Ciping Huang's recent photo 黄慈萍近照
An Introduction to HUANG,
HUANG Ciping is the director of Wei Jingsheng Foundation, a prominent Chinese
human rights NGO well known on the world stage. She also serves as the
Secretary General for the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition.
Huang Ciping was the Council Chair and president for IFCSS from 1998 to 1999
(Independent Federation of Chinese Students & Scholars in USA), and was the past
president for the Global Chinese Students and Scholars' Union. Presently, she
serves for IFCSS council and is its Human Rights Committee chair. Her
professional career had been in physics. She was a nuclear scientist and is now
a senior optical engineering consultant.
Huang Ciping was born in 1962 in Shanghai in an intellectual family of 500
years. As a prodigy child, she entered college without going through the high
school. She ranked the 3rd among the 10,000 high school graduates in Hefei
during the national entrance exam. She received a Bachelor of Science degree
from the Modern Physics Department of the University of Science and Technology
of China. During her college years, she was the first female University
champion of "Go" (Chinese chess) and won a silver medal in the Anhui provincial
college competitions, which enable her to compete on the national level with the
Huang Ciping came to the United States in 1984 for postgraduate study in
nonlinear optics at the University of Toledo and obtained a Master of Science
degree. She did volunteer work for the local and newly arrived Chinese
students' benefit and well-being. Later, she co-founded and was elected as the
president of the Chinese Student Union at the University of Toledo. She was one
of the founders of the International Alumni Affiliate at the University of
Toledo and served as its secretary. She also served as the 1st vice president
for the Toledo Chapter, PSEAWA USA (Pacific South East Asia Women's
Association), a United Nations' non-governmental organization, and is a member
of AAUW (American Association of University Women) and OSA (Optical Society of
America/American Physics Society).
After graduating, Huang Ciping worked in the industrial automation and machine
vision industry for more than a decade and became a senior optical engineer.
Presently, she works as a senior engineering consultant.
The 1989 TianAnMen massacre taught her a lesson and changed her life forever.
In particular, the tragic death of a college classmate, ZhiJing Hao, on June 4
1989 awakened her and forced her determination to work toward democracy and
freedom in China, despite her shy and private nature. She has been involved
with IFCSS since its founding in 1989. It is her intention to push Chinese
human rights and social justice whenever she can.
In the last thirteen years, Huang Ciping has written and published various
articles in both Chinese and English that touch a broad range of subjects, in
particular human rights, compassion, social reality and justice. These articles
are published both on the Internet and in the traditional media. Her most well
known articles include her "Letters to College Classmates," about her classmate
killed on June 4, 1989, and an article about her experience growing up in China
as a woman. In the first article, she described the sad events happening around
the bloody days in China. In the second article, she cried out for the Chinese
women's rights, a form of human rights that should be promoted and protected.
She received hundreds readers' response to her articles.
In the late 80's and early 90's, Huang Ciping was an editor and a special
reporter for CND (China News Digest), a very popular and well received Internet
publication about China and one of the earliest of its kind. In the last ten
years, she also gave lectures and forums in the Ohio region to American
audiences about the democracy movement and women's status in China.
Huang Ciping paid her personal price for the rights she cherished and promoted,
which she wishes to share with her fellow Chinese in China. She was detained by
Chinese secret police for days in an undisclosed location when she was visiting
her parents in China. (The incident was reported on the front page of the New
York Times on June 9, 1998.) A prison sentence was threatened when she refused
cooperation with them, until she was released under international pressure. As
punishment by the Chinese Communist government she was expelled from China, and
has been forbidden return even though she is a China citizen. She was turned
away by two dozens of police in Shanghai airport when she tried to visit her
dying father and later was refused to attend his funeral.
Huang Ciping is determined to continue her work advocating democracy, freedom,
and social justice for the Chinese. Even though she has been in many high
profile places, attended important international conferences on human rights,
fought in many battle for Chinese human rights and democracy, made many enormous
number of friends and enemies, as well as met with numerous well-known figures
such as the Dalai Lama, President Clinton, Nobel Peace winners, President Havel
and many human rights fighters in the world, Huang Ciping prefers and loves a
quiet and secluded life. Her hobbies include gardening, photographing, skiing
and reading.
一九七八年因学业成绩优异,高中未毕业即跳级报考大学,在中国科学技术大学近代物理系毕业获学士学位。她是中国科大第一届女子围棋竞赛冠军,在安徽省高校围棋竞赛中获得亚军 ,并赴北京参加全国高校围棋竞赛。
(此为英文版的缩写本)as of 2002.8
* Senior Engineer with more than 14 years experience in designing
and developing advanced optical systems for the machine vision industry
for gauging and quality control.
* Master of Science degree in Optics.
