Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1663-W1202



Release Date: May 25, 2024



Topic: How to Solve the Mortgage Crisis in China -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:房贷危机如何解决 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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How to Solve the Mortgage Crisis in China

-- Wei Jingsheng



The major economic crisis now threatening the Chinese people has erupted in the form of unfinished buildings.  It seems that this is different from the economic crisis the United States had, but it is actually the same thing: both were caused by overproduction and under-consumption, and the economy has entered a vicious cycle.


The economic crisis in the United States in the 1930s used the so-called Keynesianism.  To put it bluntly, it is to continuously issue excessive amounts of money to create inflation, and at the same time use ideological means to encourage excess consumption, thereby gradually digesting excess production and restoring balance.


After that, the United States established a variety of forecasting institutions at the national level to guide private producers: try to maintain a balance between production and consumption, reduce or even eliminate the imbalance that causes crises, and maintain a generally virtuous cycle of capital.


This time, China's real estate crisis is mainly caused by two aspects.  The first aspect is that the government agencies responsible for guiding production encouraged "go fast in a big quantity" from a policy perspective.  In the 1950s, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mainly harmed agriculture and farmers, ending up with tens of millions of people starving to death.  This time, the rapid development will harm the entire economy, which is dominated by industry.  Under the slogan "go fast in a big quantity", the extraordinary expansion of infrastructure and real estate in China has given good looking and proud GDP results.


The second frightening aspect that has caused serious crises is the semi-market economic system dominated by directive policy instead of market feedback.  This directive policy actually means a planned economic system.  The characteristic of this system is that it expands the time and scope of erroneous instructions.  In terms of being divorced from market information, it exceeds the extent of the crisis in the United States in the 1930s.  Replacing market feedback with instructions from the superiors and being satisfied with false GDP results have accumulated for a long time and eventually exploded.


In a system that relies on complete market feedback to regulate production, GDP is a relatively reliable reference data.  But it's just a reference.  In a system that does not completely rely on market feedback, its reference value is greatly reduced, and it may even give wrong information.  Production guided by wrong information will inevitably produce a large amount of excess.  Not only the real estate glut caused by the infrastructure mania, but also the industrial overproduction that will be collectively guarded against by the West, are already endangering more than just China itself.


The results of the hard work of the Chinese people, including entrepreneurs, have been wasted by this wrong system.  The fundamental solution is to reform this wrong system and establish a normal market economic system.  Only then can this huge waste be fundamentally changed.  However, the system of one-party dictatorship relies on the command type economic system as its foundation.  Changing the planned economic system will also change the one-party dictatorship.


What to do?  Rely on advice from economists?  So many experts and scholars have given positive advice over the years.  Is it useful?  Even Xi Jinping’s close confidant Liu He learned some supply-side reforms from the Americans, but they didn’t have any effect either.  Why?


Since there is no broad and accurate market feedback, what does your supply side rely on to reform?  Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping, the CCP leaders who are so proud of their achievements, are more concerned about their great achievements instead of food, clothing, housing and transportation of the common Chinese people.  Therefore, converting grain and steel production into modern GDP numbers can better satisfy their vanity.


Xi Jinping’s dog-headed advisers have come up with two methods.  One is to transfer the crisis outward, and this is the excess export capacity that the United States is taking the lead in resisting.  Even if the CCP can control the White House as they boasted, it may not have much effect this time.  That is because this time it is related to the life and death of other people -- the possibility of deceiving the people again under the democratic system is zero.


The second is to pass on the crisis to the Chinese people, with the new policy of compulsory trade-in of old for new, including trade-in old houses for new ones, and deceptive practices such as the government buying up unfinished buildings and converting them into low-rent housing.  Does it work?  It was a failure right from the beginning.  Firstly, the Chinese government does not have that much money, and secondly, it is not cost-effective for the Chinese people. Even coercion has little effect.  People's money still has to be spent according to market rules.


And the most terrible thing is that corrupt officials at all levels have gained opportunities to enrich themselves and dominate the market by relying on instructions rather than market rules again.  A brutal looting will be happening again, not only to the bailout funds raised by the government, but also the poor pockets of the Chinese people.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of this commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



Related screenshot of Wei Jingshengs commentary on RFA website:



(Written and recorded on May 23, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on May 24, 2024.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1663-W1202



Release Date: May 25, 2024



Topic: How to Solve the Mortgage Crisis in China -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:房贷危机如何解决 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生











第二个造成严重危机的可怕的方面,就是以指令性政策代替市场反馈的半市场经济体制,实际上是计划经济体制。这种体制的特点,就是扩大了错误指令的时间和范围,在脱离市场信息的方面,超过了美国三十年代危机的程度。以上级指令代替市场反馈,满足于虚假的GDP 成绩,并且长期积累最终爆发。



































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