Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1460-W1058



Release Date: March 20, 2022



Topic: What Does the Ukraine War Teach Taiwan? -- Wei Jingsheng 

标题:乌克兰战争给台湾什么启示? -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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What Does the Ukraine War Teach Taiwan?

-- Wei Jingsheng


Russia has already lost its war against Ukraine.  The resolute resistance of the Ukrainian people is beyond the expectations of the United States and Russia, which has plunged Putin's army into the quagmire of a protracted war.  Heavier Western sanctions have left Putin unable to support a protracted war.  Under the stalemate, whether Ukraine gets a decent victory or Putin gets a decent withdrawal is the focus of the current dispute between the two sides.  But Ukraine is clearly in an advantageous position with the continued support of the international community.  Putin and his leadership are having a headache now.


The news media are madly talking about how Xi Jinping will take advantage of the turbulent situation in Europe caused by Putin to take Taiwan in one step this autumn and create a favored condition for his re-election as Secretary-General of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Especially it is a great benefit for the ambitious Xi Jinping, as Xi sees that the United States is unwilling to send troops to rescue Ukraine.  Without the United States sending troops, Xi thinks the weak character of the Taiwanese makes him quite sure to be able to take over Taiwan in one step.  He wants to bet that the United States will misjudge the situation as in this Ukraine crisis, then the biggest obstacle to winning Taiwan will be gone, and he can finally bet correctly.


In fact, this time, Secretary-General Xi is wrong again.  Both parties in the United States have sent heavyweight politicians to Taiwan to soothe and encourage the morale of the Taiwanese people, and have repeatedly stated that they will not relax the string of Asia-Pacific strategy despite the war in Europe.  Indeed, under the current geographical situation, the ability of the United States to fight a land battle and a naval battle is more than enough; especially now that Ukraine can resolve Putin's aggression on its own without the need for the US to join the war.  Xi Jinping’s pro-Russian strategy is constrained by Western sanctions and he is powerless to help Russia win.  The plan to take over Taiwan has little chance of success.


The Ukrainian war exposed Russia as a paper tiger.  The biggest reason for the failure of the Russian army is its corruption.  Its society is corrupt and so is its army.  This greatly reduced the overall strength of Russia, and finally it is losing a war against the smaller country of Ukraine.  China is no longer what it was during the Kuomintang-Communist civil war and the Korean War.  Decades have passed with a lot of changes.  The level of corruption of the Communist regime exceeds that of the Kuomintang more than seventy years ago.  The CCP to Taiwan will be just like Russia to Ukraine, which will expose the paper tiger as soon as a war begins.  Even if the United States does not participate in the war, the CCP Secretary-General Xi has little chance of winning.


Ukraine had little preparation before the war.  It was unprepared psychologically and militarily, with little and poor weaponry, which made it look like it was not an opponent against Russia at all.  It has the same sort of language and the same ethnic background, thus having the best conditions for annexation.  However, both language and ethnic background are no longer reasons for aggression.  Thus the invasion was strongly resisted by the Ukrainian people, and it was also opposed and criticized by countries all over the world.  It was with this support and help that the Ukrainian people defeated the seemingly powerful invaders.  Xi Jinping wants to attack Taiwan, and he is facing the exact same situation.  It looks like the result will be the same as well.


The biggest difference between Taiwan and Ukraine is that Taiwan has had good military preparations since the Chiang Kai-shek era.  The quality of its weapons and equipment is better than that of the Communist Army, as it has a great advantage over the Soviet-Russian-style equipment of the Communist Army, and the quantity is still sufficient.  There will not be a big loss in the initial battle as in Ukraine.  Instead, it is possible to be invincible, as Israel was against the mighty Arab army, and soon push the battlefield into enemy’s land.


However, currently there is no such possibility.  That is because Taiwan's biggest weakness is that it doesn't have the mental preparation of Israel and the fighting spirit of Ukraine.  More than 20 years ago, I criticized Taiwan for being like the Southern Song Dynasty in China, and the situation has worsened in the past 20 years.  Thinking that the United States will help them fight against the Communist regime, this Taiwanese psychology makes its society and the army to be worse than the Southern Song Dynasty.  It is even following Western fashion and is about to abolish its mandatory military service system.  The whole society has no awareness of defending itself.  When the United States lets it go as it did with Ukraine, Taiwan will choose a chief executive to surrender to the Communist regime in Mainland China.


The people of Taiwan have realized their weakness through this Ukrainian war.  The resumption of mandatory military service is still under discussion, while the work of enhancing reserve training is in progress, and the search for more weapons and equipment from abroad is also in progress.  But if Xi Jinping suddenly launches a war for his re-election with his foolish spirit, will Taiwan still have time for its step-by-step work which is just a showcase to its voters?  This is Xi Jinping's only chance of winning.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of the commentary broadcasted by Radio Free Asia:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on March 17, 2022.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on March 18, 2022.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1460-W1058



Release Date: March 20, 2022



Topic: What Does the Ukraine War Teach Taiwan? -- Wei Jingsheng 

标题:乌克兰战争给台湾什么启示? -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生



































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