Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1662-W1201



Release Date: May 18, 2024



Topic: Putin and Xi Jinping Each Gets What They Need -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:普京和习近平各取所需 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Putin and Xi Jinping Each Gets What They Need

-- Wei Jingsheng



After Vladimir Putin won his re-election, the first person he visited was Xi Jinping.  This shows that he urgently needs Xi Jinping's help, for the needs of both of his face and essentials.  At this critical moment of struggles between Putin and the United States, whoever takes action first will win the final victory.


On the front line of the Ukrainian war, it seems that the Russian army has made some progress.  But it is still a little short of reversing the stalemate on the battlefield.  As the following-up assistance from the United States and Europe will arrive soon, it is difficult to say whether the situation on the battlefield can be reversed.  It is Putin’s important strategy to show that he can get assistance from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to offset the assistance that Ukraine received from Europe, the United States and NATO, thus to undermine the confidence of his opponents.  This is called saving his face.


With continued assistance from the United States and Europe, the war will continue for a long time.  In terms of financial and logistical resources, Russia cannot match the strength of Europe and the United States.  If the consumption continues, there will be a day when Russia cannot support it.  This is the day when the United States' strategic goal of weakening Russia is achieved.  Russia alone may not be able to support itself – it will run out of ammunition and food before the United States and Europe lose their patience.


What Is To Be Done?  This is the title of the book by Nikolay Chernyshevsky that Putin brought to Xi Jinping, and it is also the core issue he wants to discuss with Xi Jinping.  With China's economic size, it will not be a problem to help Russia go over the difficulties.  However, China's own economy is experiencing a slump.  If it attracts sanctions from the United States, it will be even worse.  Xi Jinping wanted to help, but officials at all levels refused to agree, and things still couldn't be done.


If Xi does not help, Putin can only accept the peace talk conditions set by the United States without fear of embarrassment, withdraw from the occupied territories, and reconcile with the West.  What will happen to Russia like this?  Will Russia continue to embrace Xi Jinping, the panda?  I am afraid not.  On the contrary, that they will hate Xi Jinping for deceiving Putin.  Judging from the fact that Putin has the support of the vast majority of Russians, it would be offending the entire Russian nation.


It doesn't matter if Xi offends a president, but if he offends a nation state, the problem becomes serious. When turning an enemy into a friend failed, he may instead have added a potential enemy.  The plan to reunify Taiwan by force would come to nothing.  Plans to enhance his prestige and consolidate dominance are about to come to nothing.  Therefore, Xi Jinping is in a dilemma this time.


Putin also is unwilling to fail and is making a last-ditch effort.  Losing the territory occupied in the west and losing the territory in the east have different values in the eyes of the people.  He is making a deal with Xi Jinping on this, with joint development, cooperative national defense, etc. which are all acceptable concessions.  Whether the conditions given can be accepted by the top leaders of the CCP is exactly the homework to be done during this visit.


Top Chinese officials may be debating whether it is worthwhile to accept Putin's concessions and incur further U.S. sanctions.  If it is not cost-effective, they must give up Russia as a quasi-ally, give up the plan to unify Taiwan by force, and maintain economic exchanges with the United States to solve the economic crisis facing the CCP right now.


If the Wolf Warriors think it is cost-effective and get support from Xi Jinping to make a decision, they will surely be subject to further sanctions from the United States.  China's economy would be even worse, and Xi's status may not be guaranteed.  The hardships of the common Chinese would also become worse.  How much help can be given to Putin with such economic conditions?  I am not optimistic.


I have noticed that the benefits Putin has given to China over the past few years, such as cooperative development, oil pipelines, etc., can all be withdrawn at any time.  While it is given today, it may be taken back tomorrow, as the control lies in the hands of Russia.  The two countries have similar traditions when it comes to talking without counting.  The benefits China received may not be reliable benefits, while real money was handed out.


Once severely sanctioned by the United States, the Chinese economy would decline further.  Then China will be unable to pay large sums of money to Russia, thus resulting in the Russians considering it as another big deception, and a big deception at a critical moment of its life and death.  This is really critical like taking their lives.  Isn’t this spending money to attract hatred?  It can be considered Xi Jinping and Putin are helping each other yet each getting what they need is just a beautiful dream – a dream that is impossible to realize.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of this commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



Related screenshot of Wei Jingshengs commentary on RFA website:



(Written and recorded on May 16, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on May 17, 2024.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1662-W1201



Release Date: May 18, 2024



Topic: Putin and Xi Jinping Each Gets What They Need -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:普京和习近平各取所需 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生












































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