Workers at Liaoning Strike Again Ferroalloy factory worker from the city of Liaoyang, Liaoning Province, went once more time on the National Day’s eve to the Liaoyang municipal government to demonstrate. In September 29 and the 30th, more than 600 workers of the ferroalloy factory of Liaoyang went twice to the Liaoyang municipal government to demonstrate for requesting the release of workers delegates from the authority. The New York based Chinese Labor Watch said that in September 26, the ferroalloy factory workers posted the big-character poster, and the sending out flayers in order to appealed the workers to attended this protest. One of the imprisoned delegate’s wife said to the free Asian broadcasting station that the worker of the factory initiated the demonstration in March this year for two goals. First, to demonstrate against factory’s rotten management, this subsequently has caused the factory to go bankrupt. And secondly, to request investigation on the concerned official's responsibilities. However, the Liaoyang authority on the one hand provided payment for workers wages, and on the other hand arrested four workers delegates secretly. They are Yao Fu Xin, Pang Qing Xiang, the Xiao Yun Lian and Wang Zhao Ming. These four workers representatives have already been locked up for six months; it has exceeded the regulation of China's criminal law procedure. The Yao Fu Xin wife indicates that she has not seen the husband for four months, the family engaged attorney has not all seen the litigant till now. She also indicates that the deputy mayor of Liaoyang received them, but did not explicitly give answer about the release of workers delegates. The Chinese labor observer said that the authority of Liaoyang has paid the 5 million Yuan delinquency salary afterwards, and permitted one worker representative, Xiao Yun Liang’s family to make a jail visit. Chinese labor observer’s clerk Li Qiang said that Xiao Yun Liang’s health condition is not very good. Li Qiang said, the authority although not yet officially sued the four workers delegates, but actually involves the national secret as an excuse to forbid the detained to meet with attorney. Yao Fu Xin’s wife indicates that a government official has suggested privately that either in October or November, the concerned authority will make the decision about how to deal with the workers delegates issue. |
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