Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1319-W934
Release Date: Sept. 8, 2020
Topic: Wei Jingsheng responds to Hu Xijin: Is the whole world an enemy
of China? -- VOA Window on the World Program
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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Window on the World Program of Voice of America Broadcast Its
Interviews of Wei Jingsheng on September 8, 2020
-- Trump: The United States will end its dependence on China forever;
Wei Jingsheng responds to Hu Xijin: Is the whole world an enemy of China?
Voice of America’s Window on the World program
interviewed Wei Jingsheng to comment on the CCP’s use
of artificial intelligence to surveil the whole country and Hu Xijin’s statement that the whole world is the enemy to China.
Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the surveillance in China has become
malicious and has also been used by hackers.
The Chinese people have no privacy at all and have become very
scared. The chaos created so far exceeds
the possible benefits. This surveillance
may benefit the ruler, but not the ordinary Chinese.
Wei Jingsheng also talked about that Xi Jinping’s
way of thinking is still the early method of the Communist Party – he thinks that all resistance can be nipped in the bud by
means of surveillance and suppression.
However, the result is stronger resistance and other counter-effects,
including wolf worrier diplomacy which causes a strong backlash not only in
China, but also internationally. Now the
public hates the actions of Xi Jinping and his clique, and Xi has become very
Wei Jingsheng pointed out that Hu Xijin's remarks that the whole world
is the enemy of China are fooling Xi Jinping, which is flattering, and
treacherous. This actually harms Xi Jinping
and makes Xi more isolated inside and outside of China.
Original link of the Voice of America program:
Related audio (the first 19 minutes is the interview of Mr. Wei
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1319-W934
Release Date: Sept. 8, 2020
Topic: Wei Jingsheng responds to Hu Xijin: Is the whole world an enemy
of China? -- VOA Window on the World Program
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 特朗普:美国将永远结束对中国的依赖;魏京生回应胡锡进:全世界都是中国的敌人?
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