Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A38-M7
Release Date: November 19, 2003
Topic: China Issues Public Forum Announcement: Status & Counter Measures of Deteriorating Human Rights in China (on November 22, 2003 in Maryland, USA)


China Issues Public Forum:

Last Saturday (11-15-2003), ten thousand people from different parts of Taiwan gathered in front of the Presidential Hall in Taipei to support, "Stop Tortures and Crimes, Bring Jiang to Justice". A lawsuit was also submitted to the highest judiciary authority against Jiang Zemin, the former President of People's Republic of China. To echo to the people's voices in Taipei and in many other major cities in the world, the Greater Washington DC Global Coalition To Bring Jiang To Justice (DC-GCBJTJ) will host a Public Forum on the status and counter measures of the deteriorating human rights in China to help better understand this global movement for justice.

A dozen of well known China experts, scholars, democratic movement leaders, and overseas Chinese community leaders will speak on the topic from different perspectives and participate as panelists. The speakers include: Hongkuan Li (Forum moderator), chief editor of Da-Can-Kao (VIP Reference) website; Wei Jingsheng, chairman of Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition; Prof. Chen Kuide, executive director of Princeton China Study Institute; Wang Neng-Hsiang, pioneer/leader of Taiwan democratic movement; Wang Tao, chairman of Global Anti-Article 23 Legislation Coalition; Lin Yuan, executive member of Chinese Nationalist Party Washington DC branch; Prof. Nieh Sen, Falun Gong practitioner; Ye Ning, human rights attorney; Prof. Gao Zhan, scholar of China study, etc. The Forum includes invited speeches, panel discussions, Q&As, and a reception with light refreshment. It's open to public; free admission; all are welcome!

Time: November 22 (Saturday) 2003, 1:30pm - 5:00pm
Place: Hearing Room (3rd fl.), County Council Office Building
100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD.

Driving Direction: I-270 Exit 5 toward Rockville town center, cross first light -->Maryland Ave. -->Fleet St., turn right to County Council Office parking lot; Parking is free. Enter from the back door.

By Subway: Red line off at Rockville station, cross Route 355 to Monroe St. South to Jefferson St., Turn right, along Jefferson St. for one block; turn left to Maryland Ave. Council Office Building is on your left. Turn to the back door from Fleet St., turn left, go to the third floor.

Organizer: Greater Washington DC Global Coalition To Bring Jiang ZeMin To Justice
Contact: 301-437-8656 Nancy

During the past 13 years, former China President Jiang Zemin has brought disasters to China and the world through deceiving and suppressing people. From the ban of "World Economic Guide Newspaper " in Shanghai right before the 6.4 event of 1989, he usurped the top position of China by stepping on the blood of students in Tiananmen Square; Since then, he has been suppressing people's freedom, persecuting people of religion and beliefs, and attacking dissidents; By blocking and control the internet, he deprived people's rights of awareness and to information; He secretly gave large Chinese land to Russia; He hid the truth of massacre of the 6.4 student demonstration; He plotted the Tiananman Self-Immolation event to defame Falun Gong practitioners; He coerced the Hong Kong government to legislate the Article 23 of the Basic Law which violated the human rights and rule-of-law of Hong Kong; He blocked the truth of SARS which led to the outbreak of SARS epidemic to many other countries; He protected the corrupted officials which instigated the country-wide corruption of officers and people's virtue, and led to huge amount of public wealth being taken as officers' personal property and transferred to Overseas.


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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue: A38-M7

Release Date: November 19, 2003

Topic: China Issues Public Forum Announcement: Status & Counter Measures of Deteriorating Human Rights in China (on November 22, 2003 in Maryland, USA)

Original Language Version: Chinese
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
Please visit our website if you have problem to read Chinese in this issue




中國問題公眾研討會︰人權 與 正義

免費入場 歡迎參加 提問討論

台灣在本月15日有上萬民眾齊聚台北市總統府前召開【制止殘害人類﹐萬人聲援大會】活動﹐ 並遞狀控告前中國國家主席江澤民。為了響應全球各大城市風起雲湧舉辦的有關推動公審江澤民活動﹐大華府全球公審江澤民大聯盟特別邀請到多位中國問題專家、學者和僑界領袖﹐就中國人權每況愈下及正義不彰的情況﹐從不同的角度和層面進行討論。參加研討會的有﹕大參考網站主編李洪寬(研討會主持人)﹐中國民主運動海外聯席會議主席魏京生﹐ 普林斯頓中國學社執行主席陳奎德﹐台灣民主運動元老王能祥﹐全球反對香港23條立法大聯盟主席王濤﹐中國國民黨美京黨部林遠常委﹐法輪功學員聶森教授﹐大華府人權律師葉寧。。。等十位專家學者及僑領。 除演講外並和與會者進行座談﹐歡迎各界人士參加﹐ 備有茶點招待﹗

時間﹕十一月二十二日(週六)﹐ 下午1:30 至 5︰00

地點:Hearing Room (3rd floor), County Council office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD ( 洛城公共圖書館馬路對面 )

方向: I –270, 5 號出口,朝Rockville town center 方向,向前直走穿過第一個紅綠燈,就是Maryland Avenue,繼續向前開在Fleet St. 向右轉即是County Council office 停車場。週末免費停車,由停車場直接進後門上三樓。

乘地鐵: 紅線Rockville 站下車,穿過Route 355 到Monroe St.順著Monroe St,向南 穿過Jefferson St. 向右轉。 沿著Jefferson St.走 One Block 左轉到Maryland Ave ,你可看到 Council office Building 在你左手邊,因週末前門不開,請走到Fleet St. 左轉,從後門上三樓。

主辦﹕大華府全球公審江澤民大聯盟﹔ 訊問聯繫電話﹕301-437-8656 Nancy

十三年來,前中國國家主席江澤民欺世害民,將災禍帶遍了中華大地乃至世界。江氏封殺世界經濟導報,踏著六四學生的血跡竊取高位﹔壓制自由,迫害宗教信仰,打擊異議人士﹔鉗制媒體封鎖互聯網,剝奪人民知情權﹔秘密出讓國土﹔掩蓋六四屠殺真相﹔蓄意製造天安門自焚事件,嫁禍法輪功﹔脅迫香港特區政府制訂《基本法》二十三條,破壞香港人權法治﹔ 隱瞞 SARS 疫情,草菅人命,導致瘟疫蔓延全球﹔庇護巨貪,助長了全國範圍內的貪污腐化和道德敗壞,致使大量國有資產被貪官們竊為私有,流失海外。


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2nd floor, #2
Washington, DC 20003-3810
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