Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1668-O399



Release Date: June 5, 2024



Topic: On the Eve of the 35th anniversary of June 4 Massacre, Democracy Organizations Mourned the Victims Outside the Chinese Embassy in the United States -- Radio Free Asia report

标题:六四35周年前夕,民运组织在中国驻美使馆外悼念遇难者 -- 自由亚洲电台报道


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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On the Eve of the 35th anniversary of June 4 Massacre, Democracy Organizations Mourned the Victims Outside the Chinese Embassy in the United States

-- Radio Free Asia report

2024.06.02 12:44 ET


As the 35th anniversary of June 4 Massacre is here, the IFCSS (Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars), the National Committee of the China Democratic Party, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation and other democracy organizations gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in the United States to mourn the compatriots who died in the June 4th Massacre 35 years ago.


"Down with the Communist Party!  Liberate China!"

"Down with the Communist Party!  Democracy in China!"

"Down with the Communist Party!  World peace!"


In the anti-fascist hymn "Requiem", more than one hundred overseas Chinese democracy activists gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC in the afternoon of June 1 to commemorate their compatriots who died in the June 4th massacre.


On June 4, 1989, the most serious political incident since the Chinese Communist Party founded its regime occurred in Beijing, the capital of China, known as the "June 4th Tiananmen Incident" or "June 4th Massacre".  At that time, a large number of students and citizens demonstrated peacefully in Tiananmen Square, demanding democratic reforms and opposing corruption.  However, the authorities suppressed it by force, dispatching troops and tanks into the urban area of Beijing to carry out a bloody suppression of unarmed demonstrators, resulting in a large number of casualties.  As of now, the specific number of casualties in the June 4th massacre is still a sensitive topic in China.


This humanitarian tragedy has had a profound impact on China and even the world.  Internationally, the June 4 incident triggered widespread condemnation and sanctions, and China's international image and diplomatic relations were seriously damaged.  At home, the authorities further strengthened control over citizens' speech and political activities, curbed the pace of democratic reform, and strictly censored and blocked relevant information related to the incident.  Until now, the June 4 incident is still a taboo topic in Chinese politics and society, with official attitude of evasion and covering up.


At the commemoration on June 1, the IFCSS announced that it would award the 2024 "Freedom of Spirit Award" to imprisoned political prisoner Zhang Guiqi to commend him for his fearlessness in facing the unfair persecution of being punished for his speech.  The former IFCSS council members Dr. Lu Wenhe and Dr. Wang Ping jointly presented the award and read out the award statement: "Today, IFCSS awards Mr. Zhang Guiqi with the 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award. We want to show our deep respect to numerous Chinese human rights fighters as Mr. Zhang Guiqi, who has contributed to the Chinese democracy and freedom movement silently and courageously.  It is their selfless dedications that continuously strike the iron fist of the Chinese Communist dictatorship and attempts to bring the slightest basic human rights for the entire Chinese people."


It is reported that Mr. Zhang was born in Shen County, Shandong, in 1971.  He is commonly known by the public by his pen name “Lu Yang” and his online name “Lu xi kuang tu”.  Mr. Zhang is a well-known political dissident poet and writer.  He founded “The Yangziwan Poetry Society” and “China Modern Poetry Forum”, “Chinese Freedom and Cultural Forum”, and “Chinese Poet’s Lecturing Hall – Wenshu Academy”.  Mr. Zhang also co-signed Charter 08 and was a member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center/ICPC.  During his long-time creation of poetry and literature, due to his dedication to democratic writing which became quite influential in Chinese poetry society, he received severe persecution from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  In April 2020, he publicly voiced “Xi Jinping must step down from the position, and the CCP must be ended” speeches against the CCP in an online video.  He was taken into custody and was subsequently sentenced 6-year imprisonment under the crime of “inciting subversion of state power”, of which he has served 4 years.


Gu Yi, an IFCSS council member, said in an interview with this station that the authoritarian brutality of the Chinese authorities cannot prevent the inheritance of democracy and freedom.  He said: "This series of atrocities by the Chinese Communist Party, such an authoritarian regime, has lasted for many years.  Perhaps our personal lives are not enough to witness the final collapse of this regime, but life is endless.  Compared with them, our biggest advantage is time."


Wei Jingsheng, the well-known Chinese democracy activist, told this station that the primary goal of the overseas democracy movement work is to call on democrats inside of China to resist tyranny: "The second most important thing is to convince the international community to pay attention to human rights in China; the third is to use the Internet and other means to promote new ideas in China.  Only when people have new ideas, can they take new actions."


Reporter: Jing Wei; Editor: He Ping; Web Editor: Wu Xixi



Related photo: As the 35th anniversary of June 4 is here, the IFCSS, the National Committee of the China Democratic Party, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation and other democracy organizations gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in the United States to mourn the compatriots who died in the June 4th Massacre 35 years ago.





Original link of this report:



Related report in X:



Related audio of this report:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1668-O399



Release Date: June 5, 2024



Topic: On the Eve of the 35th anniversary of June 4 Massacre, Democracy Organizations Mourned the Victims Outside the Chinese Embassy in the United States -- Radio Free Asia report

标题:六四35周年前夕,民运组织在中国驻美使馆外悼念遇难者 -- 自由亚洲电台报道


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 自由亚洲电台报道

2024.06.02 12:44 ET






















记者:经纬; 责编:何平; 网编:伍檫愙






















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