Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1365-W976



Release Date: March 16, 2021



Topic: Wang Dan Submits List of Political Prisoners, Biden's Human Rights Policy on China Is Put To the Test – Radio Free Asia report

标题:王丹提交政治犯名单,拜登对华人权政策受考验 – 自由亚洲电台报道


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wang Dan Submits List of Political Prisoners, Biden's Human Rights Policy on China Is Put To the Test

-- Wei Jingsheng Calls on the United States to Unite Its Allies to Give the CCP a "Bitter Taste"




A US-China high-level meeting is just around the corner.  Wang Dan, the leader of the 1989 student movement, called on the United States to urge China to release a large number of political prisoners during the meeting.  Many overseas pro-democracy activists believe that everyone has the obligation to speak out for jailed political prisoners, while at the same time warning the Biden administration not to fall into the trap of the hostage diplomacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and to unite with allies to establish a human rights policy that has “teeth” and would be a deterrent and could be continued.


On March 14th, Wang Dan sent a letter to the US National Security Council and the U.S. State Department through the overseas Chinese opposition think tank "Dialogue China" that he founded, and submitted a name list that includes Wu Gan, Wang Yi, Yu Wensheng, Zhang Zhan, Qin Yongmin , Chen Qiushi, Li Qiaochu, Geng Xiaonan and another 50 or 60 political prisoners, calling on the United States to submit the list to the Chinese side during their meeting and ask it to release these political prisoners.


In addition, Wang Dan also made two appeals:  1. a wish that the United States will attach great importance to the CCP crackdown in Hong Kong and its concentration camps in Xinjiang, and expand the scope of sanctions against relevant officials; 2. a wish that the United States will replace its traditional "strategic ambiguity" policy with "strategic clarity" to clearly express to China its determination to defend democratic Taiwan.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan will meet in Alaska on March 18th with Yang Jiechi, Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Commission of the CCP Central Committee, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, for the first meeting between the US and China’s top leaders since Biden took office.


Blinken made it clear at the hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives last week that the United States will reposition human rights and democracy at its center of foreign policy and will not make concessions to the CCP over cooperation issues such as environment and climate.  In a conversation with Yang Jiechi last month, Blinken also emphasized that China must be responsible for human rights violations in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, etc.


"I think that Human Rights will be the top priority of this meeting, followed by trade.  This is also the first 'summit' between the top diplomatic leaders of China and the United States, which will determine the broad framework for the development of Sino-US relations in the next few years.  The eyes of the whole world are on Hong Kong and Xinjiang, while many human rights lawyers and citizen journalists in Mainland China are suffering more severe persecution.  According to statistics, there are more than 1,100 people persecuted."  Wang Dan told Radio Free Asia that the human rights situation in Mainland China has deteriorated rapidly, including the recent arrest of Niu Tengyu who is only 20 years old and was sentenced to 14 years and suffered sexual harassment, which was very rare a few years ago.


Although Wang Dan is not optimistic about Xi Jinping's release of a large number of political prisoners, he firmly believes that the rescue of political prisoners by overseas people should not be stopped, and silence can only encourage the CCP's tyranny.


Wang Dan: "Basically from the later period of Hu Jintao's reign, the CCP has not accepted the pressure of the West on China's human rights issues.  It has a direct relationship with the growth of national power and the judgment of the situation.  Hostage diplomacy has been over for a long time, since about ten years ago.  This list is for those political prisoners who are suffering in prisons.  This is a kind of spiritual encouragement to those who are behind bars."


China used hostage diplomacy as a means to use its own dissidents as a bargaining chip in exchange for political and economic benefits with the West.  China uses its capital and technology to hide its capacity and strengthen its national power.  The political mechanism has not been fundamentally changed, and the international human rights treaties that it has joined have also turned out to be nothing.


"You don't exchange with terrorists in the Middle East, so why do you exchange with the CCP?  The paradox is that it must do business with the CCP."  Su Xiaokang, the chief writer of the TV series "River Elegy" and the Chinese exiled writer, recalled.  “Washington politicians were greedy for China's market, trade, and cheap labor.  They fed tigers and now are hurt by those tigers."


"After the June 4th massacre, Presidents George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, William Clinton and Barack Obama had all been making exchanges with the CCP.  President Clinton and Jiang Zemin exchanged Wei Jingsheng and others for entry into the WTO and receive Most Favored Nation status.  In the past 30 years, the CCP has become strong and able to eat the United States and to suppress the West.  It got its start during the Clinton era.  Until today, the United States hasn’t changed it, but only defended itself."


