Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A35-O8
Release Date: October 30, 2003
Topic: US Congressional members met Fang Jue for Chinese human rights and
Political Reform


US Congressional members met Fang Jue for Chinese human rights and Political Reform

With the arrangement of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, on October 17 and October 21 Chinese political reform advocate Mr. FANG Jue met with congressional members Representative Mike Pence and Representative Frank Wolf in their offices in Washington DC, to discuss human rights and political reform in China, etc. He also visited the offices of other Congressional members and presented his articles and talked to their aids in charge of China and Human Rights affairs. Ciping HUANG, the Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, accompanied him to the meetings and joint the conversation as well. (Photo links: http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2003/FangJ0310WolfF.jpg and http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2003/FangJ0310PenceM.jpg)

Currently a visiting scholar at Fairbank Far East Asia Center of Harvard University, Mr. Fang Jue's will for political reform in China, along with articles and writing, cost him four years in prison. Even after his release, he still continued to advocate for political reform in China, which cost him further illegal detention and later exile to United States.

In October 2002, after the release of the first annual report of the CECC (Congressional-Executive Commission on China), Fang was the only person inside China to bravely let the Wei Jingsheng Foundation use his real name as a reference to members of the CECC commissioners in expressing his desires for the commission to truthfully depict the human rights condition in China and contribute to positive political change in China. At the request of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, he even wrote an article in this regard to be sent to various US officials in charge of the affairs and publicized outside of China.

In the view of this foundation, the major step and significant improvement CECC has taken in its newly released annual report for 2003 (over last year) is partially a result of Fang's effort, and subsequently his personal sacrifice. We want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation and admiration to Mr. Fang for what he has done for a better China. We urge our Chinese people to take this action as an example, to work together for a free and democratic China.

Congressman Pence is a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and House Committee on International Relations. Congressman Wolf is the co-founder and co-chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and one of the commissioners in CECC. As a long time supporter of Chinese human rights defenders and democracy advocates, Mr. Wolf is a man not just outspoken in his human right beliefs, but also one who takes action. This fall, within a two-week period, Congressman Wolf gave 5 speeches in the Congress exposing Chinese human rights abuses. (For our members who are interested for a copy of Congressman Wolf's 5 speeches, please write to us or the Congressman's office in DC. To learn more about Congressman Wolf in his human right effort, please visit his website at: http://www.house.gov/wolf/issues/humanrights.html)

The following is a brief of the conversations Mr. Fang Jue convened to Congressman Wolf and Congressman Pence.

Fang Jue said: The whole world has been watching the new Communist leadership in China, looking to see if they will make some human rights improvement and political reform. However, after nearly half a year, they must have been very disappointed. In the later half of 2003 (in comparison with the first half), there has been significant attention and criticism over the Chinese human rights record from the US administration and Congress. The newly released annual report by the China Commission (CECC) did clearly state that, overall, there is no improvement in the Chinese human rights condition. This evaluation met the reality. Since last July, some US congressional members have openly criticized the deterioration of Chinese human rights. The State Department also openly criticized the Chinese government for not carrying out what they promised the US in December 2002 regarding the detailed improvement of the Chinese human
rights condition.

As a person who is familiar with the Communist leadership, Mr. Fang pointed out that the new Communist leadership will not voluntarily carry out the Chinese democratic process. To allow a democratic opposition would be a challenge to the Chinese Communists' one party dictatorship. Therefore, unless there is tremendous pressure both internally and internationally, they will not make any really policy and political change. Mr. Fang therefore urged the democratic countries, especially the US, to put pressure on the Chinese government in this regard, and be supportive to the Chinese democratic forces, both inside and overseas.

Mr. Fang said US politicians and the US government should not give the new leadership in China too much expectation in reality, however. It would not be healthy to the Chinese democratic process. On the one hand, the Chinese leadership will not likely start real political reform within 5, or even 10 years, therefore, the US would be disappointed. On the other, such a high expectation would reduce their attention and support to the Chinese democratic opposition. Therefore, should China become more ready for major political changes later, they will lose the opportunity due to the lack of real opposition leaders. Fang wished the US politicians and government would have their foresight to treat and to deal with China affairs.

When Congressman Wolf asked Fang about his opinion regarding a US sponsored resolution for next year's Geneva UNHCHR (United Nation's High Commission for Human Rights), Fang answered: "The resolution was not presented for year 2003. Since, the Chinese human rights condition has deteriorated, instead of improved. This proves that not presenting the resolution would not be good for the improvement of the Chinese human rights record. To present the resolution would show the international care and apply certain pressure, which could force the Chinese government to make some compromise of improvement.

During the meetings, the congressional members expressed to continue their support for the Chinese human rights and democracy movement.

(This report used material from Radio Free Asia. We express our gratitude for the material.)


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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A35-O8

Release Date: October 30, 2003

Topic: US Congressional members met Fang Jue for Chinese human rights and
Political Reform

Original Language Version: Chinese
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue





十月十七号与十月二十一号,魏京生基金会安排了原中国体制内改革人士方觉先生与美国国会衆议员麦克-潘斯(Mike Pence)和衆议员弗兰克-沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)的方别见面,就中国的人权状况和政治改革等问题交换了意见。魏京生基金会执行主任黄慈萍陪同方觉先生参加了这两个会谈并走访了其它议员的办公室并与其主管中国及人权事务的职员进行了交谈。(相片联接:http://weijingsheng.org/pic/newsletters/newsletters2003/FangJ0310WolfF.jpg and














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