Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A32-W7
Release Date: October 15, 2003
Topic: Wei Jingsheng Gave Lecture at John Hopkins University, etc.



Wei Jingsheng Gives Lecture at John Hopkins University, etc.

On September 30, 2003, Mr. Wei Jingsheng gave a lecture at John Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies at the invitation of the reputed professor and author Ms. Anne Thurston. Professor Thurston is an expert on China Studies, and also one of the first few well-known American Scholars who petitioned to Deng XiaoPing for the release of Wei Jingsheng in the 1980s and thus received international attention on the matter. This year she offered two classes about China. One of them is "Human Rights and Development of Democracy in China". The week of September 30 was devoted to the topic of the "Democracy Wall" with nearly half of her reading assignments related to Mr. Wei Jingsheng. (See link at: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/bin/s/y/HRDemocracyofChinaThurston.pdf)

Wei's appearance stimulated enough interest that about half of the students attending were not even from Professor Thurston's own class and had to give up their own classes. After Wei gave a brief lecture, a question and answer session filled the rest of the two-hour class. An unofficial session lasted for nearly another two hours afterwards.

During the class, Wei outlined his maturing process in understanding democracy, reasons and background concerning what he did, the social circumstances of China, some anecdotes of people involved, and other issues he had not talked much about in the past. As usual, Wei was asked how he could keep optimistic and what was in his mind when he was sitting in the solidarity confinement of death row.

Since he arrived in the free world, Wei Jingsheng has been invited to numerous prestigious universities and institutions for research, lectures and seminars. Besides this John Hopkins University visit, a small sample of the Universities in the USA which Wei has visited include: Columbia University, University Of California at Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Tufts University, University of California at Irvine, University of Toledo, University of Virginia at Richmond, and Iowa University. He has also given lectures all over Europe and in Canada, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand, such as Oxford University, University of Paris and University of Toronto. His subjects include but are not limited to: Current China Affairs, China-US Relations, International relations, US foreign policy issues, China legal systems, Chinese freedom of press and freedom of association, Chinese Communist Party and its opposition force, and China labor issues.

Wei Jingsheng believes in the importance of education and a record of history. He hopes to win worldwide support for Chinese human rights and democracy by these approaches, and wishes to help others see the real China and get to know those people who are interested in China and are willing to help our democracy and human rights cause. Despite his busy schedule, he tries to accommodate this type of request when he can. Any interested party may write to Ciping Huang via hcp@weijingsheng.org to inquire further.


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A32-W7

Release Date: October 15, 2003

Topic: Wei Jingsheng Gave Lecture at John Hopkins University, etc.

Original Language Version: English
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue





2003年9月30日,魏京生先生应邀在约翰霍普金斯大学的国际研究学院讲课。讲课的题目是“中国的人权与民主化进程”课程中的“民主墙”一章。主持的石文安(Anne Thurston)教授不仅是个著名的作家,也是八十年代少有的几个为了魏京生而向邓小平请愿的海外中国问题专家之一。她在约翰霍普金斯大学的国际研究学院开两门有关中国问题的课。另一门是“中国的经济变化所带来的社会变迁”。(有关石文安教授的课程请参见:http://www.sais-jhu.edu/bin/s/y/HRDemocracyofChinaThurston.pdf与http://www.sais-jhu.edu/bin/g/u/GrassrootsChinaThurston.pdf。)9月30号的那一周是“民主墙”周。那一周的必读与选读教材中有一半是有关魏京生的内容。



自从他来到自由世界,魏京生先生应邀去过很多名牌大学与研究院作过研究,上过课,也给过讲座。除了这次的约翰霍普金斯大学外,魏先生还去过的美国大学包括有:哥伦比亚大学(Columbia U.),加州伯克利大学(UC Berkeley),哈佛(Harvard),耶鲁(Yale),塔夫大学(Tufts U.),加州尔湾大学(UC Irvine),托利多大学(U. Toledo),弗吉尼亚大学(U. Virginia), 爱尔华大学(Iowa U.). 他也去欧洲,加拿大,台湾,澳大利亚,新西兰等地讲过课,如牛津大学(Oxford U.), 巴黎大学, 多伦多大学(U. Toronto)等。魏先生的讲课内容包括但不限于:中国问题,美中关系,国际关系,美国对外政策,中国的法律与法制,中国的新闻与结社自由,中国共产党及其反对派,中国的劳工问题。



欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱: HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG

魏京生办公室地址: 415 East Capitol Street, SE, Suite #2
Washington, DC 20003-3810
电话: 1-202-543-1538
1-516-384-1958 (紧急联系黄慈萍)


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