Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1416-W1019



Release Date: September 26, 2021



Topic: Ms. Huang Ciping Spoke at the Light Shining Forum International Symposium: Looking At the Authoritarian Nature of the CCP from Its Persecutions During the Cultural Revolution 



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Ms. Huang Ciping Spoke at the Light Shining Forum International Symposium: Looking At the Authoritarian Nature of the CCP from Its Persecutions During the Cultural Revolution



On September 26, 2021, the Light Shining Forum held an international symposium entitled "The CCP's rule is approaching the 74-year limit of the USSR, and what is it about to face -- survival or collapse?"  The forum was broadcast live through the IPK media, YouTube and clubhouse, and the IPK media website simultaneously broadcast the text manuscripts.


Mr. Wei Jingsheng led the symposium: "Xi Jinping is slaughtering all walks of life across China, which is the trend of to the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its regime."


The topic of Ms. Huang Ciping's speech was: "Looking At the Authoritarian Nature of the CCP from Its Persecutions During the Cultural Revolution."  The following is an outline of Huang's speech.

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Looking At the Authoritarian Nature of the CCP from Its Persecutions During the Cultural Revolution

-- Huang Ciping



The Chinese people are hardworking and wise, and created the first democratic republic in Asia.  Regrettably, since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a series of historical coincidences, China and the Chinese people have been dragged into the abyss of suffering.  As the 72nd anniversary of the CCP's usurpation of power is approaching, it is necessary to review what the CCP has done in the past 100 years.  This review will not only give everyone a deeper understanding, but also prepare for the eventual coming up fall of the CCP regime and the establishment of a democratic and free China in the future.


1. Since the CCP was founded 100 years ago, including during its Long March and Yan'an period, it has used cruel struggles and relentless strikes.  After its usurpation of power in 1949, it has oppressed and exploited the Chinese, not just depriving the Chinese people of their freedom and democracy, but even killing people and harming their relatives and friends.  Among the CCP crimes, the so-called "three-year natural disaster" caused 80 million deaths.  The so-called "family planning" is also notorious for its cruelty, not only killing many unprovoked babies, but also destroying women's health, as well as causing a huge imbalance in the ratio of men to women - even according to the data published by the Chinese government, it was 136:100 for male babies vs. females.  This CCP policy has already resulted in huge problems in the Chinese society include age structure.


2. The peak of persecution recognized by the CCP itself is the infamous so-called "Cultural Revolution."  The CCP not only killed many unprovoked officials and average Chinese people, but also produced a cultural desert that is still a scar in China by the CCP's destruction of Chinese culture.  As a matter of fact, since the May Fourth Movement, China has not learned from the West the universal values ??of respect for human rights and democracy, while the despicable phenomenon of abandoning China's fine traditions and culture of thousands years had reached its peak during the so-called Cultural Revolution.  The so-called "Chinese President" Liu Shaoqi was persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution itself exposing the bloody facts of the CCP's infighting, let alone the powerlessness of ordinary Chinese.  My own family has been persecuted under the CCP's dictatorship.  From the forceful taking private business into public ownership to the robbery and ransacking of my family during the Cultural Revolution, to the persecution of my grandfather, who was a business owner, to death, it left a very deep impression on me and affected my whole life.


3. The CCP not only persecuted the people politically, but also learned from the communist slavery system of the Communist Party of USSR to persecute economically, abandoning the traditional Chinese free market economic model of thousand years.  Realizing the so-called big pot rice-style people's commune was itself a social regression in China.  After the CCP usurped power for 30 years and its economy and society were unable to be sustained, the CCP had to carry out reforms.  Regrettably, Deng Xiaoping, the CCP paramount leader, still insisted on one-party autocracy, and only changed the economic system but not the political system in China by took China back to the old traditional Chinese model of ruling.  The Chinese people's freedom and democratic rights are still not guaranteed.


4. Since Xi Jinping became the CCP supreme leader, China has begun to go back to the Cultural Revolution period again.  Even limited economic freedom has begun to be deprived.  Chinese people's right to speak has been more restricted.  Some people say that China is about to have the second Cultural Revolution.  But in my opinion, as long as the CCP continues its one-party dictatorship and the CCP's authoritarian nature remains unchanged, the Cultural Revolution will not end and can be restored at any time.  It's like that Hong Kong became a city in Mainland China overnight when the so-called "National Security Law" was implemented.  Persecution, oppression and exploitation followed immediately.  The CCP‘s high-pressure policies in Tibet and Xinjiang, including the application of high-tech, were also immediately applied across China, causing the terrible situation in China today.


Where is China going?  It needs answers and effort from all of us.  Thank you IPK Media for organizing this forum and giving us an opportunity to express,to discuss and to understand the CCP regime until it ends!

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Link to the information about his seminar:

光明论坛第3期公告 - 光传媒 | 传播真理 追求自由 (ipkmedia.com)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1416-W1019



Release Date: September 26, 2021



Topic: Ms. Huang Ciping Spoke at the Light Shining Forum International Symposium: Looking At the Authoritarian Nature of the CCP from Its Persecutions During the Cultural Revolution 



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
















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-- 黄慈萍





1. 回顾中共自从其100年前建党开始,包括长征、延安期间,都以残酷斗争与无情打击为能,在1949年篡夺政权之后,更是欺压剥削老百姓,不仅仅剥夺中国老百姓的自由与民主的权利,更是残害生命,祸及亲友,其中所谓的“三年自然灾害”造成八千万的死亡,所谓“计划生育”的惨无人道也是臭名昭著,不仅仅杀害了许多无故婴儿,毁害了妇女健康,也造成了巨大的男女比例失调,136:100,以及如今中国社会年龄结构的巨大问题。


2. 而中共自己都承认的迫害高峰,则是臭名昭著的所谓“文化大革命”。中共不仅仅杀害了许多无故官员百姓,其对中国文化的摧残也造成了至今依然伤痕累累的中国文化沙漠,将五四运动以来既没有能从西方学到真正的尊重人权民主的普世价值观,又抛弃了中国数千年来的优良传统与文化的卑劣现象达到了顶峰。所谓“国家主席”刘少奇在文革期间被迫害致死本身,就是揭露了中共内斗的血淋淋事实,更勿谈无权无势的小老百姓了。我自己的家庭在中共专制下就一直受迫害:从公私合营到文革抄家,一直到我资本家的外公被迫害致死,都给我留下了极其深刻的印象,并影响了我的一生。


3. 中共不仅仅在政治上迫害百姓,且在经济上学习了苏共的共产奴隶制度,抛弃了中国上千年的传统自由民及小农自由经济模式。来实现所谓大锅饭式的人民公社,其本身就是社会倒退。在中共篡权30年经济与社会都无法延续下去时,中共不得不进行改革。遗憾的是,中共领导邓小平依然坚持一党专制,进行的是只改经济不改政治的古老的传统中国社会模式,老百姓的自由民主权利依然没有保障。


4. 自从习近平成为中共的最高领导人以来,中国又开始走回头路了,连有限的经济自由也开始被剥夺,老百姓说话的权利受到更大的限制,可谓是风声鹤唳。有人说中国要第二次文革了。但在我看来,只要中共继续其一党专政,中共的专制本性不变,文革就没有结束,可以随时恢复。这就像香港在实行所谓“国安法”之时的一夜之间,就变成了中国大陆的一个城市,迫害与压迫剥削随即而至。中共在新疆西藏所采取的高压政策包括高科技的应用,也立即推广到全国,造成中国今日的恐怖局面。



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光明论坛第3期公告 - 光传媒 | 传播真理 追求自由 (ipkmedia.com)







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