As China tore off its mask of keeping a low profile and the United States abandoned the illusion of engagement policy, the era of hostage diplomacy has gradually come to an end.


"The human rights issue was once the focus of US policy towards China.  But President George W. Bush’s administration made the wrong decision and stopped trading human rights with China.  It abolished hostage diplomacy in name, while essentially abolishing concern about human rights in China -- dropping it as a burden.  When the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was visiting China, she actually said that human rights were no longer the focus of the conversation."  The democracy leader Wei Jingsheng, who was sent on a flight to the United States by Jiang Zemin, told Radio Free Asia that President Biden should put substantial pressure on the CCP over human rights issues, instead of empty talks.


"Human rights are the basic values of Western democracy.  When you give that up, while the other party did not give up its values of dictatorship and autocracy -- it resulted in a regression of democracy across the whole world."


At the meeting between the US and China this Thursday, Su Xiaokang suggested that the Biden administration should adhere to the economic pressure of the Trump era -- it is better to eradicate the devil than to make exchange with the devil.  "Playing the human rights card is the easiest way for them to engage in appeasement.  The CCP is afraid of economic cards and trade wars.  It is very happy that you are playing the human rights card with it."


Wei Jingsheng also called on the United States to establish human rights policy that has teeth and is threatening, at the expense of the CCP’s economic, military, and international political interests -- to impose penalties if violated, instead of giving awards and concessions:


"In the past, the U.S. government only gave the CCP sweets and turned it into 'hostage diplomacy'.  Now it should have an approach with 'teeth' and bitter taste.  The US should unite its allies against China: to include human rights as important conditions every time it conducts military security and economic negotiations with China.  If you don’t care about human rights in China, it will take away your own personal safety gradually."


Since Xi Jinping came to power, the list of political prisoners has grown longer and longer.  The CCP even arrested Western citizens as hostages, including Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor of Canada, Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun of Australia, and Gui Minhai of Sweden, etc. which triggered protests from many countries.


Radio Free Asia reporter Xue Xiaoshan reports from Washington.

Editor in charge: Shen Hua; web editor: Hong Wei.



Original link of the Radio Free Asia report:



Audio of this report is also available at:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1365-W976



Release Date: March 16, 2021



Topic: Wang Dan Submits List of Political Prisoners, Biden's Human Rights Policy on China Is Put To the Test – Radio Free Asia report

标题:王丹提交政治犯名单,拜登对华人权政策受考验 – 自由亚洲电台报道


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 自由亚洲电台










美国国务卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)和白宫国安顾问苏利文(Jake Sullivan18日将在阿拉斯加会见中共中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪及中国外长王毅, 进行拜登就任以来美中高层的首度会晤。






“我认为人权会是这次会面的重中之重,其次是贸易。这也是中美两国外交高层的第一次‘峰会’,会决定未来几年中美关系发展的大的框架。当全世界的眼光集中在香港新疆,中国内地有很多维权律师和公民记者在遭受更严重的迫害。有统计的有1100多人。” 王丹告诉本台,内地人权状况飞速恶化,包括最近九零后的牛腾宇才二十岁就被判十四年并遭受性骚扰方面的凌辱,这在几年前是很罕见的。


















中国曾以人质外交为手段,将本国的异议人士为谈判筹码,与西方交换政治经济利益, 利用其资本和技术来韬光养晦、壮大国力,政治机制并无根本变革,曾经加入的国际人权条约也沦为一纸空谈。








“人权问题曾是美国对华政策的重点。但是小布什政府作出错误决策,不再拿人权跟中国做交易,名义上取消人质外交,实质上取消对中国人权的关注,当作一个包袱卸掉了。希拉里访华时居然说,人权不再是我们谈话的重点。” 曾经被江泽民从囚室送上赴美班机的民运领袖魏京生对本台表示,拜登应该就人权问题给中共实质压力,不能是空谈空号。


“人权是西方民主的基本价值观,你把它放弃了,对方可没有放弃独裁专制的价值观 -- 这就形成全世界范围内,民主的倒退。”










习近平上台以来,政治犯的名单越来越长,甚至抓捕西方公民作为人质,包括分别来自加拿大、澳大利亚和瑞典的康明凯(Michael Kovrig)、斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)、成蕾、杨恒均、桂民海等人,引发多国抗议。



自由亚洲电台记者薛小山华盛顿报道   责编:申铧   网编:洪伟














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