Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A3-O1

Release Date: January 28, 2003

Topic: Chinese New Year Call from Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (OCDC)

Original Language Version: English
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)

January 28, 2003

For the upcoming Chinese New Year on February 1, the Coalition under Mr. Wei Jingsheng's leadership wants to send our New Year greetings to our members and friends all over the world, especially those who fought hard for the human rights and democracy inside China.

We want to take this opportunity to remind the world of the worsening human rights suppression inside China, especially after the 16th congress of the Chinese Communist Party in November 2003.  We want the world to pay more attention to the suffering of average Chinese citizens whose human rights are abused constantly - including unemployed workers, underground Christians, Fa LonGong and other Qi Gong group members, minorities, families who lost their loved ones on June 4, 1989 and more.

We ask your continued effort for the early release of prisoners of conscience, especially workers' leaders such as LIU JingSheng, HU ShiGeng and KANG YuChun, and dissidents such as WANG YouCai and QIN YongMin, who are serving long sentences under harsh conditions.

In particular, we are calling for international pressure for the immediate release of the political prisoners and others detained in the year 2002.  We plea for your attention on the fate of arrested workers' leaders such as YAO Fuxin and XIAO Yunliang.   We also ask your attention on the detained activists and dissidents including those from Overseas, especially WANG BingZhang and YANG JianLi.

Although we are glad for the new freedom for Mr. FANG Jue, who has been outspoken and brave even after he finished his jail term last year, we must point out that his recent exile - an exile for an average Chinese citizen which has no precedent - is one more indicator of the worsened human rights condition in China.  The release of a few dissidents under international pressure has only been accompanied with the arrests of many times more by the Chinese Government, which takes human lives as hostage to bargain in their favor.

The immediate execution of the Tibetan Lobsang Dondrub and the death sentence of Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche (A-nga Tashi) is only another recent stage by the Chinese government in their suppression of the Tibetans - another indication that the Chinese government has no sincerity of dialog and peaceful negotiation with the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama.  The Chinese government's conspiracy of not allowing the reputable defense lawyers, Mr. ZHANG ShiZhi and Mr. LI HuiGeng into this case is another example that the government is over the laws themselves.

The disappearence of the young college student LIU Di, "the stainless steel mouse", due to her Internet writings revealed again how vicious the Chinese government could be to its innocent citizens.  When we are typing this statement, we could hear her "I am scared" call.  Hereby, we demand the Chinese government to follow its own law procedures, to response to the thousands pleas from China and Overseas, to release LIU Di immediately.

As the new year is approaching, we ask you to show your support to these who dare to stand up and these who are suppressed, by your thoughts and by your action.  In particular, we ask you to respond to our "yellow ribbon" call during the Chinese New Year period - a beautiful custom of the West which is perfectly suited for the occasion - let us show our solidarity for peace and love on this world, let us remember these dissidents and wish they will be free and be able to go home and united with their loved ones soon. 

Let us tie our yellow ribbons for the dignity of the human rights and best wishes for the upcoming Chinese New Year!

Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition

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Related information:

In Australia, Members of the Chinese democracy movement in Sydney are organizing a peaceful rally at the Chinese Consulate on Friday, 31 January between 10.00am and 11.45am. The Consulate is at 539 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills (near
Cleveland Street).

In the United States, a demonstration will be held in front of the Chinese embassy on the Chinese New Year day, Saturday, February 1, 2003.  The family members of Dr. JianLi YANG will hold a hunger strike.  The address is:
2300 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20008

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                         1-516-384-1958 for emergency or
Wei Jingsheng office in Washington DC at:     1-202-974-8396 (Jesse ZHENG) and
                                                                   1-202-974-8395 (Wei WU)
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虽然我们对方觉先生出狱感到欣慰,但他随即被中共流放海外的事实也再次证明了中共对异议人士的捉捉放放只是北京政府在玩弄与国际社会讨价还价的筹码而已. 而这种"合法公民被随意放逐"的新游戏则是中共政府人权侵犯的更上一层楼的体现。


而本名刘荻的"不锈钢老鼠"的失踪被捕案再次显示了中国政府的凶残本性。此时,我们的耳边再次听到这位在北京师范大学就读的女生"怕怕"的声音. 我们要求中国政府对海内外上千名的请愿者作出反应,遵守法律程序,立即放人.




: 联席会议悉尼的成员2003131 日星期五早上10:00 11:45 将在中国领事馆前举行一场和平示威活动,地点是:539 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills (near Cleveland Street).敬请参加.

另外:200321日在华盛顿中国大使馆前将有示威活动.杨建利的家人将在那里绝食抗议. 地点是:
2300 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20008



魏京生办公室地址: 888 16TH STREET NW #400
     WASHINGTON DC 20006
电话: 1-202-974-8395
1-516-384-1958 (紧急联系黄慈萍)


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