Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A4-L1
Release Date: February 4, 2003
Topic: Foundation Focus on Workers' Movement and Two articles by Mr. WEI
Original Language Version: Chinese
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy 
Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization 
China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.
We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic 
governance on this planet.  
You are welcome to use or distribute this release.  However, please credit 
with this foundation and its website at: www.weijingsheng.org
February 1, 2003
Editor's Words: Condolences and Thoughts for the Columbia Tragedy
As the editor compiling this issue of the newsletter, I heard the tragedy of 
the space shuttle Columbia.  As a physicist by training, I felt more at a 
loss.  It was great human achievements like the space program that inspired a 
middle school kid to skip high school and take physics as her college major - 
for it was the most challenging.  Nevertheless, it was the loss of lives such 
as the Challenger tragedy in 1986 that made me more than ever realize how 
fragile yet what a treasure human lives are.  These lives taught us that 
'where there is a will there is a way' although with a dear price.  
Nowadays, the democracy and human rights we Chinese are working for makes me 
feel even more challenged.  The fight for Chinese democracy and human rights 
cost many more human lives and freedom on its way, without much knowing to 
the rest world.  The current situation in China could be so explosive, and 
could lead to deadly consequences when it fires.  We have heard of massive 
uprisings and unrests in the past, but we have missed much more.  
We want to see peace and harmony for our Chinese people, yet we must be 
prepared for the worst. 
From this issue on, we will start to distribute news and articles about the 
Chinese workers' movement, as well as the Chinese law system and foreign 
workers' unions experience.  Here we are going to share with you the focus of 
our mission regarding unions and the workers' movement in China, including 
two articles by Mr. WEI Jingsheng.   Our effort is to provide some guidance, 
suggestions, help and an improved communication to our brothers and sisters 
in China.
Thanks you,
-- Ciping HUANG
Part 1: The WEI Jingsheng Foundation Focuses its Work on the Workers Movement 
and Labor Unions in the following aspects:
1. To assist Chinese workers' fighting for their basic rights by all means 
2. To tear down the Chinese totalitarian regime's information iron wall, to 
inform Chinese labor activists about events from in and out of China through 
technological means 
3.To build up a stronger labor network web, so that the Chinese 
non-governmental labor movement could be better and more represented and 
4. To establish a healthy non-governmental civil society, thus enabling the 
teaching of labor laws to all workers who want to defend their rights by 
peaceful and legal means 
5. To pressure Western governments and appeal to the international community 
for attention on the Chinese workers' fights for their basic human rights 
Part 2: Article by Mr. WEI Jingsheng (1)
In the last few years, there has grown a massive workers' movement in China.  
However, due to lack of experience and lack of communication and information, 
this movement often ended up without reaching its goals.  How could we have 
an effective struggle?
First and the most important, we must be organized.
Workers belong to one of the weakest social groups. Without appropriate 
organizations that have the purpose of uniting together to protect their 
social and economic interests, workers are powerless against oppressive 
official apparatus and business corporations. Furthermore, in China, the 
Communist Party was founded from a union movement of the workers and 
peasants, thus the Communist Party understands the nature and threat of a 
worker movement - socially and politically. Indeed, not surprisingly the 
Chinese Communists prohibit all non-governmental worker unions, and other 
organizations in the society with any political color or purposes.  Under the 
Chinese law, self-organized, independent unions in China are unlawful and its 
members will face strong penalty charges and prison sentences.
Presently, there is a very low possibility of publicly organizing workers 
unions in China.  The more feasible way is to make the organization 
non-political and multi-faceted on the surface, to gain the chance of playing 
a cat and mouse game with the government.  The key point is to keep the 
organization long and stay together, meanwhile protecting the workers' 
leaders.  During the process, one should avoid presenting political goals to 
upset the government.  Instead, presenting the essential requests which fill 
the majority's interest would just as well reach the goal of unity and 
keeping the organization alive.
Second, the struggle should take a lawful approach.
Some have pointed out that worker movements should learn from history, 
precisely the illegal underground political organization that the CCP 
originated from. However, such methods could only legitimize the CCP's 
oppression and use it as excuse to against non-governmental political 
organizations.  In comparison with Western democratic countries, China lacks 
laws and fails on its own limited laws.  However, in reality, the Chinese 
people have been taking advantage of the laws that do exist.  This is the 
window we could use.  Our workers' brothers and sisters who are not experts 
on certain legal aspects should try to learn from the intellectuals, 
especially lawyers who share the same political conviction.  The best way is 
to have these two forces united together to explore the possibility of legal 
fighting.  Even a small step shall mean a big victory.  Success accumulates 
Due to the corruption and incapacity of the Communist government, there are 
severe illegal activities by the foreign invested joint ventures in Mainland 
China.  One approach is to investigate the cases of labor abuse in these 
businesses, which could be argued as beginning a lawful fight to guarantee 
workers basic rights. 
