Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1305-W920



Release Date: July 13, 2020



Topic: Look at the Strange Things in the Strange Country -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:奇葩国里看奇葩 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Look at the Strange Things in the Strange Country

-- Wei Jingsheng



The flatter literati of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have a slogan called "Great, My Country".  But they behave in the way of "Strange, My country."  The top strange thing of all is to extend its domestic law of Hong Kong National Security to punish people all over the world.  These strange legal experts could only be produced in a strange country with Chinese characteristics.  However, I think it is because these legal experts dare not violate that strange leader who was not educated.  Thus they prepared this strange Hong Kong National Security Law, which was unanimously passed by a bunch of strange members of the People’s Congress.


This strange leader Xi Jinping who was not well educated but very capable of conspiracy, could only rise in this strange reverse elimination system of the Communist Party.  Recently, there are more celebrities criticizing all kinds of his bad behaviors.  One may find Dai Xu’s article on the Internet, which harshly criticizes the CCP’s 14 mistakes in dealing with Sino-US relations.  Recently, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is well-known for his war wolf diplomacy, showed his friendness to the United States and was renamed Foreign Minister Panda.  Both may not be accidental.


Although Mr. Dai Xu issued a statement denying writing this article, this denial is the same as General Liu Yazhou who denied to avoid the negative consequences Ren Zhiqiang had to bear, instead of denying his true thoughts.  Otherwise, he could write another article that touted Xi Jinping's war wolf diplomacy to completely settle the matter.  As Sima Nan, a famous Mao Zedong leftist said: scolding the USA is my work, loving the USA is my life.


The article of Mr. Dai can be said to be indispensable.  Xi Jinping's self-proud diplomacy has brought irreparable disaster to the Communist regime.  The era of Jiang Zemin implemented Deng Xiaoping's deceitful strategy which was to take advantages but behave one’s self and making money quietly.  Therefore, with the help of American capitalists, the Communist regime was able to develop at such a high speed, and became a rich rogue with poor manners.


But time will change. The first is that the American people have become more and more aware of the CCP’s policy of drawing blood from the United States, which is causing the decline of the United States and the decline in the living standard of the Americans.  The political atmosphere has also reversed.  Anti-communism and preventing communism expansion has already become the new political correctness.  The good times won be the deception of Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping are gone.


The second is what Mr. Dai Xu said: You are not qualified to stand at the front gate of the others yelling I have surpassed you, and I am a powerful and aggressive country.  When a pretending martial arts expert carelessly poses challenges against some true expert, it could be described as by some buzzwords of the youth as looking for abuse, or looking to be beaten, or looking to get uncomfortable.  The self-expansion of an uneducated leader drove all the flatters of the entire CCP and the entire China country to cheer him up.  The result was to wake up a group of American panda scholars who were unable to wake themselves up from their sleep.  This strengthened the anti-communist and prevent-communist forces.  It ended the good time that the CCP enjoyed while making its fortune quietly.


Is the United States really as incompetent as the fifty cents army working for the Communist regime?  Xi Jinping was cheated by his flatterers.  Although President Trump was very patient and carefully refrained from severe punishment, the American society, which was in a rage, could not tolerate it anymore.  Several small punishments released recently have already touched on the fundamental interests of the CCP and its corrupt officials.  After the USA exercises bigger actions, it will make most CCP officials desperate.  China’s interests will also collapse and the Chinese people will suffer.


Mr. Dai did not even dare to talk about the domestic difficulties.  Instead, Premier Li Keqiang was frank: half of Chinese' income is below the poverty line, and on the verge of survival.  On the one hand, the Communist regime squandered money outside of China with the China Development Bank, the Belt and Road Initiative, posing a posture to compete with the United States for leadership.  The Communist regime clamors itself as “the rise of the giant”, and wants to compete for leadership against traditional powers, and even has its foot soldiers clamoring "readiness for battle."  Is this its way to get rid of domestic poverty?  Is this its posture to seek international help?  Not likely.  It looks more like that pretending martial arts master looking to be beaten.


Some friends reminded me: Don’t criticize the CCP and let it continue to inflate itself, so the Communist regime will collapse even quicker.  However, as I know the Chinese people will suffer harder as a result, I felt silence was kind of unbearable.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of the commentary broadcasted by Radio Free Asia:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on July 12, 2020.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on July 13, 2020.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1305-W920



Release Date: July 13, 2020



Topic: Look at the Strange Things in the Strange Country -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:奇葩国里看奇葩 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生





































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