Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1404-W1007



Release Date: July 7, 2021



Topic: The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: The CCP’s “Continuing the Red Bloodline” Proves It Is a Regime of the Red Families



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: The CCP’s “Continuing the Red Bloodline” Proves It Is a Regime of the Red Families



On July 7, 2021, the Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect programs broadcast its host Zhiyuan’s interview with Wei Jingsheng.  The following is a brief introduction.


The 245th anniversary of the United States’ Independence has just passed, and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has also come to an end.  However, the comparison of the two countries with completely different systems, and the analysis and comments about Xi Jinping’s "July 1" speech are still continuing.  What does Xi Jinping's speech mean "to continue to carry forward the glorious tradition and continue the red bloodline"?  Voice of America reporter Zhiyuan interviewed Wei Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, to explore related issues.


Voice of America: Mr. Wei Jingsheng, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP and the 245th anniversary of Independence of the USA have just passed.  How do you feel about the experience of living in these two countries which have completely different systems?


Wei Jingsheng: first of all, as long as there is no violation of the law, most basic human rights are protected in the United States, no matter what a person says or does.  Everyone here lives in a free and stable life, and everyone celebrates the day of American independence from their hearts, unlike the situation in China and North Korea.  The environment in China created by the CCP with its suppression of human nature is fundamentally different from that of the United States.


Voice of America: Xi Jinping’s speech on July 1 stated that "For one hundred years, the CCP has carried forward the great party-building spirit, built the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists in the long-term struggle, and tempered a distinctive political character.  History is endless and spiritual generation passed on from generation to generation.  We must continue to carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red bloodline, and always carry on and carry forward the great party-building spirit!"  What do you think of Xi Jinping's emphasis on "continuing the red bloodline"?


Wei Jingsheng expressed that this actually is Xi Jinping's admission in public that what the CCP wants now is the so-called feudal system of the past China, such as the inheritance of sons from the father, etc.  This is exactly the lineage theory criticized by the CCP itself many years ago.  This time the CCP recruited a group of descendants of the so-called founding fathers (of the PRC: People’s Republic of China) for the show, which exactly illustrates that the CCP’s regime is not a government of the people, but the regime of the so-called Red Families.  Mr. Wei further analyzed the circle of children of cadres in Beijing, and pointed out that this shows that Xi Jinping is becoming increasingly unpopular in this circle.


Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the history of the CCP is a history of fabrication, but this history of the CCP is actually not easy to compile.  For example, the important coup by Lin Biao was not included in CCP history this time, which is hardly convincing.  The internal struggle of the CCP is fierce, with examples of expelling the Party Secretary-Generals of its own, etc.  On the surface, the CCP supported democracy and freedom, but in fact it has been a history of cruel struggles and ruthless strikes against others since the era of its separatist rule in China.  The CCP is actually not a real political party, but a gang group, and its internal struggle is getting more and more intense.  These internal fights have made the common Chinese, even the early idealist Communist members, become very hostile to the current CCP.


Voice of America: Xi Jinping’s speech on July 1 seems did not talk about democracy, freedom and constitutionalism from the beginning to the end, but emphasized that "the Chinese nation has a history of more than 180 years in modern times, the 100 years since the founding of the CCP, and 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.  All these years of history have fully proved that without the CCP, there would be no New China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.  History and the Chinese people chose the CCP."  What do you think?


Wei Jingsheng responded: It was indeed the Chinese people who chose the CCP in the 1940s and 1950s.  However, since the CCP came to power, it intensified its evil actions and killed hundreds of millions of Chinese.  Although the CCP advertised democracy and freedom in its early days including during Mao Zedong era, but since Deng Xiaoping, it hasn’t even bothered with superficial portraits for itself.  It doesn’t even bother to put on sheepskins.  It just claims to be a wolf, and even declares to the world that it is a wolf warrior.  Because the CCP has realized that the people no longer believe in it, such a regime cannot last long.


Wei Jingsheng pointed out: Now the CCP can only promote nationalism to incite the Chinese people and let these people vent their dissatisfaction and hatred.  But this is a double-edged sword.  Most people in China have a difficult life.  For example, Premier Li Keqiang even said recently that 600 million Chinese earn less than 1,000 Chinese Yuan a month, with which is difficult to maintain their essential lives.



The webpage where the Voice of America interviewed Wei Jingsheng is located at:



Relevant audio of VOA interview of Wei Jingsheng:



The VOA Window on the World program on July 7, 2021:



Related audio (the first 21 minutes contains VOA’s interview with Wei Jingsheng):


Related screenshot:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1404-W1007



Release Date: July 7, 2021



Topic: The Voice of America Window on the World and VOA Connect Programs Broadcast VOA Interview with Wei Jingsheng: The CCP’s “Continuing the Red Bloodline” Proves It Is a Regime of the Red Families



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













美国独立245周年纪念日刚刚过去,中国共产党成立100周年大会庆典也已经落下帷幕,不过,对两个制度完全不同的国家比较引起的思考,以及习近平“七一”讲话引起的各方分析评议仍在继续。而习近平讲话中所说的“要继续弘扬光荣传统、赓续红色血脉” 又是什么意思?美国之音记者致远连线采访中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生探讨相关问题。


美国之音:魏京生先生,中共建党100周年, 美国独立245周年纪念日刚刚过去,对于生活在两个制度完全不同的国家的经历,你的感受?





































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