner in China.
Because of his
long-term focus on popular social issues, Huang Qi established the "Skynet Searching Missing People Office" in 1998 and
built the "64 Skynet" website in 1999. He was repeatedly arrested by the
Chinese police & sentenced multiple times for publishing multiple
politically sensitive articles on the Internet. In 2000, he was arrested by the local
police for publishing articles by overseas dissidents about the 1989 Tiananmen
Events on his website. In February
2003, he was sentenced 5 years imprisonment by the Chengdu Intermediate Court
of Sichuan Province for "inciting subversion of state power". During his imprisonment, he was severely
beaten by court police, prison guards and other criminals in the prison, which
lead to serious illnesses include hydrocephalus and brain atrophy. After he was released from prison, in
2006, he reorganized “64 Skynet” into “China Skynet Human Rights Center” – thus founding the first
comprehensive human rights organization in mainland China. He won the 6th China Human Rights Youth
Award on June 3 of the same year.
In 2008, he was detained and charged by the Chengdu Police for
publishing a report on the "Tofu Buildings" which were exposed during
the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan. In November 2009, Huang Qi was sentenced
to three years’ imprisonment by the court for “the crime of illegal possession
of state secrets”. On November 28,
2016, Sichuan Police took him from home in the name of criminal detention
because of the exposure of an internal document, and he was hold without any
contact with outside. Huang Qi was
formally arrested in December of the same year. Not until July 29, 2019, was he
sentenced to a total of 12 years in prison by the Mianyang
City Court of Sichuan Province for “the crime of deliberately leaking state
secrets" and "the crime of illegally providing state secrets
abroad." Since Huang Qi’s
disappearance, his elderly mother, who was ill herself, has been running around
and called for justice for her tortured son in prison. She has been blocked by the government,
and is unable to see her son, even though both the mother and the son suffer
from terminal illness.
Despite being
under the dictatorship, Huang Qi insisted on creating an online platform and
human rights organization. He
continued to speak out for the suppressed human rights cause in China. He continuously reported to the world to
expose the ugly acts of the Chinese Communist government. He faced severe persecution from tyranny
and long-term prison sentences with inhuman tortures, yet still adhered to the
firm belief in the pursuit of democracy in China, and has made tremendous
sacrifices for the cause of human rights in China. IFCSS salutes to Huang Qi's outstanding
actions, and thus awards the 2020 Spirit of Freedom Award to him.
Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars
Video of chair
Qin Weiping speaking of 31st Anniversary of the June
4 Massacre:
Twitter and
video of plaque presentation of Spirit of Freedom Award to Huang Qi:
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Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release: A1296-O320
Release Date:
June 4, 2020
Topic: IFCSS
Observed the 31st Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre and Award Its 2020 “Spirit
of Freedom Award” to Huang Qi in Front of the Chinese Embassy & on the
Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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全美学自联2020年自由精神奖 颁奖词
因长期关注社会热点话题,1998年曾成立“天网寻人事务所”,1999年曾设立“六四天网”网站,因多次在网上发表时政敏感性文章,屡次遭到警方的拘捕以及判刑;2000年,因国外异见人士在其网站上发表有关1989年天安门事件的文章,而被当地警方逮捕,2003年2月被四川省成都市中级法院以“煽动颠覆国家政权”判处有期徒刑5年 ;狱中曾遭法警、狱警和其它罪犯多次毒打,导致脑积水,脑萎缩等严重疾病;出狱后,2006年,曾改组六四天网为中国天网人权事务中心,创办了中国大陆第一家综合性人权组织,同年6月3日荣获第六届中国人权青年奖;2008年,曾因发表有关揭露四川汶川地震出现的“豆腐渣”工程的报导,而被成都市警方刑拘,2009年11月被当局法院以“ 非法持有国家秘密罪”判处有期徒刑3年; 2016年11月28日,因对一份内部文件内容曝光,其被四川警方从家中带走刑拘,自此失联,同年12月被正式逮捕;直至
2019年7月29日,被四川省绵阳市法院以“故意泄露国家秘密罪”、“为境外非法提供国家秘密罪”共判处有期徒刑12年。 自黄琦失联以来,其年迈带病的老母亲四处奔走为狱中受酷刑折磨的儿子呼吁发声;直至今日遭政府阻拦,母子二人各自身患绝症,但仍天各一方。
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