Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1295-W910



Release Date: June 3, 2020



Topic: Speech at the Global Conference Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre -- Wei Jingsheng (include video of the speech)

标题:为“纪念天安门大屠杀31周年全球网络会议”准备的发言(及录像) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Speech at the Global Conference Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre

-- Wei Jingsheng, June 3, 2020



It has been 31 years for us to commemorate the victims of June 4th Massacre.  Over the past 31 years, the situation in China has changed a lot.  The economy has developed, per capita income has increased, and a small number of people have become wealthy.  Many friends who return to China find that people around them are satisfied because they are rich.  They don't care about democracy and freedom, and even support the Chinese Communist Party.  This situation has made many feel that the blood of the martyrs of June 4th Massacre had been wasted and they have lost confidence in Chinese democracy and even the Chinese people.


Is that true?  Do not the Chinese care about the legal protections everyone needs?  Does everyone not care of their own dignity?  Is it true that people are very satisfied when money filled people's souls?  This may be the idea of a small group of people.  Even people who already have money still need legal protection, human dignity and personal freedom.


Further, more than half of the Chinese population is still in poverty.  Even the dignity and freedom of rich and powerful Chinese are still not guaranteed by law.  People’s lives are threatened by various authoritarian government policies, and even a hidden infectious disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people.  People are increasingly unable to recognize this authoritarian system.  The ideals of the June 4th martyrs are more recognized by the Chinese now than they were at that time of 1989.


Thirty-one years is a long time, and some people may have forgotten their friends who were killed.  Yet, thirty-one years is not long enough for people to forget the ideals of the martyrs of the June 4 Massacre, because these ideals are everyone's immediate interest.  Even after one hundred years, even one thousand years, human nature determines that these ideals will continue to be pursued from generation to generation, and will be realized eventually.



Wei Jingsheng’s speech in video:



Huang Ciping at the Global Conference Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1295-W910



Release Date: June 3, 2020



Topic: Speech at the Global Conference Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre -- Wei Jingsheng (include video of the speech)

标题:为“纪念天安门大屠杀31周年全球网络会议”准备的发言(及录像) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生























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