Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A20-G10

Release Date: July 4, 2003

Topic: New Office for Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the headquarters of OCDC


Original Language Version: English
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue

The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.

We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic
governance on this planet. 

You are welcome to use or distribute this release.  However, please credit with
this foundation and its website at: www.weijingsheng.org


Announcement: New home office for Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the headquarters for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition

Dear friends,

Please make a note for our new office address and other contact information change starting July 1, 2003.

Our new office address is:
415 East Capitol Street, SE
2nd floor, #2
Washington, DC 20003-3810

Our new telephone number is: 1-202-543-1538
Our new fax number is: 1-202-543-1539

Other information remaining the same includes:
Our websites: www.WeiJingsheng.org
and e-mail address: hcp@weijingsheng.org
Other contact phone numbers remain the same, including the phone number for
emergency contact at: 1-301-693-2442 (Ciping Huang).

As the executive director for the foundation, I want to let you know how delighted we are that finally we found a "home" of our own, after a long list of generosity and hospitality from various organizations and institutions providing direct and/or indirect hosting to Mr. Wei Jingsheng and this foundation in the past five and half years.  Hereby, we hope to express our gratitude to them.  They include: Columbia University, the University of California at Berkeley, the Jamestown Foundation, Public Citizen, the Family Research Council, the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the AFL-CIO.

This sense of "home" surely is a great feeling of comfort.  As for myself, I hope this move will also help end my last five years of drifting around in
Washington.  Since I took the presidency of IFCSS in 1998 and became a regular visitor in Washington DC, it has been very difficult for me personally.  It was not easy to give up the life style and comfort I had for a very hard road to advocate Chinese human rights and democracy.  Not only I gave up my good salary and my brand new company vehicle, but also suffered a setback on a professional career I really enjoyed and was proud of.   Looking back, the transitional beginning was really difficult, in particular giving up a home that is cozy and comfortable for camping in the DC area regional parks one season after another season in the snow or rain, in this effort of campaigning and lobbying for Chinese human rights and democracy.  When I awake in a cold and dark night in my tent, I had to ask myself, is it worth the effort?

Just one month ago, a recruiter located me and asked me to work for a company specializing in the machine vision industry where I had more than decade of experience.  Honestly, that offered a great temptation.  Not only did it offer a decent salary which would make my this year's income to be 10 times of my last year's income from this foundation, but also it gave me a chance to advance before I slipped too far away from my high-tech career -- I would be in charge of not just optics division, but also the software part.  I was thinking to myself: you know, you don't really like to keep going on like this, and you do not really like Washington either.

Leaving my good and cheerful friends behind, to me, Washington is always too cold and wet (or uncomfortably hot and humid), in too many ways reminding me of my miserable childhood.  Unlike the sunny California and Colorado that have more than 300 days per year of sunshine, nearly half of the time it is wet and humid in
Washington with unexpected thunderstorms.  With quite a few times of got rained over and unable to recover my wet clothes while I was trying to hush rush for some important events in Congress or such, I surely ready to cast my vote of Washington DC as the worst camping place in the US.  The beautiful Potomac River often serves as a chilly reminder of a dark night when I found out my tent was floating in the untimely pouring rain of a thunderstorm.  When I fell into a creek leading to the Potomac while trying to rescue my picnic chairs, I was reminded of my childhood falling off my bike on a rock because I was too near-sighted to see yet the family could not afford to buy eyeglasses for me.  From age of 10 and 13, I could not see anything on the blackboard.  So I was always the last unwilling student to get into class.  As soon as the class started, all I could do was to sit pretty and hoping the class got over.

The commute to DC was tough as well.  When my 2.4 liter "beggar's van" stuck in the middle of a night on the highway and I had to hike on a blizzard cold snowy road to the nearby gas station, I was reminded my childhood in China of walking home in the rain without an umbrella after fell off my father's working bike which was a 28" male style bike without a working brake.

How nice if I had an umbrella and working brake then.  It is exactly these hardship reminds me of my goal to make myself as a part of a brake to stop the cruelty of a dictatorship and as a part of umbrella of protection as a human rights defender.  And I always know that my personal sacrifice is trivial in comparison to the hardships of so many Chinese people who do not have human rights and could not even voice their dissidence.  And I am glad (and sad) that on this difficult journey, I have many great people to look up to, especially those who lost their freedom, even life, for the better being of other people and a better world.

One cannot emphasize enough how important our democracy and human rights movement is; yet it really needs more input and involvement.  I hope the concerned people out there will provide in anyway they can.  Thank you very much.

-- Ciping Huang


Although we are unable to afford to pay royalty fees at this time, we are seeking your contribution as well.  You may send your articles, comments and opinions to: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please remember, only in text files, not in attachments.

For website issues and suggestions, you may contact our professional staff and web master at: webmaster@Weijingsheng.org

To find out more about us, please also visit our websites at:
www.WeiJingSheng.org and
for news and information for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and human
rights and democracy movement as whole, especially our Chinese Labor Union

You may contact Ciping Huang at: HCP@Weijingsheng.org or
1-301-693-2442 for emergency or
Wei Jingsheng Foundation office in Washington DC at: 1-202-543-1538 (Wei WU)
Fax: 1-202-543-1539
Wei Jingsheng Foundation's address is: 415 East Capitol Street, SE, 2nd floor #2, Washington, DC 20003-3810, USA

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A20-G10

Release Date: July 4, 2003

Topic: New Office for Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the headquarters of OCDC

Original Language Version: English
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue





415 East Capitol Street, SE
2nd floor, #2
Washington, DC 20003-3810


我们的其它联系方式不变。我们的网址仍为:www.WeiJingSheng.org www.ChinaLaborUnion.org
其它有关电话号码等也照旧,其中包括与我们紧急联系的号码:1-301-693-2442 (黄慈萍)。




华盛顿给我的感觉是湿冷的,常常令我联想到我不幸的童年。与阳光普照的加州与科罗拉多相比,华盛顿太爱下雨了,以致于我多次在将赴国会等处参加重要活动前,却不得不对着一堆淋湿的衣裳发愁。如果你问我那里是最糟糕的野营地,我会果断地回答:华盛顿。Potomac 河虽美丽,可它常使我想起在瓢泼大雨中为了抢救我露营用的椅子而滑入一条通往Potomac 的小溪的那一夜。那一幕与我少儿时因为近视看不见石头而从脚踏车上摔下酷似。(我从小近视,从十岁到十三岁,黑板上的字也看不见。每天总是最后一个进教室。一上课便眼巴巴地盼望着下课。)






欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:  HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG

魏京生办公室地址: 415 East Capitol Street, SE
2nd floor, #2
Washington, DC 20003-3810
电话: 1-202-543-1538
1-301-693-2442 (



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