Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1321-W936



Release Date: Sept. 12, 2020



Topic: Human Rights Groups Call for Cancellation of Rights to Host Beijing Winter Olympics, White House Responds -- NTD interview of Wei Jingsheng

标题:人權團體籲取消北京冬奧會主辦權,白宮回應 -- 新唐人采访魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Human Rights Groups Call for Cancellation of Rights to Host Beijing Winter Olympics, White House Responds

Beijing time: 2020-09-10 06:42



[NTD News September 10, 2020 Beijing time] In view of the continuing deterioration of human rights in China, on Wednesday, more than 160 human rights groups around the world submitted a joint letter to the International Olympic Committee requesting cancellation of the right to host the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.  The White House spokesperson answered questions from the English Epoch Times reporter.


On Wednesday, more than 160 human rights groups submitted a joint letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, calling on the Olympic Committee to "reverse its mistake of granting the right to host the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics."  The letter said that if the worsening human rights crisis is completely ignored under the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Olympic spirit and the reputation of the Olympics will be further damaged.


On the same day, the English-language Epoch Times reporter asked the White House spokesperson for President Trump's position.


White House spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany: " I haven't spoken to him specifically on that, so I'd have to get back to you.  But this President has always held China accountable.  His actions very clearly show that.  He has stood up to China unlike any President before him in modern history."


Wei Jingsheng, advisor of the "Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China": "First, this shows that the political atmosphere in the West has turned around.  It makes me recall that back in the 2008 Olympic Games, when the trade between China and the West was still very hot at the time, these human rights organizations did not participate in our boycott.  Now it looks that the situation is the other way round.  This boycott of the Olympic Games is very related to the international community, including the boycott of the Communist Party in the United States and Europe.  They are related."


On Wednesday, more than 320 human rights groups in more than 60 countries around the world signed an open letter asking the UN Human Rights Council to stop allowing the CCP to violate human rights, and urged the UN to establish an independent investigation mechanism to hold the CCP accountable.


Wei Jingsheng, advisor of the "Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China": "The function of the United Nations has been very severely eroded by the Chinese Communist regime.  This request of these human rights organizations is tantamount to challenging it.  Are you still the United Nations?  If you are the United Nations, that's fine.  If you are not the United Nations, the world's view of the United Nations would have become more and more clear."


Wei Jingsheng thinks that currently the international community is resuming its pressure on the CCP on human rights issues, which is directly related to President Trump's China policy.


The advisor of the "Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, Wei Jingsheng said: "But the real reason is that of the American people, or people all over the world, have become more and more aware of the ugly face of the Chinese Communist regime."


NTD reporter Kitty Wang reports from Washington DC, the Capital of the USA.



Original link of the NTD report:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1321-W936



Release Date: Sept. 12, 2020



Topic: Human Rights Groups Call for Cancellation of Rights to Host Beijing Winter Olympics, White House Responds -- NTD interview of Wei Jingsheng

标题:人權團體籲取消北京冬奧會主辦權,白宮回應 -- 新唐人采访魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








人權團體籲取消北京冬奧會主辦權 白宮回應

北京時間:2020-09-10 06:42





週三﹐160多個人權團體向國際奧委會主席托馬斯? 巴赫遞交聯署信,呼籲奧委會「糾正授予北京2022年冬奧會主辦權的錯誤」。信中說﹐如果在中共控制下﹐不斷惡化的人權危機被完全忽視,奧林匹克精神和奧運會聲譽將受到進一步損害。




白宮發言人 Kayleigh McEnany﹕「我尚未和總統談到這一問題﹐得之後回復你。但川普總統總是令中共為其行為負責。他的行動非常明顯地表示出這一點。他敢於抵制中共﹐和現代歷史上任何往屆總統都不同。」


「對華政策跨國議會聯盟」顧問 魏京生﹕「這個首先就說明現在整個西方的政治氣氛轉過來了。我回想起2008年奧運會的時候﹐因為當時中國和西方的貿易還非常熱﹐這些人權組織也不參加我們的抵制行動。現在看來﹐正好情況反過來了。 這個抵制奧運會跟國際社會﹐包括美國歐洲對共產黨的抵制﹐都是非常有關係的﹐有關聯的。」




「對華政策跨國議會聯盟」顧問 魏京生﹕「聯合國的功能被共產黨給侵蝕得非常嚴重。這些人權組織這個要求﹐等於是將了它軍。你到底還是不是聯合國﹖你要是聯合國那還可以。你要不是聯合國﹐全世界對聯合國的看法也就會越來越清楚了。」




「對華政策跨國議會聯盟」顧問 魏京生﹕「但真正的原因是美國的民眾﹐或者說全世界的民眾﹐已經越來越認清中共的醜惡嘴臉。」













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