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The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (OCDC) is an integrated organization of democracy groups and individuals whose objective is to end the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) dictatorship and to establish freedom and democratic system of government. The overseas Chinese democracy movement has been through difficult times and setbacks, from our experiences and learned lessons, we come to this conclusion: we must put one's disagreements aside, the time has come for the overseas Chinese democracy movement to form a mature and independent opposition group, under a foresighted leadership along with a strong, clear and recognized guiding principle. |
We sincerely urge to all Chinese democrates worldwide to join the OCDC and fight for our common goal, a democratic China, where people is the true master of their own destiny. The OCDC bears the responsibility of coordination, so the Chinese Democratic movement could become more harmonious, open, tolerant and efficient. We will, in the process of promoting democracy in China, follow the peaceful, rational and non-violent principles. We are confident that victory is in our hands because we conform to the historic trend. Without a doubt, the CCP’s dictatorship will end with our effort. But we also know that we will not realize our goal unless we take one step at a time and remain persistent and dauntless. MORE for English version... |
中国民主运动海外联席会议章程 |
中国的民主运动,过去有过许多次的失败教训。孙中山先生那 一代人发动的民族主义民主运动,推翻了满清的专制统治。但是在军 阀混战和外敌入侵中没有能建立起民主政治体制,以蒋介石先生领导 的中华民国政府被赶到台湾而告一段落。它完成了民族主义的革命目 标,但没有达到民主主义的目标。
以陈独秀、李大钊、毛泽东为代表的一代共产党人接过了民主 的旗帜,在反抗外敌入侵和国民党一党专制的斗争中发展壮大。最终 用武力夺取了政权。但是这个以马克思列宁主义为宗旨的政权,从一 开始就是一党专政的极端专制主义的政治结构。在新民主主义革命阶 段建立起来的自欺欺人的民主制度,在中华人民共和国建立後迅速地 蜕化变质为专制政治的装饰品,失去了它们本来应该具有的功能... |
魏京生 (2000年12月9日) |
中国民主团结联盟 民主中国阵线 中国自由民主党 中国民主党 一九九七年十一月二十五日 |
马思边草拳毛动 山雨欲来风满楼
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莱茵河畔的民运盛会 (德国)晋 砚 1998年11 |
容纳百川成长江 汇集细壤筑泰山 晋 砚
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