Wei Jingsheng Foundation Release: A1326-W941



Release Date: September 30, 2020



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Calls for Nominees for its Seventeenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Calls for Nominees for its Seventeenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"


September 30, 2020


December 5 this year will mark the 42nd anniversary of Wei Jingsheng writing and publishing his well-known article "The 5th Modernization -- Democracy."  On that date, we will make the announcement of the 17th annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize". 


Now, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation is opening the call for nominations for this sixteenth annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize".  In previous years, the following awards were made:


2004: the first annual Prize went to Mr. HU ShiGen and Mr. LIU XianBin.

2005: WU Yilong and CHEN Xi, with a special award to YU Dongyue.

2006: GUO Feixiong and ZHOU Zhirong, with a special award to LIN Mu (deceased).

2007: ZHANG Lin and YAN Zhengxue, for returning China to directly strive for Chinese freedom and democracy.

2008: LIU Jingsheng, representing the 1978 Democracy Wall generation.

2009: HUANG Qi and YANG Tianshui, for their work and effort to push for freedom inside China, especially Internet freedom.

2010: XU WanPing, who was serving a 12-year sentence in prison, with his indomitable actions and tenacious showing of character we can all learn from.

2011: LIU Di (deceased), in recognition of his leadership in the 1976 April 5 Movement in China.

2012WANG Donghai (deceased), the leader and the first person who publicly tried to register an opposition party in China under the one-party rule of the Communist Party.

2013: The dozens of activists from the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" rights defending group that united together with relentless struggle against the tyranny with insistence and persistence.

2014: The people who struggle for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong.

2015: Chen Shuqing, who not only adhered to the democratic concept, but also worked to put it into action for nearly 2 decades.

2016: Fan Baolin, in an uneasy rebellion within the Communist regime.

2017: Tang Jingling, a Chinese Christian of faith and conscience which led him to embark on a road of thorns.

2018: Zhu Yufu, an active veteran who devoted more than 40 years of his life to the modern democracy movement in China since the Democracy Wall 40 years ago.

2019: Cardinal Joseph Zen, for firmly supported the Hong Kong democratic movement and strongly opposed the Communist interference in the missionary activities and religious freedom of the church.


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation wishes this annual prize to serve as a continued and consistent encouragement to Chinese democracy advocates who have devoted themselves to and contributed to the progress of Chinese democracy, despite the suppression from the Communist government.  Thus, the prize is designated mainly for democracy advocators who are inside China.


The annual announcement is made on December 5, the date of publication in 1978 of "The 5th Modernization - Democracy", by Mr. Wei Jingsheng.  This date was a landmark for the Chinese democracy process.  The prize was initiated with the encouragement and financial support of an anonymous donor who promised an essential $1,000.00 annually as seed money for it.  We encourage more donors to contribute to this award specifically.  (Tax-exempt receipts will be provided for your federal tax deduction purposes, as well as your choice of public acknowledgment or remaining anonymous.)


Since the establishment of this prize, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation has received many nominations, and much feedback and encouragement in this regard.  We encourage the participation and recommendations from our colleagues and friends as before.


If you have a person or a group to nominate, please send the name, the credentials, other possible referrals, methods of communication and other details to us by midnight on Saturday, November 14, 2020 (US Eastern Time).  The best way to reach us is via e-mail.  The contact e-mail address is: hcp0411wjs@aol.com or HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please send plain text (no attachments and/or embedded pictures) for a timely response.


We look forward to your nominations, as well as your input and suggestions.  You may also contact us at the Wei Jingsheng Foundation via other means.  Our mailing address is: Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P.O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA.  Our phone number is: 001-202-270-6980. Thank you.



--Ciping HUANG

Executive Director

Wei Jingsheng Foundation



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.  We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic governance on this planet. 


You are welcome to use or distribute this release.  However, please credit with this foundation and its website at: www.weijingsheng.org


Although we are unable to afford to pay royalty fees at this time, we are seeking your contribution as well.  You may send your articles, comments and opinions to: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please remember, only in text files, not in attachments.


For website issues and suggestions, you may contact our professional staff and web master at: webmaster@Weijingsheng.org


To find out more about us, please also visit our websites at:

www.WeiJingSheng.org and www.ChinaLaborUnion.org

for news and information for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and human rights and democracy movement as whole, especially our Chinese Labor Union Base.


You may contact Ciping Huang at: HCP@Weijingsheng.org or

Wei Jingsheng Foundation office at: 1-202-270-6980


Wei Jingsheng Foundation's postal address is:

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation Release: A1326-W941



Release Date: September 30, 2020



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Foundation Calls for Nominees for its Seventeenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize"



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











魏京生先生发表享有盛名的文章"第五个现代化 -- 民主"将近42年了。这也代表着中共夺取政权后中国民主运动已展开了四十二年。








2008年,第五届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予1978年西单民主墙的代表刘京生先生。

2009年,第六届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予致力于推动中国的自由、包括互联网自由的民主斗士黄琦先生和杨天水先生。

2010年,第七届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予在监狱里服12年徒刑的具有顽强意志的许万平先生。

2011年,第八届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予1976年四五运动的先锋人物"小平头"刘迪先生(已故)。

2012年,第九届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予勇于突破中共的党禁封锁,率先在中共独裁统治的中国公开申请组织反对党的浙江民主党领袖王东海先生(已故)。

2013年,第十届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖" 授予维权争民主的中国百姓团结一致、不屈不挠地与中共的独裁暴政作抗争的典范:成都"链子门"维权事件中的数十名主人公们。








一年一度的"魏京生中国民主斗士奖"的目标是对中国的民主运动进行连续不断的鼓励与推动,因而其得奖对象以支持与奖励在中国国内勇于牺牲、坚持中国民主运动的个人与团体为主。颁奖日为每年的125 -- 魏京生先生1978年发表的,享有盛名的文章"第五个现代化 -- 民主"的纪念日。




如果您希望为2020年魏京生基金会第十七届"魏京生中国民主斗士奖"提名,请在20201114日午夜(周六,美东时间)前将有关被推荐人的详细介绍及应获奖的缘由介绍给我们。最好是以电子邮件的方式联系。电子邮箱是:hcp0411wjs@aol.com 及 HCP@weijingsheng.org。 (请以不含附件及图片的纯文本的信件方式直接寄出,以免延误。)


我们也希望冀此得到您们进一步的意见与建议。我们的通讯地址是:Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA。电话是:001-202-270-6980










欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:  HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG



Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA

电话: 1-202-270-6980






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