Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1670-W1205



Release Date: June 15, 2024



Topic: Historical Issues of the 1989 Democracy Movement in China -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:八九民运的历史问题 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Historical Issues of the 1989 Democracy Movement in China

-- Wei Jingsheng



It has been 35 years since we started commemorating the 1989 democracy movement and martyrs who sacrificed their lives during that movement.  The commemorative activities in China and Hong Kong have become increasingly weaker due to the blockade and suppression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  As a result, many young Chinese are no longer very clear about the situation of that movement, let alone the lessons learned.


It is necessary to revisit that period of history and summarize the history for the new movement.  It is also necessary for the CCP to constantly distort and smear to create false images, thus to mislead or hinder the new movement.  That movement in 1989 almost shook the CCP's autocratic regime, and the fear and threat it brought to the autocratic ruling group was unprecedented.  Therefore, the CCP also spared no effort to distort and smear.


The low-level abuse and smearing by the CCP Internet agents and the affected prisoners are easy to identify, which makes it difficult to deceive people and cannot be used to create public opinion, thus no need to be concerned.  However, some so-called theories that have been popular for many years are enough to confuse the truth and mislead public opinion, which brings wrong understanding and confusion to young people.  Among them, the most popular and confusing one is that “the CCP government is guilty and the (protesting) students are also wrong”.


The deceptiveness of this theory lies in its apparent fairness.  First, it admitted that the CCP government was guilty, which is recognized by the whole world, and even people within the CCP cannot deny it.  It admitted the facts, appeared impartial, and seemed fair, which made it deceptive.  A group of unscrupulous intellectual elites also followed suit, flattering and pretending to be fair, which is in line with the characteristics of speculators who benefits from both sides.


Many ordinary Chinese who believed in this argument were fooled into confusing black and white and thus fell into the CCP's discourse trap.  Why is it said that black and white are confused?  That is because the students' strategies may not have been so thoughtful and clever, but they adhered to the minimum principles and the lowest requirements, and there was nothing wrong with them.  It has nothing to do with the June 4th massacre caused by the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).  Making students share the responsibility for the massacre is not distinguishing right from wrong and confusing black and white.  It is a well-hidden rhetoric.


Moreover, those demands for democracy and freedom are not only the ideals hoped for by the people of the whole China, but also the ideals claimed by the CCP itself for many years.  It is also the common ideal of mankind that the CCP dare not deny to this day.  How can this be said to be wrong?  It is even slandered as counter-revolutionary turmoil, or called a riot.  Isn't this a reversal of right and wrong and a slap in one’s own face?


For this magnificent large-scale movement involving the whole nation, people with conscience inside of the CCP also advocated solving it through dialogue and reform.  The democrats represented by student groups also advocated solving differences through dialogue.  There was no need to solve the problem through bloody massacres.  However, a small group of reactionaries insisted on sending troops into the capital and instigated the PLA to shoot and massacre the people, creating bloodshed to maintain the extreme authoritarian rule.  This crime should be entirely the responsibility of a small group of reactionaries within the CCP government and the PLA.


If there was any mistake made by the students and the masses, it is that they lacked understanding of the anti-democratic and anti-people nature of the CCP.  They thought that they could negotiate and consult peacefully and rationally with this group of dictatorial and authoritarian people who had lost their humanity, and even to abolish their privileges of oppressing and exploiting the people.  For this naive mistake, the people paid the price of blood and lives of thousands.


The lesson left by this massacre to the Chinese people is that they should not trust the "goodwill" of a small group of authoritarians.  The experience and lessons of the democratic system of the mankind are also that they should not unconditionally believe in the unrestrained monopoly of power of one political party.  The politics of one-party dictatorship can only be a tyranny against the people.  Only politics that is supervised and restricted by the people can serve the interests and rights of the people.


During the April 5th Movement in 1976, the movement participants demanded to make a choice within the authoritarian party, the CCP.  After the internal struggle ended, the victors quickly rehabilitated the events and related people.  The movement in 1989 was to choose between autocracy and democracy.  Before the establishment of a democratic system or before the overthrow of autocracy, the CCP would not rehabilitate the event and related people.  Only after the overthrow the autocracy can we commemorate the heroes.  By then, there would be no need for the autocratic government to rehabilitate the heroes who fought against autocracy.



(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)


Original link of this commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



Related screenshot of Wei Jingshengs commentary on RFA website:



(Written and recorded on June 9, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on June 10, 2024.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1670-W1205



Release Date: June 15, 2024



Topic: Historical Issues of the 1989 Democracy Movement in China -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:八九民运的历史问题 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生










































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