Another focus could be using the internal fractionation of the Communist 
party, since most of the Chinese laws are manipulated for political reasons.  
We need to take opportunities to get the help we need from the internal 
fights and interest conflicts of the Communist government.
Third, we must learn about the importance of media power
As we know, the media in both mainland and HK are under tight control from 
CCP.  However, the western media has more freedom.  Approaching western 
journalists and their companies' offices in China (such as the ones of RFA, 
VOA or BBC) is the only reasonably reliable channel for inland Chinese to 
inform outsiders about continuing worker movements.  One could call in or 
interview to get the message sent out both to overseas and back to China, for 
these stations have a large amount of Chinese audience.  In addition, such 
coverage and publicity from western media also gives pressure that would 
protect workers' leaders.
Part 3: Article by Mr. WEI Jingsheng (2)
When people are talking about recent workers movements in China, they often 
refer to formerly employed persons from state-owned enterprises. However, 
because of the increasing numbers of countryside migrants in cities working 
as temp workers or housekeepers, such a population constitutes a silent 
formation of another social force that should not be ignored.  
In reality, the government could hardly control such social groups because no 
one could establish a liaison with them. Those populations due to either 
regionalism or dialectical facility have been forming groups upon those 
factors.  And, in order to protect their basic rights it is not rare to see 
them protest for, for instance, their legal residential right or working 
rights. Therefore, we have to improve our connection with those people for 
future cooperation when we are promoting workers' movements inside of China.
Of course, we should follow principles of not politicalizing and not 
religiously converting any groups inside of China.  The most effective way is 
to organize on the basis of simple benefits such as limited working hours, 
welfare and protection, etc.  Take the means of negotiation, or pleas, to the 
local people's congress to make a peaceful and rational struggle for the 
ultimate goals.  Unfortunately, those migrants have virtually no basic 
rights.  Recently, one young girl coming from Sichuan Province died of 
fatigue in a joint venture factory in Shenzheng.  No one cared and her 
parents did not receive any compensation from the factory, nor did they 
receive any legal help. Therefore, we must find what is available from 
Chinese law, with assistance from Chinese legal experts who have some basic 
conscience and compassion.  Even one specific case as a starting point will 
broaden the fight for basic social protection. 
On the other side, the flowing migration from the countryside should not only 
unite themselves together, but also should expand into the rest of society to 
win the compassion and support for the other social groups in the cities.  To 
use the local paper as much as possible to expose the corruption of officials 
and the darkness of the society is one way.  The other way is to use the 
Overseas' media such as Radio Free Asia, Voice of America and BBC as the 
channels to reach out.
Although we are unable to afford to pay royalty fees at this time, we are 
seeking your contribution as well.  You may send your articles, comments and 
opinions to: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please remember, only in text files, not 
in attachments.
For website issues and suggestions, you may contact our professional staff 
and web master at: webmaster@Weijingsheng.org
To find out more about us, please also visit our other website at:
for news and information for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and human 
rights and democracy movement as whole, especially our Chinese Labor Union 
You may contact Ciping Huang at:     HCP@Weijingsheng.org or
                                           1-516-384-1958 for emergency or
Wei Jingsheng Foundatin office in Washington DC at: 1-202-974-8395 (Wei WU)
Wei Jingsheng Foundation's address is:   888 16th Street, NW, Suite 400
                                               Washington, DC 20006, USA
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A4-L1
Release Date: February 4, 2003
Topic: Foundation Focus on Workers' Movement and Two articles by Mr. WEI
Original Language Version: Chinese
(English at beginning, Chinese version at the end)
步地相信了, 只要努力,又愿意付出,就必能成功的道理。
1. 协助中国工人争取自身利益
2. 突破中共独裁政权所设置的信息"柏林墙",通过互联网向中国国内的工运骨干提供境内外各种信息
3. 建立一个庞大的劳工网站,使国内地下独立工会更具组织性和代表性
4. 建立一个健康的非政府的文明社会,教导中国劳工以和平理性的态度,用法律来保护自己
5. 敦促西方政府和有关国际社会关注中国劳工为他们的基本人权而进行的奋争
-- 魏京生
等在大陆拥有广大听众的中文节目用电话叩应(CALL IN)等方式形成常规的信息交流系统.
-- 魏京生
另外还应该经常利用地方小报揭露官商的腐败和社会的黑暗.当然,海外传媒如RFA,VOA BBC
欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:     HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG 
地址:    888 16TH STREET NW #400
                WASHINGTON DC 20006
电话:    1-202-974-8395
    1-516-384-1958 (紧急联系黄慈萍)
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