Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1664-O396



Release Date: May 27, 2024



Topic: Adhere to the Spirit of the 1989 Democracy Movement, Promote Democracy and Constitutional Government in China – The 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"

标题:堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Adhere to the Spirit of the 1989 Democracy Movement, Promote Democracy and Constitutional Government in China – The 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"

-- by Tian Mu



This year is the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre", while the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has also established its regime for nearly 75 years.  The authoritarian system in China is still continuing.  Freedom, democracy and human rights are under violent suppression and unable to be realized.  The Chinese have never gotten rid of the "family world" and "one party’s world" of the millennium iron lock, and are yet to enter the enlightened sunlight of “people’s world”.  In 1979, Wei Jingsheng proposed "political democracy", which has been the direction that the Chinese pursued yesterday, now and tomorrow.  The spirit of the 1989 Democracy Movement ending with the June 4th Massacre, is also the starting point of the Chinese dream, and the hope and motivation forever flowing in the Chinese blood.


The 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre" is coming.  The overseas Chinese democracy movement which insists on pursuit of rationality and law has been active for 35 years as well, with its flag, teams and pressure.  This year, the "Congress for China’s Future" created by Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, and Wang Juntao held its first Congress in Washington DC in early March, marking another unity of the Chinese democracy movement and opening up the road to reform and rebuilding a new society in China with the effort to end one party dictatorship rule and create a constitutional and democratic New China.


China ’s issues are difficult and overwhelming: the National Security Law, which is above the “Basic Law” on Hong Kong, has severely damaged the order of the free legal system of Hong Kong.  The Chinese Navy and Air Force dispatched a large number of warships and military aircraft from time to time to patrol and conduct military exercises surrounding the Taiwan, which has seriously threatened and harassed the social order and safety of Taiwan, and affected and disturbed the normal life of the people of Taiwan.  The human rights persecution of Tibet is still very serious, as the CCP's suppression in Tibet has intensified and countless Tibetans were detained, sentenced, and even killed.  In recent years, the "boarding schools" have been established to enroll all Tibetan young children mandatory and brainwash them with Chinese.  The language, culture, and religion of Tibet are threatened by cultural extinction.  The human rights persecution of the Xinjiang Uyghur is also continuing with millions of Uighurs detained in the so -called "re-education camps", which was defined as "Ethnic extinction" by many countries.  In South Mongolia, ethnic contradictions and conflicts occur from time to time.  In order to maintain the Mongolian language, traditional culture, folk customs of living, the Mongolians have been unremittingly struggling for decades.


All in all, if the CCP regime does not fall, a constitutional government and democracy are not established in China, and the people of all ethnic groups are pressed under the dictatorship system, there will be no freedom of thought, no freedom of speech, no freedom of assembly, and no freedom of choice ...


2024 is the fifth time Global Democratic forces will jointly hold the commemorative video conference in observing the “June 4th Massacre”.  We continue to host such global activities to show the pursuit and persistence of Chinese democratic advocators.  We have the determination and will to reach our goal ultimately!  The "June 4th" is a call for assembly.  Only when the democratic movement is united, insisted on cooperation, and strives to overthrow the CCP's autocratic system together, will China have hope and future!


Those who will participate in this year's commemorative event are:

WEI Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democratic Coalition (USA);

WANG Dan, a student leader of the 89th Democratic Movement (USA);

Jhy-wey Shieh, Taiwan Ambassador to Germany (Germany);

HU Ping, a famous theorist of the democratic movement (USA);

Tienchi Martin-Liao, Vice Chairman of the Peace Committee, PEN International (Germany);

Representative Kelsang Gyaltsen Bawa (Representative of the Central Tibetan Administration to Taiwan and chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Taipei);

WANG Juntao, chairman of the National Committee of Chinese Democratic Party (USA);

Marie Holzman, French Sinologist (France);

Makino Seishu, Japanese politician, former Deputy Minister of Economic and Industry in Japan, President of the Tibet Federation (Japan);

Reinhard Bütikofer, European Parliament member (Berlin, Germany);

LEE Yeau-Tarn, former professor of National Chengchi University (Taiwan);

TSENG Chienyuan, Chairman of the "New School for Democracy" (Taiwan);

Kai Möller, international Campaign for Tibet (Berlin, Germany);

XI Haiming, Chairman of the Inner Mongolia People's Party (Germany);

HUANG Ciping, Secretary-General of the Overseas Chinese Democratic Coalition (USA);

Jamyang Tsering, Chief Editor of the official Chinese website of the Central Tibetan Administration and the bimonthly "Tibet Newsletter" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information (Dharamshala, India);

Christoph Müller-Hofstede, German China Expert (Berlin, Germany);

Perry Link, Famous Sinology scholar (Los Angeles, USA);

Benedict Rogers, the Vice Chairman of the British Conservative Party Human Rights Committee (London); Jürgen Kahl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung journalist (Dusseldorf, Germany);

Roland Kühne, German pastor and teacher (Kempen);

LI Hengqing, a student in 1989 democracy movement (USA);

CHEN Liqun, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party (USA);

WANG Guanru, the chairman of the Chinese Democratic Party in UK (London, UK);

Dr. WANG Weiluo, famous water conservancy expert (Dortmund, Germany);

Chang Ping, commentator, June 4th Memory & Human Rights Museum curator (Dusseldorf, Germany);

