Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release: A1371-O325



Release Date: April 4, 2021



Topic: IFCSS Announcement on Observing the 32nd Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre in Beijing on June 3, 2021 and Accepting Its 2021 “Spirit of Freedom Award” Nominations



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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IFCSS Announcement on Observing the 32nd Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre in Beijing on June 3, 2021 and Accepting Its 2021 “Spirit of Freedom Award” Nominations



The council of the IFCSS (Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars, USA) held a council meeting on April 4, 2021 and decided to host its 32nd consecutive event marking the anniversary of the June 4 Massacre in front of the Chinese Embassy (address: 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA) in Washington, DC, on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 2pm to commemorate the people who sacrificed their lives during the 1989 Democratic Movement in China.  In addition, the IFCSS will also announce its 2021 "Spirit of Freedom Award".  The “Spirit of Freedom Award” is now open for nominations from all freedom loving people.  The nomination deadline is Saturday, May 8, 2021.


The IFCSS calls on people from all walks of life and ethnic groups in the international community not to forget the June 4th Massacre, and also welcomes the participation of organizations interested in pursuing democracy and freedom in China to express our grief for the heroic deaths of June 4th Victims and to strive to realize democracy in China as soon as possible.


The "Spirit of Freedom" award was established by an IFCSS council’s resolution in 2001.  Its purpose is to celebrate and commend the courage of Chinese people to not fear authoritarian terror, have contempt for totalitarian violence, and exhibit the spirit of pursuing freedom with conscience and blood, even lives.  The "Spirit of Freedom Award" has always been open to nominations from all walks of life.  There is a prize of $ 1,000 per person.


For details of the IFCSS June 4th commemoration activity and the Spirit of Freedom Award this year, please contact IFCSS council member CHEN Chuangchuang at: 646-406-9094, imchchch@gmail.com; or another IFCSS council member HUANG Ciping at: 1-202-270-6980, IFCSS64@AOL.Com. 


Thank you for your attention and participation.



Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars, USA (IFCSS)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release: A1371-O325



Release Date: April 4, 2021



Topic: IFCSS Announcement on Observing the 32nd Anniversary of the June 4 Massacre in Beijing on June 3, 2021 and Accepting Its 2021 “Spirit of Freedom Award” Nominations



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












全美学自联将于202163日(周四)下午2点在美国首都华盛顿特区的中共国驻美大使馆前(地址:3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA)连续第32年主办"六四"纪念活动,以悼念在1989年民主运动中牺牲的人们。届时全美学自联还将颁布2021年度全美学自联"自由精神奖"(Spirit of Freedom Award)。现特别向社会公开征集自由精神奖提名,提名截止日期为202158日(周六)。




"自由精神奖"由全美学自联理事会2001年决议设立。其目的是颂扬和表彰中国人民不畏专制恐怖、蔑视极权强暴的勇气,和以良知、 鲜血以致生命追求自由的精神。"自由精神奖"一向开放接受社会各界提名。奖金为每人一千美元。















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