Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1403-W1006



Release Date: July 4, 2021



Topic: Wei Jingsheng: Xi Jinping Wants to be a Great Leader, but He Has No Real Material -- Voice of America

标题:魏京生:习近平想当伟大领袖,但没有真材实料 -- 美国之音


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng: Xi Jinping Wants to be a Great Leader, but He Has No Real Material

July 2, 2021

-- Voice of America



Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the ceremony of the Centennial celebration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, 2021.  He tried his best to highlight that he has become a transformative "great leader" like Mao Zedong, since he became the CCP Secretary General at the end of 2012 with the ambition that he wants to guide China under the CCP to "great "Rejuvenation", including expanding abroad and becoming a world power.


Wei Jingsheng, a veteran of the Chinese democracy movement and leader of the overseas democracy movement, said in an exclusive interview with the Voice of America on Thursday that Xi Jinping's intention is very clear, that is, to make himself a "great leader" after Mao Zedong.


Wei Jingsheng said: "His intention is to establish an image of a great leader.  Everyone can see this.  But for him pretend to be Mao Zedong, he really has nothing to inspire.  No matter whether Mao Zedong was deceiving or doing other radical things, he did attracted support from a lot of people after all.  Xi Jinpings imitation is only ridiculous.  He really does not have much, but can only imitate his predecessors.  He may only get some praise from a small number of angry young and angry old people.  Most people may not say anything.  Everyone may look down on him thinking, you want to regard yourself as a great leader, but you do not have that ability and capacity."


Wei Jingsheng stated that Xis speech was largely a retrospect and imitation of Mao Zedong, which deserved attention from the outside world for his promotion of "politics of hatred."


Wei said: "All Xi wants and is doing in this retrospective and imitation, including his clothes, must go back to the Mao Zedong era.  The main theme of his speech is that the history of the Chinese nation being bullied is over.  This is a repetition of the ceremony of the PRC founding by the Mao Zedong.  It is worth noting that they are now starting to propagate hate politics again.  They talk about how they have been bullied since the Opium War, we have to fight back, etc.  When this kind of propaganda is relatively strong, it is also at the lowest tide of Chinas economic, political, and social development and the darkest time."


Wei Jingsheng went on to say: "In fact, from the reform and opening up in the 1980s to the Hu Jintao era, this propaganda of the Opium War hatred against foreign countries has been relatively weakened. But during the Xi Jinping era, it has begun to become strong again.  Xi Jinpings speech this time gave the strongest expression.  He reinforced the incitement of nationalism, which shows that he is completely bankrupt politically in theory and not many people believe in communism anymore.  This time everyone noticed that Xi did not particularly promote communism.  He mainly promoted nationalism, the ultra-nationalism in the name of so-called patriotism.  This was the main theme of his propaganda."


Wei Jingsheng also said that Xi Jinping mainly emphasized the CCP's determination to liberate Taiwan when looking to the future, and warned the outside world not to underestimate the CCP's determination and ability.


Wei said: "To release this kind of threat is actually in line with Xis overall tone.  In fact, it is not about really doing anything to Taiwan, but to incite the angry youth domestically.  There are two characteristics of these domestic angry youth: one is extreme nationalism to exclude all foreign countries; another is that we want to liberate Taiwan, and so on.  The CCP has never concealed its ambitions for Taiwan.  But in fact, they also understand that if they want to attack Taiwan now, there will be big problems.  One is the United States and Japan may support Taiwan and it could not be taken over.  One is that even if the CCP takes over Taiwan, it may not be able to govern Taiwan.  The third is that they understand that the domestic situation is unstable and the situation within the CCP is unstable.  At this time, how dare he mobilize forces to initiate a war against the outside?  Therefore, his liberation of Taiwan was to boost the morale of the people and angry youth internally, and lead them to support the CCP regime.  This is for domestic politics."


Although in recent years, especially since June 30, 2020, China forced the National Security Laws in Hong Kong and castrated Hong Kongs rule of law so that the "one country, two systems" ceased to exist, Xi Jinping still declared in his speech that the so-called "one country, two systems" and "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" were still in effect.  Wei Jingsheng stated that the CCPs actions in Hong Kong have actually completely bankrupted the CCPs reputation in the world.


Wei said: "They have gradually eroded the rule of law in Hong Kong for more than a year, or even over last two or three years.  As soon as its national security law was promulgated, the rule of law in Hong Kong collapsed, and there was no freedom or human rights.  The problem with Hong Kong is that the CCP has universally suffered condemnation by the international community, as well as losing its credit and showing its lack of credibility to ordinary people all over the world.  Xi wants to revive back some credit, but these are completely lies.  Everyone can see that the CCP has already exploited human rights and freedom in Hong Kong, and even that the rule of law is gone.  Yet Xi still tells this kind of lie, this kind of shameless propaganda."


In Xi Jinping's speech, the diplomatic part was particularly hard toned, such as "the era of bullying is gone forever", "will have a broken head with blood running", "never accept the preaching of the teacher style master", "Any attempt to divide and antagonize the Chinese people from the CCP will not succeed" and so on.  Some outsiders have analyzed that Beijing continues to accuse the United States and other Western countries of trying to contain Chinas rise, while Xi Jinpings hard-line speech is clearly aimed at Washington and its allies.


Wei Jingsheng expressed that instead of aiming at foreign countries, it should be said that Xi wants to serve his domestic politics, and it is meant for domestic Chinese.


Wei said: "I think Xi is mainly speaking for domestic politics.  Externally, he has already messed up.  The wolf warrior diplomacy has made the CCP unable to find many friends in the world.  Some time ago, Xi said that they should promote lovable images internationally, but in fact, he cant let go of wolf warrior diplomacy, because wolf warrior diplomacy is mainly not external, but internal.  If he shouts to the outside, people will not be intimidated.  But he is mainly doing so internally for: I behaved very tough, I am great, and I can fight against the big powers in the world.  So he relies on this tough attitude to the outside world to attract the support of angry youth inside of China."


Although Xi Jinping has become the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong after eight years in power with an iron fist, and the economic and military power under the CCP is far stronger than that under Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, meanwhile Xi Jinping has also tried his best to show his "confidence" on the international stage, but China's international reputation under Xi Jinping has been declining in recent years, and it has become increasingly isolated in international affairs.  A recent survey by the Pew Research Service found that the majority of people in North America, Europe and some Asian countries continue to have a generally negative perception of China, while confidence in Xi Jinping has fallen to a record low.



Original link of the VOA report:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1403-W1006



Release Date: July 4, 2021



Topic: Wei Jingsheng: Xi Jinping Wants to be a Great Leader, but He Has No Real Material -- Voice of America

标题:魏京生:习近平想当伟大领袖,但没有真材实料 -- 美国之音


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









202172 02:00

-- 美国之音





























尽管习近平经过8年的铁腕执政已成为毛泽东以来最具权势的领导人,中共治下的经济与军事力量远比毛邓时代强大,而习近平也极力展示在国际舞台上的“自信”,但是,习近平治下中国的国际声誉近年来不断下跌,在国际事务上越来越孤立。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Service)的近日的一个调查发现,北美、欧洲和部分亚洲国家的大多数民众对中国的观感持续普遍负面,而对习近平的信心则跌到历史新低。











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