Thomas Yan Sun Kong, Hong Kong frontline convener (Taipei, Taiwan);

WANG Guoxing, the convener of the headquarters for Democratic China Front (The Hague, Netherlands);

LIANG Youcan (Melbourne, Australia);

Wang Jinzhong (Tokyo, Japan);

GAO Jian, the head of the Melbourne Democratic Union (Melbourne, Australia);

CHEN Zhonghe, chairman of Chinese Democratic Party Overseas Committee (The Hague, Netherlands);

JIANG Fuzhen, Secretary-General of Chinese Democratic Party Overseas Committee (The Hague, Netherlands);

LIU Weimin. vice chairman of the Chinese Democratic Party ’s Overseas Department (France);

HUANG Hua, vice chairman of the Chinese Democratic Party in UK (London, UK); 

PAN Yongzhong, chief editor of SinoEuro Voices (Germany);

CHEN Weijian, editor-in-chief of Beijing Spring (New Zealand);

Dr. LIN Chihua, Board Chairman of the "New School for Democracy" (Taipei, Taiwan), etc.

This commemorative event will not be held in the name of organizations.


The 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"

1. Time: June 3, 2024 (Monday), the specific time around the world is:

New York Time: 8: 00,

US West Time: 5: 00,

Berlin Time: 14:00,

London Time: 13:00

Hong Kong and Taipei Time: 20:00,

Japanese time: 21: 00,

Australia time: 22: 00,

New Zealand Time: 0:00 on the 4th.

2. Conference address: Zoom Network

Use the Zoom online venue to hold about 2 hours of commemorative conference.  A link will be provided on May 30 (Friday).  During the conference on Monday, live broadcasts will be arranged at the same time.  Friends who will not speak at the conference may attend it live.


The hosts of the conference: Tienchi Martin-Liao, LI Hengqing

Technical support of the venue: ZOOM software

Network Technology Management for the conference: Mr. Lin, SinoEuro Voices

Organizers of the conference Tienchi Martin-Liao, HUANG Ciping, LI Hengqing, CHEN Liqun, WANG Guanru, PAN Yongzhong

Media publicity and contact: PAN Yongzhong

Conference contact person:

CHEN Liqun (USA): qunli99@gmail.com

PAN Yongzhong (Europe): tianmu2050@gmail.com



Related pictures: Speakers of the 2024 Global Internet Video Commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"




The original link of this report:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1664-O396



Release Date: May 27, 2024



Topic: Adhere to the Spirit of the 1989 Democracy Movement, Promote Democracy and Constitutional Government in China – The 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"

标题:堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動

-- 田牧文  2024-05-25













參加今年紀念活動的有:中國民主運動海外聯席會議主席魏京生(美國)、八九民運學生領袖王丹(美國)、台灣駐德國大使謝志偉(德國)、民運界著名理論家胡平(美國)、國際筆會和平委員會副主席廖天琪(德國)、格桑堅參(西藏行政中央駐台灣代表、達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會董事長)、中國民主黨全國委員會主席王軍濤(美國)、法國漢學家瑪麗‐侯芷明(Marie Holzman 法國)、日本政治家、前日本經濟產業副大臣、日本支持西藏聯合總會會長牧野聖修、歐洲議會議員綠黨萊因哈德•比蒂科夫(Reinhard Bütikofer 德國柏林)、前台灣政大教授李酉潭、台灣華人民主書院協會理事長曾建元、國際聲援西藏組織凱•穆勒(Kai Möller德國柏林)、內蒙古人民黨主席席海明、中國民主運動海外聯席會議秘書長黃慈萍(美國-華盛頓)、藏人行政中央宣傳部西藏之頁主編蔣揚次仁(印度-達蘭薩拉)、德國中國問題專家克利斯朵夫•穆勒-霍夫斯特德(Christoph Müller-Hofstede德國柏林)、美國著名漢學學者林培瑞(Perry Link 洛杉磯)、英國保守黨人權委員會副主席貝迪克特•羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers倫敦)、新蘇黎世報記者康友耿(Jürgen Kahl 德國-杜塞爾多夫)、德國牧師與教師羅蘭德•庫納(Roland Kühne 德國-肯彭 )、八九民運學生李恒青(美國)、中國民主黨全國委員會副主席陳立群(美國)、中國民主黨英國總部主席王冠儒(英國-倫敦)、著名水利專家王維洛博士(德國-多特蒙德)、時事評論作家、六四記憶人權博物館總策展人長平(德國-杜塞爾多夫)、香港前線召集人甄燊港(台灣-台北),民主中國陣線總部召集人王國興(荷蘭-海牙)、梁友燦(澳大利亞-墨爾本)、王進忠(日本-東京)、墨爾本民運聯盟負責人高健(澳大利亞-墨爾本)、中國民主黨海外委員會主席陳忠和(荷蘭-海牙)、中國民主黨海外委員會秘書長姜福禎(荷蘭-海牙)、中國民主黨海外黨部副主席劉偉民(法國)、中國民主黨英國總部顧問黃華(英國-倫敦)、歐洲之聲主編潘永忠(德國-埃克倫茨)、北京之春主編陳維健(新西蘭)、華人民主書院協會理事長林啟驊博士(台灣-台北)等等,本次紀念活動不以組織名義舉辦。





































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