"Thurgood Marshall and the American Modern Civil Rights Movement and
Development History" by Gao ShengHan

October 21, 2012 2012年10月21日
"Thurgood Marshall and the American Modern Civil Rights Movement and Development History" by Gao ShengHan,
(introduction, foreword, contents and web page links)

"Thurgood Marshall and the American Modern Civil Rights Movement and Development History" Contents

Foreword: About Gao ShengHan and His "Thurgood Marshall and the American Modern Civil Rights Movement and Development History" -- Wei Jingsheng

Preface: From the Guest of the White House to the Master of the White House

1: 马歇尔家一门三杰
1: Three Outstanding People in the Marshall Family

2: 美国近代民权之母--罗莎·派克斯
2: The Mother of Modern Civil Rights - Rosa Parks

3: 三百八十一天的抵制巴士运动
3: Three Hundred Eighty-one Days: the Montgomery Bus Boycott Movement

4: 非暴力但不服从的抗争哲学
4: The Resistant Philosophy of Nonviolence and Disobedience

5: 血腥礼拜天游行示威事件
5: The Bloody Sunday Demonstration

6: 我曾在高山之巅上遥望全景
6: "I Have Been to the Mountaintop"

7: 天罗地网 万里缉凶
7: A Tight Encirclement to Arrest the Killer Far Away

8: 涉嫌雇凶杀人的美国联邦检察官
8: U.S. Federal Prosecutor Suspected of Incitement to Murder

9: 掐着脖子淹死九天大婴儿的穆斯林圣战
9: The Jihad that Drowned a Nine Days Old Infant

10: 祸事不断屡倒屡起的美国首都市长
10: The Ups and Downs of the Mayors of the US Capital City

11: 黑枪游魂下的马尔科姆·艾克斯
11: The Murder of Malcolm X

12: 政海浮沉的美国联邦最高法院
12: Changes in the U.S. Supreme Court Due to Politics

13: 美国副总统与财政部长的生死决斗
13: The Duel of Life and Death Between the Vice President of the US and the Secretary of the Treasury

14: 任重道远的美国联邦最高法院
14: The United States Supreme Court that Shouldered a Heavy Responsibility Over a Long Period Ahead

15: 自由主义派的游乐场
15: The Playground of the Liberalists

16: 黑鬼与狗 不得入内
16: "Negroes and Dogs Not Allowed."

17: 美国的国耻:《吉姆·乌鸦法律》
17: A National Humiliation of the USA: "Jim Crow Laws"

18: 开枪射杀种族隔离主义者的大恐龙
18: The Shooting of the Segregationist George Wallace, Jr.

19: 祸害美国民权五十八年的荒唐联邦高院判例
19: The Absurd U.S. Supreme Court Ruling that Scourged American Civil Rights for 58 years

20: 美国国魂的污点:私刑处死
20: The Stain in the U.S. National Spirit: Lynching

21: 美国联邦政府里的三K党
21: The Ku Klux Klan in the U.S. Federal Government

22: 三K党徒的美国总统群
22: US Presidents Who Were KKK Members

23: 里欧·弗兰克私刑处死案
23: The Leo Frank Lynching Case

24: 我就是印第安纳州的法律
24: "I Am the Law in Indiana"

25: 冷血阴谋屠杀三位民权义工的密西西比州政府
25: The Cold-Blooded Conspiratorial Murder of Three Civil Rights Workers by the Mississippi Government

26: 污辱黑人为非洲黑猩猩的无耻美国联邦法官
26: The Shameless Federal Judge Who Insulted African-Americans as "Chimpanzees"

27: 阿拉巴马州需要多办几次一流的葬礼
27: "Alabama Needed a Few First-class Funerals"

28: 我真的高兴没有为这么一个国家战死
28: "I Felt Damned Glad I Had Not Lost My Life Fighting for This Country"

29: 像毒打野狗一般后的自动招供
29: "Automatic Confession" Obtained After Beatings

30: 耻为美国人的泛非洲主义者
30: Pan-Africanists Who Were Ashamed to be Americans

31: 美国近代民权运动的启蒙导师
31: The Enlighten Teacher of the Modern Civil Rights Movement

32: 美国民间的废奴抗暴草莽英雄
32: A Popular American Hero, the Abolitionist Who Opposed

33: 只有鲜血才能洗涤干净这块罪恶的土地
33: "The Crimes of This Guilty Land Will Never Be Purged Away But With Blood"

34: 奴隶制度与抗暴奴隶
34: The Slavery System and Slaves Who Fought Against Tyranny

35: 从世界上最大的地主到一无所有的穷光蛋
35: From the World's Largest Landlord to a Penniless Pauper

36: 人类历史上第一个由非洲黑人奴隶创建的共和国
36: The First Republic in Human History that Was Created by African Slaves

37: 以权乱法与庸法误国
37: Power Interfered With Law and the Wrong Law Mislead the Country

38: 动摇美国奴隶制度根基的起义事件
38: The Uprisings that Shook the Foundations of American Slavery

39: 人类历史上第二个由非洲黑人奴隶创建的共和国
39: The Second Republic in Human History that Was Created by African Slaves

40: 胆敢木剑战恐龙的美国民权女前贤
40: The Brave Female Leader of American Civil Liberties


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