Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1307-W922
Release Date: July 20, 2020
Topic: Secretary Pompeo’s Speech on Human
Rights in Philadelphia -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:美国国务卿蓬培奥费城人权讲演 -- 魏京生
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Secretary Pompeo’s Speech on Human Rights in
- Wei Jingsheng
The U.S. State Department has established a new subordinate
organization called the Commission on Unalienable Rights. On its first anniversary, a human rights
seminar was held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo gave a
keynote speech at the seminar, expounding the human rights policy of the United
States, and emphasizing the determination of the US government to uphold human
rights and promote democracy.
This constitution center was built to commemorate the Continental
Congress that formulated the U.S. Constitution, right at the place where the
Continental Congress was held. This also
shows that the US government is pushing to strengthen the human rights
principles in the spirit of the US Constitution.
The establishment of this organization is very important. There have been many comments, including from
scholars and politicians from the left who believe that the UN Human Rights
Council no longer focuses on human rights, but has become a platform for the
Chinese Communist regime and a group of autocratic countries to counter human
rights. Could it be said that autocracy
is so popular? No. In addition to the dictators who huddling
together for warmth, there are also the public and private bidding by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at work.
Let me tell you a little story.
At the Human Rights Commission in Geneva many years ago, our overseas
democracy movement canvassed votes for a motion condemning the CCP's violation
of human rights. A representative from
Africa was invited to my coffee table.
As soon as he came, he said: The money from your embassy arrived
yesterday. I know how to vote. Do you have anything else needing to be taken
care of?
I was stunned first, and soon realized that he was talking about the
Chinese government. I asked him: Is it
into your personal account or your country’s? He said that that is my personal money, I
don't know about my country. I asked
again: Are you voting according to the instruction from your country? He smiled and said: My country does not care
about these things. I decide for myself.
Being bought like this is common in the United Nations, and everyone is
not surprised anymore. However, another
French-speaking African representative was persuaded by us and cast a vote
condemning the CCP. This was not in line
with everyone's prediction, so that the teller who was surprised had to ask
again: What is you vote? He firmly
stated that he voted to condemn the CCP, and the audience looked back in
surprise: Who is this guy? So bold? They whispered to each other and told each
other which country that representative represented.
When the United States first designed the rules of the United Nations,
it was based on the principle of fairness.
Every country has an equal vote.
But this assumption is wrong.
Many countries are simply irresponsible.
Coupled with the CCP’s open and private buying,
the so-called equal vote has become an unreasonable design. This huge loophole
is the guarantee for the success of the CCP’s
corruption policy. The United Nations
Human Rights Council has become the Anti-Human Rights and Tyranny Protection
For this reason, our overseas democracy movement and the US government
have successively withdrawn from activities in the UN Human Rights
Council. We stopped wasting our time
with the Communist regime and its lackeys.
However, more than ten years ago, I planned to gather famous people of
justice from various countries to form such an authoritative human rights
assessment organization. It was only
because of the selfish calculations of the Taiwanese government that it failed,
like Lee Teng-hui's government supporting the Communist China to get the
most-favored-nation status and to join the World Trade Organization.
Now the establishment of this Commission on Unalienable Rights under
the auspices of Secretary Pompeo is one of the steps to gradually replace the
UN Human Rights Council. The Commission
will unite with just people, include countries and organizations that truly
care about the cause of human rights and democracy, to appeal for the oppressed
people and make authoritative judgments for the protection of human rights.
The fifty cents Internet police and the informants pretending to be
democracy activists of the Chinese Communist regime often clamor that the
overseas democracy movement does not do real things, but only talks. What are real things? These are real things, including things that
have not been successful and are in operation.
This is why Xi Jinping has recently intensified the suppression of the
pro-democracy movement at home and abroad, including the use of fifty cents
Internet police and informants pretending to be democracy activists spreading
rumors and smear campaigns. This is the
new normal that requires us to be vigilant.
Secretary Pompeo’s speech can be found on the
Internet, including Twitter, and everyone can watch it and be inspired again.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any
compensation. Wei Jingsheng and the Wei
Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for
allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of the commentary broadcasted by Radio Free Asia:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
(Written and recorded on July 19, 2020.
Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on July 20, 2020.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1307-W922
Release Date: July 20, 2020
Topic: Secretary Pompeo’s Speech on Human
Rights in Philadelphia -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:美国国务卿蓬培奥费城人权讲演 -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
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