* Network system manager, computer literacy.
* Nuclear physicist.
* Knowledge and experience in design, development, integration and testing
of image processing systems, with the main effort on optics and computers;
such as geometric, diffraction, birefringence and thin-film optics
related data storage devices, and other high volume/high tech products.
* Experience and cooperation with several major monitor and display
companies, and semiconductor industry.
* Experience with the illumination design cooperated with white light,
infrared, and coherent laser light system design.
* Knowledge and experience of machine vision manufacturing process, and
ISO9000 certification process.
* Computer literacy, ability to use typical software, including the
Microsoft Office applications
* Capacity for innovation and integration in design and development. My
creativity and motivation of providing solutions for a tough and challenging
project was well received by my employers.
* My ability to detect, diagnose, and solve tough problems from an overall
level, not limited to optics, was well recognized by both my employers and
the customers.
* Familiar with production environment and always been warmly welcomed by
production personnel for my willingness and success to pass on high-tech
knowledge to the less skilled workers and for my personality and attitude
towards my duties.
* Looking for work matching my technical skills, willingness to work/manage
in a multidisciplinary team environment specifically devoted to design and
development of an innovative product, as well as passing technical knowledge
and skill to the manufacturing department.
M.S. in Physics, University of Toledo, 1988
B.S. in Experimental Physics, Univ. of Science and Tech. of China, 1983
April 2000 to present
LightWorks, Inc., Toledo, Ohio, USA
Senior Optical Engineering Consultant
June 1998 to December 1999
Perceptron, Plymouth, Michigan, USA
Senior Engineering Consultant
August 1996 to February 1998
Medar/Integral Vision, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA
Senior Optical Engineer
December 1987 to September 1999
Medar, Inc., Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA
English--Chinese translator
December 1987 to August 1996
Integral Vision/AID, Toledo, Ohio, USA
Optical/applition Engineer
December 1987 to August 1988
Department of Physics, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA
Computer and Network Manager
September 1984 to August 1987
Department of Physics, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA
Physics Teaching Assistant
August 1983 to September 1984
Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, China
Nuclear Physicist
I worked in designing and developing various compact disc and other high
density data storage inspection devices at high resolution. The devices
included defect detection, warp & birefringence measurement, and thin film
coating measurement and characterization. I worked with almost all the
major CD and data storage manufacturers in the US and abroad, such as
Time-Warner, Toshiba, Sony, Imation, and Plasmon. I was the leading designer
for DVD-9 Optical inspection for my employer, providing significant
innovation for efficiency and simplicity in optics and winning a lot of
appreciation from our customers.
I was the principal engineer for CRT black matrix and LCD display inspection
and quality control with various leading USA and foreign companies in
the industry such as Samsung and Thomson Consumer Electronics. I have
some experience in semiconductor materials such as silicon wafers.
I worked in the automobile related automation, gauging, identification and
inspection for the major USA and Japanese automobile companies, in
particular using IR cameras for the measurement and characterization of
metal and painted surfaces by different lighting schemes. This includes the
characterization of the materials and the surface quality control of the
car body and various coating materials by using different wavelengths of
the light.
I worked with many glass companies on bottle, flask, floating glass, color
filters, and car lens inspection, such as O-I, PPG, Osram-Sylvania and
Schott Glas. I was the primary optical designer for many projects, such as
spark plug quality control for Champion and other spark plug companies,
bakingware for Corning, plastic ribbon inspection for GE, printing and
cutting processes for Crane & Co. paper, steel bearing inspection for
Timken, and quality control for Goodyear tires.
My experience also includes design/build/test lens specifically to be used
for industrial non-contact inspection in a harsh environment.
Due to my years of experiences, I become an expert at using spectrophotometers,
interferometric tools and CMM measurement equipment, varies microscopes,
and other optical measurement devices. I have extensive knowledge about
using computers and needed software, with some ability to help software
programmers debug their codes.
I have experience and knowledge of the ISO9000 certification process as an
internal auditor for the company. I also improve my knowledge of the ISO
system by writing optical alignment and quality control work instructions
for production and manufacture departments. My duties also have included
tutoring less skilled workers to perform high-tech procedures.
Citizen of the People's Republic of China
(Eligible to apply for US citizenship)
Presently a Permanent Resident of the USA
(i.e. green cardholder)
Member, Optical Society of America
Member, SPIE--Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Member, American Society for Quality
Chair, Board of the Directors,
Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (USA)
Secretary General and executive of the council,
The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition
Secretary, International Alumni Affliate, University of Toledo
Committee member, Chinese Association of Greater Toledo
Member, AAUW (American Association of University Women)
First vice president, Toledo Chapter,
PPSEAWA (Pan Pacific & Southeast Asia Women's Association of the USA)
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