Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1337-W952



Release Date: November 16, 2020



Topic: How to Understand the U.S. Election? -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:如何理解美国的选举 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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How to Understand the U.S. Election

-- Wei Jingsheng



Recently I have seen many criticisms of the US elections as being messy.  Some of them are the Internet soldiers working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP); some are kind friends who understand differently or still have some sequelae from CCPs brainwashing.


There is a saying called democratic centralism.  Everyone must laugh after hearing this: Is not this Mao Zedong's sophistry?  Indeed, the CCP held high the banner of democracy before coming to power and fooled the Chinese people and the elites who thought they knew everything about the world.  But as soon as the CCP came to power, it made people feel that it was not so democratic, and everything was decided by this one party.


Did the CCP ever ask people outside the Party when it launched the so-called Suppressing the Counter-Revolution and killed millions of Chinese?  Have the CCP asked people outside the Party to support the Korean Communists in the war with the United States?  Everything was a one-party dictatorship by the CCP.  The so-called democratic parties in China soon learned to shut up and ridiculed themselves as the Vase Parties.  Therefore, it was necessary for Mao Zedong to defend the deception of the CCP.  This was what Mao was particularly good at.


How to do this sophistry?  The technique was specious.  Democracy is a decision-making method, and of course the plan must be implemented after the decision.  Just like a ship, after deciding on the direction of sailing and the choice of captain, the entire ship must obey the command; it is impossible to allow you to do whatever you want.  Otherwise, the ship could capsize and everyone die.  The same goes for a country.  The country must implement the same policy and act under the command of the same leader.  Mao Zedong secretly changed this concept into centralism, which is a typical sophistry technique.


Does the CCP have so-called democracy?  No, it does not, neither before nor after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.  While turning the sophistication of one-party dictatorship into democratic centralism, it launched the elimination of the opposition both inside and outside the CCP.  As long as one disagrees with the CCP, he or she will be eliminated regardless of people or institutions.  Even those within the CCP who disagree with the leader will all become counter-revolutionaries to be eliminated.  In this way, the banner of democracy held high during the 1930s and 1940s was secretly replaced by a centralized one-party dictatorship.  The CCPs theory of one-party dictatorship has been interpreted as the highest democracy.  After the so-called reform and opening up, it is still acting out this set of pseudo-democratic theory.


Some friends who hate the false democracy and true dictatorship of the CCP have done the opposite.  They claims that true democracy means that they can retain their opinions regardless of the outcome of the vote and do not need to cooperate with parties with different opinions.  Retaining one's own opinions is definitely the basic principle of democracy, but eliminating different opinions is exactly the road to dictatorship.  If you do not implement the collective decision-making and do everything as you wish, you go to the other extreme.  Just imagine that the crew on a ship do not obey the commands and behaved differently, with excuses of different opinions.  Then what would happen to this ship?  I am afraid that no one will survive.


I recently read an article by Mr. Zhang Qianfan, who criticizing the Chinese people for lack of contractual spirit and therefore being impossible to accomplish things.  This is exactly the situation. To get on this ship or join this country, is to enter a mandatory contract.  The life and death of the group will be your personal life and death, as you have given up your complete independence.  In other words, you must be responsible for everyone's survival.  If you don't obey the group's decision, it may lead to the destruction of the ship and even death, so the others can only throw you into the sea and give you absolute personal freedom.


How to choose between obeying the group's decision even if the decision was wrong, which may result in the ship sinking, or go on your own way, which will sink the ship for sure?  Smart humans choose to have a chance of survival, instead of the ship sinking for sure.  Idealists who hide themselves in the study might choose to let the ship sink and people die.  After all, it would not be themselves die.  Since ancient times, Chinese scholars have had the habit of turning a blind eye to outside affairs.  Therefore, they lack the spirit of the contract and think that they can be irresponsible, even unable to achieve success and contributing to failure.  This is also a cultural tradition.


I look at Americans and see them behave like what was described by Mark Twain, that they would do everything they can to win the elections.  However, after the results were counted, they were able to cooperate with each other and advance together.  For example, during the election primary campaign within one party, the opponent would scold the other to the point of swearing, yet during the general election, they would cooperate tacitly and come together like brothers to defeat the tiger together.  In fact, is it not true that our Chinese are arguing at home, yet would join together to deal with the outside tigers?  This is a common sense although elite scholars may not care as it seems not advanced enough.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of the commentary broadcasted by Radio Free Asia:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on November 13, 2020.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on November 16, 2020.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1337-W952



Release Date: November 16, 2020



Topic: How to Understand the U.S. Election? -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:如何理解美国的选举 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生





































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