Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1417-W1020



Release Date: October 2, 2021



Topic: The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: So Called Xi Jinping Cares about the Chinese Is a Big Lie; the Chinese Communist Party Has Never Cared about the Chinese People



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: So Called Xi Jinping Cares about the Chinese Is a Big Lie; the Chinese Communist Party Has Never Cared about the Chinese People



On October 1, 2021, the Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect programs broadcast its host Zhiyuan’s interview with Wei Jingsheng.  The following is a brief introduction.


On September 30, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xinhuanet reprinted the full text of Xi Jinping’s speech on June 25, 2021 at the 31st collective study session of the Politburo of the 19th CCP Central Committee, published in Qiushi magazine, “Make good use of red resources, continue the red blood, and strive to create new achievements worthy of history and the Chinese people."  Xi Jinping said in the speech that the CCP has been in power for more than 70 years and will continue to be in power for a long time.  On the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by the CCP, what important message does Xi Jinping’s speech try to convey?


Wei Jingsheng responded in his VOA interview that Xi Jinping’s words "our party has been in power for more than 70 years and will continue to be in power for a long time" shows the mindset of Xi Jinping and other CCP leaders is once they are in power, they do not want to step down.  This mentality is not only that of the ancient emperors, but also by leaders under the democratic systems.  Therefore, the democratic systems have tenure restrictions to limit this inferiority of human nature, but Xi Jinping did exactly the opposite and therefore amended the constitution the other way.


Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the Chinese people have been striving for democracy for more than one hundred years, and China was once the first democratic republic in Asia.  However, with the support of the Soviet Union, the CCP has grown up, especially in the seventy years since the founding of the PRC, it has been a disaster for the Chinese people.  Now that Xi Jinping is going backward, everyone should think about whether we can embark on a democratic road and give Chinese people a good life or not.


Wei Jingsheng pointed out that on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the end of the Cultural Revolution in China, we should review the consensus at the end of the Cultural Revolution, which was the unanimous welcome of reform and opening up.  But the reality now is that Xi Jinping will continue the red CCP tradition and go back.  Regarding the CCP internal struggle, Wei Jingsheng said that this is different from a peaceful, rational and non-violent democratic system.  The internal struggle of an autocratic system is a fight for life and death.  Beginning in the Jiangxi Revolutionary Base era, once the CCP took power, it killed with bloodshed, which has been the case for decades.  Although there was a slight easing during Deng Xiaoping's period, Xi Jinping became bloody again after he took over power.  Now, the corruption of the CCP has developed to such a height that is paramount in ancient and modern times, China or foreign countries.  There is no Chinese official who is not greedy.  The CCP internal struggles will inevitably result to a fight of life and death.  It has gradually reached a situation similar to when the President of the China (Liu Shaoqi) was killed during the Cultural Revolution.


Wei Jingsheng said: Historically speaking, officials like to fool the common people.  When Xi Jinping claims that he cares about the Chinese people, it is just a big lie, as the CCP has never cared about the people.  Not only are there 30 million laid-off workers who are unable to survive, even according to the CCP’s own statistics, Premier Li Keqiang also said that there are 600 million (40%) Chinese earning less than 1,000 RMB a month; 84% of Chinese (nearly 1.2 billion of population) earn less than 3000 RMB per month.


Wei Jingsheng said: The CCP always brags about being the second biggest economy in the world and how high its income is.  It throws money everywhere in the world.  It expands its armaments and prepares for war.  And it wants to compete with the United States as the world leader.  But looking at the poverty of most Chinese people, it shows that the CCP has never cared about the Chinese.  Even when Deng Xiaoping engaged in reform and opening up, he was just trying to save the CCP.  Now Xi Jinping is advocating "continuing the red blood" which shows that he is going to return to the fundamentalist era of Mao Zedong and Stalin.


Wei Jingsheng hopes that not only the poor Chinese, but also the middle class Chinese who can live a decent life should also think about whether they are willing to return to the Cultural Revolution era.  Wei wishes that the Chinese will not be fooled by Xi Jinping and the CCP again.  China must move towards a multi-party democratic system instead of maintaining a one-party dictatorship.  Wei finally urged everyone, especially senior CCP cadres, to seriously think about what Xi Jinping's "continuing tradition" means and to respond correctly.



The webpage where the Voice of America interviewed Wei Jingsheng is located at:



Relevant audio of VOA interview of Wei Jingsheng:



The VOA Window on the World program on October 1, 2021:



Related audio (the first 18 minutes contains VOA’s interview with Wei Jingsheng):




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1417-W1020



Release Date: October 2, 2021



Topic: The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: So Called Xi Jinping Cares about the Chinese Is a Big Lie; the Chinese Communist Party Has Never Cared about the Chinese People



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













中共官媒新华网九月三十日全文转载了《求是》杂志发表的习近平2021625日在十九届中央政治局第三十一次集体学习时的讲话 《用好红色资源、赓续红色血脉,努力创造无愧于历史和人民的新业绩》。习近平讲话称,中共已经执政70多年,还要长期执政下去。在中共建政即中华人民共和国成立72周年之际,发表习近平这篇讲话传达了什么重要信息?
































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