Taipei, 17th November: ROC [Republic of China] Foreign Affairs Minister Jason Hu on Sunday expressed welcome towards the release of top mainland Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng. More
1998 年 12 月 28 日
龙应台, 一九九八年十二月 More
February 27, 2001, Taipei Times
One of mainland China's best-known exiled dissidents, Wei Jingsheng, yesterday criticized ROC officials for being too eager to woo their PRC counterparts, adding that such an approach could be perceived as a sign of weakness by mainland leaders. More
February 26, 2001 CNN
World TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A top Chinese political dissident has criticized Taiwan for being too eager to improve relations with China. Wei Jingsheng has also criticized Taipei for failing to push harder for human rights and democracy on the mainland. Wei spent 17 years in a Chinese prison and was freed on medical parole three years ago. More
March 2, 2001, Taipei Times
The ROC government cannot accept the "one China" principle when engaging in cross-strait talks, despite it being a precondition for mainland China, because both sides must be on an equal footing if involved in any negotiations, according to Wei Jingsheng, one of the mainland's best known exiled dissidents. More
BBC March 8. 2001
台灣總統陳水扁今天(3月8日)接見中國大陸異議人士魏京生,強調人權立國和言論自由,並表示希望可以共同推動"兩岸人權委員會"或"兩岸人權國際論壇"。 More
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新世纪 总57期 2001年3月号
2月26日应台湾民进党前任主席施明德先生邀请魏京生先生第四次访问台湾, 施明德魏京生首场对谈会场爆满, 连战魏京生会面畅谈政局 More |
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中国民运人士魏京生来台期间,在Taiwan News安排下与中国问题专家、淡大客座教授阮铭及Taiwan News社长杨宪宏,进行一场深度对谈。话题包括两岸三通的影响、中国十六大后的情势及台湾中国双重国籍问题等。 魏京生在对谈中表示,台湾钱一直涌向大陆,商人不考虑台湾的生存,而且还拿中国的护照,政治家也有人拿中国的钱在搞政治,所以要问清楚他们是不是放弃台湾主权地位。他还强调,两岸谈判的前题是要「对等」,就是中国要承认台湾的主权,否则没办法谈直航问题。More
魏京生谈: 不得不谈的统独问题
12/12/02. Washington DC
最近我到台湾办事,正值台北,高雄两市选举.选战异常激烈,也暴露出台湾的政治和经济各方面的问题.于是有友人邀我在媒体上谈话,点评台湾的政治和人物.这是各界友人对我的厚爱和信任,我自然要畅所欲言.也自然会引起北京方面的不满和攻击.这些都是预料中事,不足为论. 奇怪的是在北京方面常规的噪音里面,还夹杂着许多来自所谓异议人士的不满,甚至有民运内部的同志大叫”反对台独”.这就不能不分辨一下是非,让同志们解除疑虑,不至于为中共统战阴谋所乘,搅乱了自己的阵营. 议论颇多难以遍观.仅就所见一部分议论便可看出,主要问题在于混淆了以下两种界限.分别辩析如下. Chinese / English
March 2003
Speaking in Atlanta, leading Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng gave his views on the situation of Taiwan. Wei underscored the importance of peace across the Taiwan strait, but observed that promises of "one country, two systems" from the Mainland government are not trustworthy, coming from a dictatorship. Wei noted that Taiwan is in fact an independent state, with its Republic of China (ROC) government having been established in 1911. While Mr. Wei encouraged Taiwanese people to have a sense of independence, he counseled that for peace and freedom, it is best to maintain the status quo. He urges that discussion of reunification versus independence be shelved until such time as Mainland China is under a truly democratic government. Noting that the specter of war would recede, given a democratic government in China, here is why Chinese democracy matters very much to Taiwanese people. Wei appealed for Taiwanese to treat the Chinese democracy movement as their own cause.
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